getting kicked out, not feeling good, and 9 months later

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A/N I am skipping about 6 days,


It’s been six days, we were now in Oklahoma, and Jamie and I were walking hand in hand to the merch tent. We saw two new people working our tent, Jamie froze when she saw this, “Am I not wanted to work anymore?” her voice cracked, I looked at her taking her face in between my hands and I looked at her, “You are always wanted to work, your dad just didn’t tell us.” I kissed her softly as we heard a throat clear, “Jacky, we made a new rule, No girlfriends on tour.” I heard Ronnie say.

 I looked at him and shook my head, as I heard Jamie sob, I hugged her as Ron, Ryan, and Derek group hugged us, as Ronnie growled a little at us as we all looked over at him, “I told you,  you just needed her to give Sally and her to get alone, but Sally messed it up, so it’s also partly your fault too, because of the fact that you are ignoring her instead of actually talking to her.” I glared at him while I kept holding Jamie. He glared some more as Andy came up.

“what happen?” “Ronnie just made up a stupid rule and is making Jamie go home.” Andy looked at him than back at Us, “She can stay on our bus, I’m sure the guys wouldn’t mind.” We all nodded, as we walked back to the bus, “Tell the fans I will be there soon.” I told Ryan as we left. We walked back to the bus and into the bunks she started to pack her things, I sat on the bed with my head in my hands as I cried softly.


I heard Jacky cry softly I dropped my bag and sat by him, and hugged him, “I love you, so, so much.” I whispered to him I watched Andy walk out of the room to give us a moment. “I love you too, Even though you’re going to be on a different bus now, I’m just going to miss you a lot.” I hugged him, and kissed him, “I am always a phone call, Skype, or text away.” I told him as he looked at me, “I will be on the BVB bus with you tonight.” I nodded as I went back and continued my packing.

I watched Jacky go to the front of the bus as I packed all my clothes, make-up, shoes, dresses, Heels, and hair stuff. I walked into my dad’s room and took his notebook and wrote him a note,


I’m really sorry this didn’t work they way it should have, I will be on the Black Veil Brides, but I have no idea what has gotten into you but I’m sure that you have a good reason behind it. I don’t know what mom wrote you but I’m sure it was something great. She is one of my best friends, I learned everything from her. I’m sorry if I can’t get over her death, it just takes time…but I can tell you don’t want to give me time to get over it but I’m sorry. I love you to death dad, and I always will,


Jamie Radke


I ripped out the note and folded it, and wrote dad on it, I got  up and left his room. I walked out grabbing my bags and things and headed to the living room. “Give this to dad when he is away from Sally.” I told Jacky he nodded putting it in his pocket as we left. Andy and Jacky grabbed some of my bags and we walked a ways to Andy’s bus, when we got to the bus andy held up a figure and put my things down.

After a while I saw Rose running off the bus and tackled me, I giggled, “My new homie!!” she yelled as she looked at me and then Jacky. “Jacky you can come here any time.” She said as she smiled, “I was coming tonight.” She giggled at him as she helped me up. I groaned, in pain a little and held my stomach, “Can we go to the hospital, I’m not feeling to great.” They nodded as Andy came out and helped us, “Andy we are going to the hospital I don’t feel so great.” He nodded as Sammi and Jinxx followed us out and we got into their car.

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