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two weeks later...

"And we're finally done," I smiled.

"Yay," Dalton beamed.

"Thank you so much for helping me."

"It's nothing, really," he smiled and gave me a quick peck on my lips. We sat down on the couch and I placed my head on his shoulder. We're finally done moving and arranging my things into my new house. We also bought some new furnitures to match the vibe of this new house. We had been dating for two weeks now, and everything's going great. We had grown really close that we had to see each other everyday. Our close friends and family now knew about our relationship and are happy for us. Tori couldn't be more excited. She literally screamed on the phone when we told her a few days ago.

"When are you planning to move here?" he asked.

"I don't know, probably in a day or two, I'll need to get used to this house," I answered and he nodded.

"Baby?" I called softly. "Yeah?"

"Can we keep our relationship private? I don't want the media to bug our relationship and ruin everything. I also don't want anyone talking shit about you and sending you hate," I said to him.

"Of course baby," he smiled, "I don't actually mind people talking shit about me and sending me hate, but if that's what's best for our relationship, then go ahead."

"Thank you so much," I mumbled not his chest. "You're welcome princess."

"I'm bored, can we watch TV?" I asked him. "Sure."

He switched on the TV and the news was the first thing that came out. I pushed myself into a sitting position to listen. It seemed very important.

"A new strain of coronavirus was recently discovered in Wuhan, China. It has infected hundreds of people and has caused nineteen deaths in eight different countries," the reporter started, "One case was confirmed in the United States earlier today and the patient is currently being isolated. The virus is spreading rapidly. Symptoms include fever, coughing, fatigue, sore throat and shortness of breath. Very little is known about this new virus, and the government is trying to keep it from spreading. The government urges everyone to stay inside as much as possible and stay at least six feet apart, especially if you are having any of the symptoms mentioned earlier, and get tested at the nearest health facility. The government is planning a nationwide lockdown if the situation continues to worsen."

I looked at Dalton in fear. He seemed evenly worried. He noticed the fear in my eyes and switched off the TV.

"Everything's gonna be okay baby," he whispered in my ear and wrapped his arms around me.

"I-I'm scared," I said quietly, "it's spreading so quickly and-"

Before I got to finish what I was saying, I broke down crying. My anxiety was starting to take over. I started to feel like I was choking.

"Baby, look at me," he softly touched my face, "everything's gonna be alright, I promise. We're gonna get through it together. You're not alone."

"W-what if we can't see each other?" I sniffled, "I don't want to be away from you."

"We'll be able to, I promise," he cooed, "It's gonna be safe as long as we both stay at home and follow all the health protocols."

"I-if a lockdown has to happen can we quarantine together?" I asked quietly.

"Of course baby, if that's what you want," he smiled and softly kissed my head. I buried my face on his neck and he wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you so much," I mumbled against his neck. "I love you more."

Just then, I felt my stomach rumble. It was loud enough for Dalton to hear.

"Someone's hungry, huh?" he teased and I blushed. "Um, yeah, but I guess we don't have any food here."

"Don't worry, I brought some snacks," he smiled, taking out a bag of chips.

"Baby, you're the best," I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Anything for the person I love the most," he smiled and my heart melted. He opened the bag for me and I started eating the chips.

"Want some too?" I asked him.

"No thanks, I'm good," he smiled, "Besides, you look so hungry."

"I'm not that hungry, you know?"

"You don't have to lie, your stomach said it all," he chuckled and I blushed. I placed my head on his chest and he wrapped his arm around me. He ran his fingers through my hair, making me smile. Gosh, what did I do to deserve him? I'm the luckiest person alive.

"You're so tiny and precious," he smiled, "I promise to protect you at all costs."

I felt my heart flutter as my cheeks burned up. He's the best. I trust him with my whole heart. He's perfect. I was smiling and blushing like crazy, I just couldn't help it.

"I love you so much," I smiled.

"I love you more, always remember that," he smiled and kissed my head. Without realizing, a tear rolled down my cheek. I have never felt so loved. I never thought someone would love me after the way Pete treated me. Dalton truly saved my life.

"Baby, don't cry," he pouted, wiping the tear away from my face. He held me closer to his chest and planted a kiss on my head.

"I- thank you so much for loving me," my voice cracked.

"You deserve it baby, trust me," he smiled, "it's my job to love and protect you no matter what happens. You're the person I love the most, and it makes me so happy when you're happy."

"You're the best," I whispered.

"No baby, you are," he smiled and softly kissed my lips. What did I do to deserve him?

Dalton's pov

My heart shattered the moment Ariana started crying when I told her how much I love her. She must've been really traumatized by the way Pete treated her that she lost her hope in love. I couldn't believe someone would have the heart to hurt her.

She buried my head onto my chest and I wrapped my arms around her body before planting a kiss on her head. My poor baby, finding love again must've been so scary for her. I promise I'll never hurt her and will always protect her and be by her side no matter what happens. I'll never forgive anyone who has the heart to hurt her, not even my family or closest friends.

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