fifty one

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a few weeks later...

"My back hurts," I frowned.

"I'm sorry baby," Dalton pouted, "Want me to give you a massage?"

I lightly nodded and removed my nightgown. I tied my hair into a messy bun and lied down on my side. He took the oil from the cabinet, rubbing them all over his hands.

"Relax okay, baby?" I nodded and he began doing his work. I felt the tension starting to leave my back. Being 30 weeks pregnant really wore me out. We just finished decorating the nursery yesterday and did all the shopping last week. The babies are gonna be here in around seven weeks from now.

"Baby, can you please go a little lower? That's where most of the pain is."

"Of course baby," he smiled and began working on my lower back.

"You like it babe?"


He kept on massaging my back for another half an hour and I could tell that he's starting to feel tired.

"That's enough baby, you can have a rest now," I lightly smiled.

"Are you sure?" he asked and I nodded. I put my nightgown back on and we cuddled in bed together.

"Thank you so much for the massage, I feel a lot better now," I smiled.

"Anything for my baby," he softly kissed my head.

"Hey pickles, it's your daddy," he said to my stomach, "Mommy and I can't wait to meet you guys. Seven weeks to go."

He planted a kiss on my stomach and softly rubbed it, making me smile. I placed my hand on my stomach and the babies began to kick. Just then, one of them gave me a painful kick on my ribs.

"One of them kicked on my ribs and it's sore," I pouted.

"Hi pickles, whoever hurt Mommy, I know you love moving around, but please be more gentle, I'm sure Mommy's going to appreciate it," Dalton said to my stomach. The kicks became more gentle.

"It works," I smiled.

"Thanks little one, Daddy loves you both," he kissed my stomach.

"You too, Mommy," he pecked my lips, making me blush. Both of the babies have turned head down, meaning I'll be able to deliver both babies vaginally, thank goodness. The idea of having a C-section scared me even more. I mean, imagine getting a large incision on your stomach. Recovering from it would be very painful.

I snuggled closer to Dalton and he kissed my head, making me smile. Just then, my stomach started to rumble.

"I'll get you some food," Dalton said.

"No, it's fine," I told him.

"Baby, you're eating for three, the babies are gonna get pissed off at you if you don't eat," he booped on my nose.

"Okay, fine, but be quick, or they're gonna get pissed off at their daddy," I giggled.

"Sure baby," he smiled and went downstairs. Myron snuggled next to me and rested his head on my bump. Ever since we came back from our honeymoon, he had gotten even more protective of me. He apparently knew about the babies, same thing with Toulouse and all the other dogs. Soon, Dalton came back upstairs with a plate.

"Hi Myron, you've been a really good boy to Mommy, huh?" he smiled, petting his head.

"Here baby, I got you crackers and hummus," he gave me the plate. Perfect. They're my main cravings the past few weeks.

"Thank you babe," I smiled.

"Anything for you and our boys."

"Want some?" I offered. "No thanks, I'm good."

"Okay, just making sure," I smiled. I began eating and finished everything pretty soon enough. I placed the plate on the bedside table and snuggled closer to Dalton. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head.

"Baby?" I called.


"Thank you so much for taking such a good care of me throughout the pregnancy," I smiled.

"You're welcome tiny bean," he smiled, "It's my pleasure. Besides, you're growing and taking good care of our boys, which takes a lot of effort, so it's my turn to take good care of you. You deserve it."

"Babyyy," I gave him puppy eyes, "you're the best."

"Nah, I'm just being a decent husband and dad," he smiled and softly kissed my lips, making me feel butterflies in my stomach.

"I need to pee," I pouted. He helped me get up and go to the bathroom. I did my business and he helped me get back up and into our room. Recently, I had to pee so much, and having a big ass bump made everything worse. I could barely get up on my own. Dalton had to help me most of the time.

"I hate the fact that I have to pee all the damn time and not being able to get up on my own," I frowned.

"That's why I'm here," he smiled. He decided to continue working from home so that he could look after me although the whole covid situation had improved. I couldn't ask for a better man.


"Baby, can we take a look at the checklist of our preparations? Just to make sure," I asked Dalton.


"First, diapers."




"Baby bottles."


"Baby clothes."


"Baby wipes."




"Changing table."


"Baby monitor."




"And hospital bag."


"I guess we're ready," he smiled, softly ruffling my hair.

"I'm so excited," I beamed.

"Me too, we're meeting them really soon."

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