Stranger Things [Eddie Munson] pt. 1

Start from the beginning

Better to not poke the bear and make it even angrier, painting a target on your back when it eventually breaks free.

You've been at the trailer park for nearly a week now, sitting at the public picnic table and enjoying the crisp air when your solitude is interrupted.

A young redhead sits across from you, setting down a paper plate of cookies that's covered in plastic wrap. "You're that new girl, right? The one who lives at the end of the road," she says, gesturing towards where your trailer resides. You nod and place your pencil down next to your sketchbook. "My mom told me to bring you some cookies as a welcoming gift. They're store bought though. Enjoy."

The girl looks like she's done with the day, and you finally crack a grin. "Thanks." You pull the plate towards you, lifting the wrap to grab one of the chocolate chip cookies. "I'm YN."

"Max." She says. Her eyes dart to the plate of cookies and you gesture for her to take one. She does. "So, what brings you to our crappy little town?" She asks while breaking apart the cookie to slowly eat it.

"Change of scenery." You shrug. Biting the cookie, you chew and swallow before saying, "I, uh, had some family issues so I just took myself out of the situation. Better to be alone and happy, than being miserable with the family."

Max nods as if she understands. "Where'd you move from?"

"Virginia. I'm originally from Louisiana, but I was living at my private school when I decided to just pack up and move."


Max nibbles on her cookie and you take the moment to study the girl across from you. There's an aura of sadness and exhaustion practically blanketing the girl and you wonder what she's recently gone through to have her feeling so morose. But the two of you are basically strangers and you know it's not your place to ask such personal questions.

You pick up the too loud music and rumbling engine of a vehicle way before your companion does, and you watch as she winces when the sound finally reaches her ears.

"You alright?" You ask when she grimaces and rubs at the spot between her eyes, eyes then darting to a van that screeches into a parking spot in front of one of the many trailers.

"Yeah, uh, headache. They started yesterday and Munson's loudness does not help at all."

"Headaches?" You arch an eyebrow at her, gaze darting to the boy with long hair that hops out of his van.


The boy grins when he spots you and starts making his way towards where you're at with a little bounce in his step. "I have some tea somewhere that can help with that. It'll put you into a dreamless sleep too."

From the corner of your eye, you see her perk up. "Does it actually work?"

"Yeah. I used to drink it all the time after my dad and uncle died." The words slip easily from your lips that you don't see Max look momentarily surprised. "So what about this Munson guy? Should I steer clear or..?" The whole grunge look is not something you've been particularly drawn to, but his boyish smile is rather distracting.

"He's harmless. Obsessed with Dungeons and Dragons, and his music."

You huff a short laugh and mumble, "Nerd," beneath your breath.

But Max still hears and laughs out loud.

"What's so funny, Mayfield?" The boy asks, hopping up onto the bench and taking a seat on top of the table corner. "And who's your friend?"

You arch an eyebrow at him as he shamelessly reaches for a cookie, silver rings glinting in the sunlight as he bites into said cookie with a smile. "I've lived here for a week. Is this really the first time you've seen me?"

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