Start from the beginning

A rosy cheeks, messy hair, grumpy eyes, and a cute pair of pajamas. Cally slowly walked like a zombie but when she saw her father, her gloomy aura was supplanted by a joyous expression. She ran toward him and hugged his father's leg but Timotheus lifted her and kissed her forehead.

"How's your sleep sweetheart?"

"It's fine and I had a dleam!" Cally was stuttering in the letter 'r' and often said it in 'l' sound.

"Cally, you still haven't changed. You still stutter in the letter 'r'. How many times do I have to teach---"

"Son, just let her be. Don't stress yourself. Soon she'll be good at it." Timotheus kissed his daughter's temple.

"I don't think so." Trestan shook his head before sitting on his chair. Timotheus puts Cally down to her chair then, he also on his chair.

"What's your dream sweetheart? Care to share?" Asked Timotheus while smiling at his daughter.

"Mom is reading a bedtime stoly for me and she sings a lullaby until I fall asleep," Cally said with a big smile on her face.

Timotheus and Trestan look at each other and smile sadly. They didn't say anything and just sat on their chairs and began to put the omelet and pancakes on their plate.

"How's school?" Timotheus asked his son.

"Fine," Trestan answered shortly. He rarely speaks due to a psychological problem called 'Selective Mutism' in which an individual has an actual fear of speaking and social interactions where there is the expectation to speak and communicate.

He just speaks if he's comfortable and relaxed with a certain person or group. He is always silent especially in school, with no friends or someone to talk to but his differences from other people are that he is truly a Science and Math genius. Praised by his lecturers because of his unique ability.

While eating, Trestan sliced the pancake for Cally. Timotheus was glad to see his son taking care of his little sister.

"Daddy, an amusement palk as you plomised?" Cally asked innocently.

"Of course sweetheart. Daddy doesn't break promises, right?"

"Yes. Yes."

"I'll just sleep and we'll be going to the amusement park at ten o'clock, alright?" He patted Cally's head then continued eating.

"Alright. Kuya will join us?" She looks at her older brother with a questioning look. Trestan just nodded and continued eating his breakfast.

(The word 'Kuya' used as a polite form of address for an older man, elder brother, or boy cousin)

After their breakfast, Timotheus went upstairs to take some sleep. He first removes his shoes then his police uniform and lets his body fall on the soft mattress where his body bounces a bit but before he closes his eyes, Timotheus looks at every corner of his bedroom.

His eyes fixed on a huge bookshelf where thick books were piled neatly but covered with some dust.

Due to his fatigue and hallucinations, he saw a fair lady turning her back on him. Searching for a book and then facing but not looking at him. She was busy reading while standing and leaning on the bookshelf.

Her butterscotch wavy hair almost covers her face but she put it behind her ears.

"Carina..." He whispered while looking at her.

Her almond eyes looked at him and her lips formed into a curve. She smiled sweetly unto him. He smiled back but in a blink of an eye, she disappeared. Hot tears fell in his half-opened eyes.

"How I wish I could turn back time? Where I can feel your embrace."

After a moment he fell asleep.

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