sixty two

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a few months later...



"Are you gonna be busy around two weeks from now?" I asked Dalton.

"No, why?"

"I'm planning to book a trip somewhere during the summer, but I'm not sure where to go yet."

"Really?" he lit up.

"Yeah," I smiled, "I think it would be a great opportunity for us to take the twins on a long distance trip for the first time. Since they're one now, they probably won't be as fussy."

"How about London?" he suggested, "There's a lot of toddler-friendly places we can visit there."

"I think that would be a great idea," I smiled.

"Wait, how long are we staying there?" he asked.

"Probably a week."

"Ooh, I'm excited," he smiled.

"Alright, I guess that's set, I'm gonna book the hotel and stuff."

"I can't wait," he softly kissed my cheek. I went to book the flight and hotel and when I was done, I put my phone away and snuggled next to Dalton.


two weeks later...

"Time to wake up, tiny bean," Dalton placed kisses all over my face.

"I'm sleepy," I mumbled, still half asleep.

"I know baby, but our flight is in two hours, we have to get ready. You can sleep again on the plane."

"Fine," I pouted and got up.

"Go get ready, I'll wake the twins up," he said and I nodded. I started getting ready, while Dalton when to the twins' room to wake them up. I brushed my teeth then changed into a hoodie and yoga pants and tied my hair into a bun. When I was done, I went to the twins' room, where Dalton was changing their diapers.

"Mommy!" Alistair beamed as soon as he saw me. Yep, he said his first word already, and it was 'Mama', but for some reason, he began calling me 'Mommy'. He began talking last month, while Marshall started a day before him. Marshall's first word was 'no', which was hilarious.

"Good morning baby bears," I smiled.

"Baby, I'll take care of them, you can start getting ready yourself," I told Dalton.

"Hold on, I'm almost done changing Marshall's diaper, and you can take the rest from there," he said and I nodded.

"And done," he smiled.

"Okay, I'll take the rest from here," I smiled and he nodded. He began getting ready, while I got the twins dressed into cute matching onesies.

"Look at how cute you both look," I beamed, "you're tiny versions of your dad."

"Are you three ready?" Dalton asked, walking back to the twins'room.

"We are," I smiled.

"Daddy!" Alistair beamed, making Dalton smile.

"Come here, pickle #1," he smiled, gently picking him up.

"Hi Mommy," Marshall beamed.

"Hi pickle #2," I smiled. I picked him up and softly kissed his cheek.

"Alright, let's get going," Dalton said and I nodded. We brought our suitcase to the car and placed the twins in their car seats then began driving to the airport. Soon, we arrived. At this point, the twins had fallen back to sleep. We brought them and our things and walked inside the building. After going through the security checks, we boarded the private jet. We positioned the twins into their car seats, since they're still too small to fit safely into the plane seats. We then got into our own seats and soon enough, the plane took off.

"Get some sleep baby, you were still sleepy earlier, weren't you?"

"Nah, what if the twins wake up and need me? Besides, I'm not that sleepy anymore."

"I'm gonna take care of them, I promise."

"Okay, if you say so," I lightly smiled. He wrapped his arms around me and softly caressed my back, helping me relax. Soon enough, I fell asleep in his arms.


"Wakey wakey, tiny bean, it's time for breakfast," Dalton woke me up by placing kisses on my face. My eyes slowly fluttered open, and the first thing I see was Dalton's brown eyes.

"How was your sleep?" Dalton asked.

"Pretty good," I yawned, still half asleep.

"Want some water?" he asked and I nodded. He handed me a bottle of water and I took a little sip.

"Here's your food," he lightly smiled, handing me my tray.

"Thanks babe," I lightly smiled and began eating my food. I looked over at the twins, who were still sleeping. Cuties, they're mini versions of Dalton.

"We really created those angels, huh?" I smiled.

"We definitely did," Dalton gave me a goofy smile.

"They're perfect."

"I know right?"

"I think I should freeze my eggs, just in case we want more children when we're old," I giggled, "We've got good genes."

"Ooh, we definitely got good genes," he smiled, "I mean, look at them."

"Those angels are absolutely gorgeous," I smiled and he softly kissed my lips.

"Mommy?" I heard one of the twins call. I looked over at them and Alistair was awake.

"Hold on, little one, Mommy's gonna get you soon," I said to him. I ate the last bite of my food and put my tray away. I picked him up and placed him on my lap.

"Hi bud," Dalton smiled, "Did you have a good sleep?"


"Wanna eat breakfast?" I asked him.


"Okay, here you go," I smiled, getting his tray.

"Would you like Mommy to feed you, or would you like to eat on your own?" I asked him and he grabbed the spoon.

"Alright," I lightly smiled. He and Marshall both recently figured out how to eat on their own, and that's a major step in their development.

"Mommy," Marshall called as soon as he woke up.

"Mommy's taking care of your brother, you want Daddy instead?" Dalton asked him.


"Alright, Daddy's coming to get you," Dalton smiled. He picked him up and placed him on his lap.

"Hi baby," I smiled and softly caressed his cheek.

"Wanna eat breakfast?" Dalton asked him.


"Okay, here you go," Dalton smiled, giving him his tray. Soon, Alistair finished all his food and began eyeing on Marshall's.

"Are you still hungry?" I chuckled, "You want puffs?"

"Yes Mommy."

"Alright, I'll get them for you."

I searched through the snacks we packed for the twins and found his puffs. I opened the container for him and he began snacking on them.

"How many hours do we have left before landing?" I asked Dalton.

"Wait let me check, around seven," he answered and I sighed.

"It's only been three and a half hours and I'm already bored," I pouted.

"We can cuddle the whole seven hours if you're down," he smiled.

"Of course I'm down."

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