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Okay so this chapter is going to be basically just a filler!! I hope ya’ll enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ____Angel~~~ :33


It was 6pm I was babysitting Leila and Copeland on my dad’s bus, “Leila, you wanna go to the park?” “Yes!” she said jumping up and down as I said park, “Okay well you better get your shoes on! And your Sweatshirt or we can’t go!” I watched her rush getting her shoes on. I put Copeland in her carrier thing, as I went out to the car..  I put her in the car watching Leila get in the back seat with Cope. “Okay Leila, did you tell, uncle Jacky we were leaving?” She nodded, “He said to tell you to wait.” I hopped in the car as I watched Jacky come out of the bus locking it. You see earlier my dad, Derek, Ryan, and Ron went out to do something. I have no idea what.

I smiled at him as he got into the car, “well let’s go.” I said as I started the car leaving to the nearest park. As I found a park I parked and Jacky ran off with Leila to the swings. I giggled as I got Cope out of the back seat walking over to the park bench. “Jacky will you run to the car and get Cope’s diaper bag?” He nodded as I watched Leila on the swing giggling. A minute or two pass as Jacky ran to me kissing me on the cheek then playing tag with Leila.

“Auntie Mia? I’m hungry.” I smiled, “Where do you wanna eat sweetie?” “Perkins!” she yelled as Cope started to cry. I changed her than feed her. “Okay let’s go than. This time Uncle Jacky is driving.” I watched Leila and Jacky race to the car, Jacky let her win. “I won!” she screamed, “Yes you did!” Jacky said picking her up and spinning her. She giggled and got into the car. I put Copeland into the seat behind me. After driving a while we finally found Perkins.

As we walked in the waitress smiled, “Awe your daughters are so cute!” I blushed and smiled, “There not my kids, I’m baby sitting.” She smiled at me, “Okay what do you want to drink?” “Milk please!” Leila said, “Coke” I giggled, “The same as him” she nodded and left. “Well Leila what do you wanna eat?” “Spaghetti!” she smiled and said, “What about you Uncle Jacky?” He chuckled, “Stake.” I giggled, “I’m having the special.” I told her as she smiled.

As the waitress came back with our drinks we ordered, I undid the buckle in her carrier and picked her up carefully. “Hello, Cope!” I cooed as Jacky smiled, than turning his attention to Leila.

As I played with Leila till our food came I kept stealing glances at Mia, I smiled as she cooed and played with Copeland. As we ate Mia, excused herself bringing Copeland with her. “What’s your favorite color Leila?” “Blue!” “Are you and Auntie Mia going to get married?” I choked a little, “Maybe later in life Leila.” She nodded smiling as she kept eating. “Sorry,” I heard Mia say. “It’s no problem love.” I told her as she handed me Copeland. I saw Copeland smile at me as I smiled at her.

I started cooing her a little as Mia smiled at me, “So Leila, what now?” “I’m a little tired Auntie Mia.” I smiled at her. “Then let’s pay and leave.” Mia nodded as we split the bill. She kissed my cheek as I set Copeland in her carrier, buckling her in I picked the carrier up and headed to the car. 

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