Family day, Hope is back!

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After we got done eating, dad and Chelsea hitched a ride with Jacky and I, I sat in the back with Zachy and Chelsea as dad sat in front with Chels. “Pack we are going on that tour in London soon.” I nodded as Jacky and I got home dad and Chelsea went to their house as Jacky and I with Zachy went into our house, I set Zachy in his swing as I ran into the bathroom. I had to pee really bad; I giggled to myself as I walked out of the bathroom. “Jacky what are the plans for today?” He looked at me, “Family time, Me you and Zachy.” I nodded as I went into the living room, Zachy was asleep so I sat on the couch I kissed Jacky passionately as he smiled in the kiss he kissed me back. We pulled apart for air as i smiled softly at him. “Later.” I told him giggling, he nodded, I can’t believe you guys are going on tour.” Jacky hugged me as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“I know, but I don’t want Zachy at the tours yet.” Jacky whispered as he looked at me, My gaze locked with his, “I know, I don’t want him at the tours yet either, but we are going to London with you.” He laughed, “I know and then you get to meet my parents also.” I giggled, “yay!” He chuckled, “Always, my parents really want to meet you since we couldn’t see them last time and they couldn’t come to the wedding.” I kissed his cheek. “I’m sure they are amazing, I mean they would have to because look at you.” I giggled as he rolled his eyes kissing me softly. “Jacky I’m going to miss you a lot.” He sighed, “I’m going to miss the both of you a lot.” I nodded hugging him as, Zachy Cried. I got up cooing him as he cried more I went to change his diaper.

After I changed his diaper, he stopped crying for a bit before starting up again, I smiled at him as I handed him to his daddy. He stopped crying immediately, “Oh boy what am I going to do without you here.” Jacky just smiled at me as he started to play with his son’s fingers and feet. I laughed at him as he stuck his tongue out at me. I sat next to him, I placed a kiss on Zachy’s head  as he cooed I giggled at him. Jacky held Zachy till his arms got tired, I smiled putting Zach in his bouncy rolling thingy (No idea what it’s called) Zach started giggling and bouncing on it.

There was a knock on the door as I got up and opened it I saw Hope! “HOPE!” I squealed as she giggle, she had Chance with her, “Where is Brayden?” She looked down. “He cheated on me so now we are getting a divorce and I’m getting full custody” I nodded as I moved out of the way, “Come in.” I told her, “Jacky Hope’s here!” he laughed, “I forgot you moved to Kansas last year.” He said chuckling. She looked at her feet, “I was wondering if Chance and I could stay here for a bit?” I smiled than looked at Jacky, he looked confused, I whispered in his ear, “Brayden and her are getting a divorce he cheated on her.”

He nodded, hugging her, and chance “Fine with us.” He said as he smiled at her, “Thank you guys so much, you don’t know how much this means to me.” I smiled at her, “I would do anything for you and well Jacky and Zachy and my dad.” Jacky put his hand over my mouth as Hope giggled, “We have a spare room in the basement…Why didn’t we tell Ryan that?” Jacky shrugged and laughed. “I will show you!” I said hyperily as she giggled, “Well, let’s go.” I said as I walked down to the basement, “This will be your room.” I said as she smiled at me. “Thanks again.” She whispered as we heard Chance giggle from upstairs. He looked at one another smiling as we walked back upstairs; to see Chance getting tickled by Jacky as Zachy was just watching amused. I picked up Zachy, “Zachy this is your aunt Hope!” he looked at her giving her a toothless smile.

She giggled I handed him to her, “Awe Zachy you are so big!” she said smiling, “I only saw you in your ultra sounds, than I brought your mommy to the hospital.” She smiled at him as he giggled.


I texted Ronnie to see if they were still in Vegas when he told me they moved to Kansas I was relieved and asked for Jamie’s address. When I got it I buckled Chance into the car as I heard Brayden begging for me to take him back. I groaned, “Just sign the papers Brayden, I know this isn’t the first time you cheated on me…Because after warped I know you cheated on me with one of your coworkers.” He looked at me wide eyed, “Who told you?” I raised my eyebrow, “No one, you just confirmed my suspicions.” I saw him hang his head. “I will sign the papers and give them to my lawyer.” He said as I nodded. I got into the car and drove to Jamie’s house.

When I got to the house I got Chance out, “Mommy?” he asked, I looked at him, “I don’t wanna see daddy.” He said as I giggled, “We aren’t seeing daddy, we are seeing uncle Jacky, Aunt Jamie and cousin Zachary.” I saw his face light up. “Really!” he said as I got him out of the car seat. I nodded smiling. “Of course Chan.” He giggled as he ran up to the door waiting for me.  I walked to the door and knocked, I heard footsteps running to the door as the door opened. I saw Jamie, “HOPE!” She squealed at me as I giggled, “Where Brayden?” I coughed and looked at her, “Brayden and I are getting divorced he cheated on me…more than once.” I mumbled the last part.

She moved out of the way as she said, “Jacky Hope is here!” he laughed, “I forgot you moved to Kansas after Zachy was born.” I nodded and smiled, I looked at the floor, “Do you guys mind if I could stay here for a while?” Jamie smiled at me, as Jacky just looked confused, Chance hugged my side as I smoothed out his hair. Jacky hugged me as he said, “Of course you can.” I smiled at him, Jamie started to talk than rambled onto something. “Well your room is down stairs, I will show you.” I nodded as I nodded Chance to go play with Jacky. He giggled nodding, “Let’s go.” Jamie said as we walked down stairs. “Jamie thank you, you have no idea how much this means to me.” She smiled at me, “I’m happy to help my best friend.” I smiled at her as we heard laughing come from upstairs.

Mia and I went upstairs to see Chance getting tickled by Jacky, Mia picked up Zach as I giggled at them, Mia handed me Zach, “Hey there, I’m your Aunt hope.” He gave me a toothless smile, as I giggled, I held him and talked with Mia and Jacky for a while till Chance told me he was hungry. Mia sighed, “We will have to order in I didn’t go shopping yet. I giggled, It’s fine really.” I told her as I smiled. She ordered pizza as  I handed Zach to Jacky. He smiled at Zach before he stood up and walked out of the room. “How is work?” Mia asked me as I smirked, “Great, I am a merch girl for All Time Low now.” Mia gasped as she hugged me. “YAY!”

I giggled at her, “I know it’s the best job every just I have to get my mom to watch chance since he has school.” She giggled, “Well this summer are you bringing him to Warped?” I nodded, “Yup he is going to help me.” Chance giggled, “I get to see Uncle Alex and Uncle Jack again?” I smiled, “Oh yeah.” I said to him as he smiled.

 I smiled at Hope, I’m really happy for her, she has an amazing job, she is really strong about this divorce she is going through, she has taken care of Chance all the time by herself, I found that out last time I was over at her house in Vegas. I smiled at her, as the doorbell rang I ran to get it I paid the pizza man as I brought the pizza in the living room Jacky and Chance started eating right away as Hope and I ate we talked for a bit and she headed to bed with Chance.

“Jacky I don’t think I could what she is doing. She is so strong and so willed.” Jacky kissed me softly, “you are too love.” He said softly as I smiled at him, “well let’s get to bed, I am leaving tomorrow.” I groaned in sadness and I nodded. We went to our room, I took a picture of us after we got our Pajama’s on and were laying in bed. “I can’t believe you have to leave.” I said as I sniffled, “Love I will Skype, call and text you.” I smiled softly at him, “I know you will. I love you Jacky.” He smiled at me shyly. “I love you too Jamie, I will forever.” I kissed him softly, than I curled up next to him falling asleep.

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