forty three

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a couple of days later...

"How the fuck did they find out so quickly?" I sighed. Yep, the media found out about our wedding just two or three days after it happened. We've been keeping quiet for about a week now since the speculations began, and they were still circulating.

"I know right?" Dalton frowned, "Like who the fuck always tells TMZ stuff? They're always the first to know."

"It's been a week since the speculations came out, I think it's time to confirm the them," I frowned.

"Are you ready though?" he asked.

"Not really," I sighed, "I still want peace between the two of us before everyone else finds out, but this isn't peace. If I don't confirm a thing, I feel so fucking pressured, but if I do, people might start hating on you again for absolutely no reason."

"That's true, just do whatever you feel like is right."

"I think we should post the pictures now."

"Alright, let's do it then."

We picked up our phones and selected the pictures we wanted to use. I decided to divide them into three different posts. Posted. I put my phone away and placed my head on Dalton's shoulder.

"I'm scared," I pouted. He wrapped his arms around me and softly kissed my head.

"Let's make a deal," he smiled, "if you stop looking at the comments after you see a hate comment, we can cuddle all day."



"I feel safe in your arms," I mumbled onto Dalton's chest. He softly caressed my back and kissed my lips. Yep, I saw a hate comment and stopped looking at the rest of the comments, so here we are, cuddling all day.

"I still can't stop freaking out over the fact that you're my wife," he smiled.

"As if I can stop freaking out over the fact that you're my husband," I chuckled.

"But you're a pop star known by the whole world while I'm just a nobody."

"Baby, don't say that," I pouted, "you're not a nobody. You're Dalton Gomez, my soulmate and the person I fell in love with. You're always making me feel safe and happy around you, and don't forget that you're an absolute cutie."

"Babyyy," he gave me puppy eyes and I softly kissed his lips.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me," I added, making him smile.

"You're the best," he smiled.

"No, you are, end of discussion."


"I'm hungry," I pouted.

"Want to order something?" he asked, "Or do you want me to cook?"

"I miss the food you cook, so let's make something together," I answered and he nodded.

"What would you like?"

"I don't know, I think anything will do."

"Wow, I just knew there's a food called anything," he chuckled and I playfully smacked his arm.

"Come on, come up with something, I'm hungry," I pouted.

"Okay, okay," he laughed, "I'll make you your favorite salad before you become a grumpy little lady."


"But I was just telling the truth."

"Fine, no pussy until our honeymoon."

"You're being mean," he frowned.

"You can reverse it back if you give me my salad," I smirked.

"Fine, fine, I'll do it now," he chuckled and I laughed. He then went to the kitchen and I followed him. We then began cooking and when we were done, we ate together.

"I started eating healthy thanks to you," he chuckled.

"Good, Tori told me that you used to eat every fucking thing and had a trip to McDonald's every other week," I laughed and he blushed.

"At least I stopped, you know?" he defended himself.

"You're so funny when you get all defensive."

"And you're so funny when you got mad everytime I call you tiny."

"I thought we're done with that," I whined.


"Alright, giraffe, let's continue the game, then," I smirked.

"Hey! You're the tiniest bully I know."

"And you're the biggest bully I know."

"So we're still gonna be bullying each other 24/7 although we're now a married couple?" he frowned and I laughed.

"Sure will."

"Our future kids are gonna think we're weirdos for this," he chuckled.

"Shut up, now I'm even more excited to have kids with you, but I still have a lot to do," I pouted.

"Awe baby," he softly kissed my cheek.

"We're gonna have the cutest babies though," I smiled.

"Ooh, definitely, and they're gonna be so lucky, 'cause you're gonna be an amazing mom."

"Don't forget their dad," I added, making him smile.

"I just hope they won't be so troublesome," I chuckled.

"I know right? I hope they won't act like Tori and Frankie," he laughed.

"Oh gosh, not them, they're both annoying as fuck," I added and we both laughed.

"Why do I have a feeling that one of our kids would be an introvert though?" he asked.

"I don't know, but me too."

"And that introverted kid would look the most similar to you," he added.

"Are we fortune telling now?" I chuckled.

"Nope, just making predictions," he giggled and I kissed his cheek.

"But for real though, when the time comes, I really hope our kids look so much like you. That way, we're gonna have mini Arianas running around," he smiled.

"I really can't wait," I smiled.

"Me neither."

I placed my head on his chest and he ran his fingers through my hair. I smiled at the thought of him as my husband. I can't believe I'm the lucky one.

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