fifty seven

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a few days later...

"And that's a wrap for today," Tommy said at the end of our studio session. I collected my things and drove back home. I finally returned to work after so long. It's been almost two years since positions came out, and my fans have been dreading for new music, so I guess I'll treat them. Dalton's working from home, so he could watch the twins while I was at the studio. I pulled up at our driveway and unlocked the door to our house.

"I'm home," I called as I entered the house.

"Hi baby," Dalton wrapped his arms around me and softly kissed my lips, "how's work?"

"It feels great to start making music again," I smiled.

"Glad you're having a great day at work," he smiled, "The twins miss you so much. They fell asleep waiting for you to come home."

"Poor babies," I pouted.

"How was babysitting the twins? Were they troublesome?" I chuckled.

"Alistair tried standing up and nearly fell onto Marshall," he giggled.

"Oh shit," I laughed, "I guess they chose to act up when Mommy's away."

"Oh definitely," he chuckled, "because they know Mommy's grumpy."


"Come, let's just go upstairs so that we can cuddle," he smiled.

"Or fuck," I smirked. He smirked and picked me up, carrying me upstairs to our room. We began undressing each other and everything escalated very quickly from there.


"Holy shit," I breathed out, "that was amazing."

Dalton wrapped his arm around my body and I snuggled up to his chest. He softly planted a kiss on my head, making me smile. Sex was never the same ever since I gave birth to the twins. I haven't been experiencing as much pleasure. Thank goodness Dalton's really understanding and patient with me. He would always make sure I'm comfortable before anything. Thankfully, today's different. All the pleasure seemed to return.

"Are you sore?" Dalton asked, softly rubbing my inner thigh.

"A little."

"I'm so sorry baby," he pouted.

"No, don't be," I lightly smiled, "It's the best sex I've had in a while. All the pleasure has seemed to return."

"Really?" he lit up. I smiled and nodded.

"Great to hear that, I'm so happy for you," he smiled. He wrapped his arm around me and I softly kissed his lips.

"I still can't believe we're married and are parents now," I lightly smiled, "I've always wanted to get married and have kids. I'm beyond grateful that it all came true and that you're the person I got married to and have kids with."

"Baby," he gave me puppy eyes.

"You saved my life," I continued as tears threatened to spill out, "After having to go through months of abuse, getting raped and having a miscarriage, I chose to stop believing in love."

"I-" I started to cry, "I was afraid of trusting any other men. I was too scared of getting hurt and going through all the pain again. Y-you came to my life at the perfect time and proved me wrong."

"Oh baby," he gently rubbed my back, "I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. You did nothing to deserve any of those. Thank you so much for staying strong. I could never imagine my life without you."

At this point, tears were streaming down his face. He held me in his arms, not wanting to let go. I nuzzled up to his chest and softly rubbed his back. Gosh, what did I do to deserve him?

"I'm sorry for making you cry," I whispered and wiped off the tears on his cheek.

"It's okay baby," he softly rubbed my back. He stayed quiet and I immediately sensed that something's wrong.

"Baby, is everything okay?" I asked him.

"Y-yeah," he answered, but I didn't buy it. He seemed hesitant.

"Baby, you know you can always tell me anything right?"

"I- the truth is that I was also in a toxic relationship before I started dating you," he admitted, "Danielle, the girl I was dating at the time, could be very abusive. She would sometimes hit me and accuse me of things I didn't do. At one point, she accused me of raping her, and a lot of my friends at the time believed her and steered clear away from me. I tried to tell everyone the truth, but only few people believed me, because who would believe a man in this case? Only my family and current friends believed me, and I even nearly lost my job because of it. Thank goodness I managed to prove my innocence to my boss. When I started dating you, I immediately felt a sense of connection because of our similar history, although I didn't go through as much as you did."

"Oh baby," I softly kissed him, "I'm so sorry, I didn't know. Don't worry, I completely believe you, but why didn't you tell me about this sooner?"

"Because I thought you wouldn't believe me," he frowned.

"Of course I would believe you," I reassured, "Innocent until proven guilty, remember?"

He buried his face onto my chest and I softly rubbed my back. My poor baby, I didn't know what he had to go through.

"Baby?" he softly called. "Yeah?"

"There's actually something else I need to tell you, but promise you won't get mad at me?"

"Of course baby, you can tell me anything."

"I-I received a text message from her yesterday and she said that I might be the father of her two-year-old son," he said quietly, "I mean, i-it's not impossible. I broke up with her in July 2019, and her son was born on March 2020. I don't know what to do, I just hope that the kid belongs to the guy she cheated on me with. I don't want to be linked to her anymore."

"I think you should demand a paternity test," I told him, "I mean, we won't really know for sure unless you get tested. I'll contact my lawyer to help you get a court order if you want to. That way, that crazy bitch won't have a choice."

"I-I think that would be a great idea," he said quietly. I nuzzled up to him and softly kissed his cheek. My poor baby, I couldn't imagine how terrible he must've felt. It must've been so scary to be connected to someone who had made your life a living hell. That crazy bitch better leave my man alone unless she wants to end up dead.

a/n i'm really sorry for taking such a long time to update. i sprained my thumb while playing basketball last week, and it was very painful to type with it. anyway, i'm back, hope u enjoy this chapter 🤍

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