Meeting Coworkers and Time for Warped Tour (Part Three)

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Hey guys i know this is a long chapter please bare with me on part three i will be trying to update my anime fanfics :) So please enjoy part three of Meeting Coworkers and Time For Warped Tour :D

Jamie’s Pov!!
“God I love you guys..” I said as I saved the picture of Jacky and I sleeping putting it for my background. I looked up at my dad seeing him get teary eyed. “Awe dad!” I wanted to hug him.. After 45 min or so go by I washed the dye out of my hair my I looked in the mirror seeing how Ultra Violet it was. I giggled brushing my hair I hugged my dad. “I love you dad. So much…I’m so glad you let me live here. Even though its only been a day I feel like you all are my family.” I watched my dad get teary eyed again as I hugged him more I rubbed his back. “Kay lets get packing!!” Dad chuckled as I we went our ways hugging Derek on his way out of my room. Seeing Jacky as Derek closed my door. Blushing I started packing. I packed everything I bought, what way in my backpack which was some clothing my charger for my phone which it needed…I will just charge it in the van. My Cd’s which there was a TON of them. “I’m done anyone need help?” I walked out of my room and everyone said no so I shrugged and took my stuff down stairs. “I like your hair.” I turned to see Jacky, smiling I softly said thanks; I went over to hug him as my phone went off. As I unlocked my phone I saw Jacky get wide eyed. “Its on Twitter dad took it last night.” He nodded.

Maxxie: SUP?? EXCITED??

 I rolled my eyes.

Jamie: yup I have shiz to do I will talk to you later.

I saw the tour bus and my eyes got wide than I saw the van. I put my stuff in the back of the van except my bag that had my cd’s in it and my phone charger. “Hey,” I looked over to see Chris. “Sup dude?” I asked, “Nothing just telling you I’m driving.” I nodded I went back in and helped my dad and the guys put their stuff in the tour bus. Hugging them all I walked off the bus walking to the van. As I got in Chris started the van and followed the tour bus.

Jacky: hey

I smiled at my phone,

Jamie: Heyyz!!

Jacky: Having fuun? :P

Jamie: Psh! Maybe if I was with you guys I would be ;)

Jacky: haha…So um…about the kiss…

Jamie: I-I’m sorry about that just…I wanted to see if there was anything… you know like sparks…

I blushed getting little butterflies in my stomach

Jacky: oh.. well did you?

I blushed harder when he had asked me that.

Jamie: yes…Did you?

“Are you okay?” I looked up at Chris and nodded.

Jamie: When we stop we will talk about it.

Jacky:…Yes…and okay…

I smiled softly as I texted dad.

J: Heya dad!!
R: Sup?

J: Nothing  just sitting here bored as hell!!!
R:haha!! Well L.A. isn’t far from here so :P

J: So mature dad!
R: Always daughter!

I giggled and opened my bag getting out a FIR cd Putting it on Westerner by FIR. “I love this song.” I said to Chris.. I started singing to it.

“I was born one morning in December

 On the coldest day

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