Kellin & Katelynne are here! Shopping Spree <3

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Chelsea and I were just sitting on the couch, It’s been a week hope dropped off chance at her parents than went on tour with the guys. Our guys went on tour, I sighed as I got Zachy from his swing as he started to cry I changed his diaper than put his pacifier in, “Cccccccccccccccccchelsea I miss them!” She giggled smiling, “Let’s go shopping get our mind off them for a while.” I nodded as I got Zachy’s diaper bag made I got dressed into a cute purple sundress that ties behind my neck and goes down to my knees. I put on flip flops and my sunglasses on.

I put Zachy in the back buckling him into the car I put the diaper bag in the front with me as I giggled at the waddling Chelsea who got into the passenger’s side, “Your sister is going to be here tomorrow?” I asked as she nodded, “Yes ma’am she will be.” I giggled at me, “Hey daughter?” She said at me as I took a quick look at her, “Yeah mother?” Chelsea giggled at me, “I’m sorry you couldn’t go with.” I shrugged, “It was probably for the best, I mean we don’t want Zachy flying or at the HUGE concerts yet.” She nodded at me as we got to the mall. We got out and went into hot topic, than into Rue 21, Victoria Secret, than Spencers, Buckle, than finally Murices for dresses.

We finally sat down at the food court as I got Zach out to feed him his bottle; Chelsea walked well waddled back to us as I ate some fries while I kept feeding Zach, some girls came up to us, “Hey, Your Chelsea and Jamie right?” I sighed than put on a fake smile and nodded, “Can we have your autograph?” I nodded signing a couple books, a cell phone case and some chicks arm. They left as Chelsea and I looked at one another I laid Zach around my shoulder area as I began to burp him as Chelsea picked up the car seat as we both got our bags I burped him than held him till we got to the car. I set him in his car seat as he started to cry and have his tantrum as I put his pacifier in as I closed the door putting the bags into the back and hopping into the driver’s seat.

“Hello?” I answered my phone before leaving, “Hey Jamie it’s Katelynne, Wanna meet at the Ihop near your house?” “Yeah see you there.” I said as I hung up and drove about 20 minutes to Ihop. I got Zach out of the back and unbuckled him bringing him into the Ihop with Chelsea, “Awe Loook It’s the waddling Chels!” I heard Kellin say as I stifled a laugh, “Hey not nice.” Katelynne said as I smiled at them, “Hey Jamie.” They said as I nodded, “Hello, how are you guys?” Kellin smiled as Copeland tried crawling on the table, “Good, pretty good.” I smiled, “sound better than me.” Chels giggled as I stuck my tongue anymore as I pouted

“It’s not my fault they left.” I said as everyone laughed as ‘awed’ at Zach and Copeland. I smiled at her getting Mountain dew. As the others ordered their drinks and started to talk as my phone went off, “Hey Chels could you watch Zach.” She nodded as I got out of the booth as I walked outside to answer my phone, “hey babe.” I said as I could hear the smile in Jacky’s voice, “hey, love.” He said making me smile, “How are you?” I sighed as I said, “could you just come home already?” I could hear him sigh, “I know I want to be home too,” “Zachy won’t sleep in his crib anymore he misses you so I let him sleep in the bed with me.” Jacky chuckled at me, “Well at least he is smart…” “No he just knows his father is gone…” I said sadly as Jacky sighed again, “I have a month and something left love. I will be home than.”  I sighed softly as I kissed him through the phone, “I love you Jacky Vincent.”

“I love you too Jamie Vincent.” I giggled at him as sighed happily, “I will call before Zachy and I go to bed so he can hear your voice,” He chuckled as I heard, “Jacky we need to go, we have sound check!” he sighed, “Alright love, I love you talk to you later.” “I love you too.” I said as we hung up and I went back inside, as Chelsea said, “I ordered your usual!” I nodded as I put my head on the table. “I hate this so much.” I mumbled as Katelynne hugged me,

 “trust me I know hun. But remember they will be back soon.” “I just want this two month tour to be over with, Zachy doesn’t sleep in his crib anymore he HAS to sleep in my bed or he lays in this crib crying all night. I miss my husband a lot.” I said softly as Katelynne hugged me, I was handed my son as he giggled at me as I hold him.

I whisper softly, “You get to hear your daddy’s voice tonight.” He giggled as gave me a toothless smile. I giggled at him as I could tell he needed a diaper change as I got up I grabbed his diaper bag than headed for the bathroom. I changed him as my phone went off again, “Hello?” I said as I picked up Zachy again, “Hey love.” I giggled, “I thought you had sound check.”

He chuckled, “I couldn’t help it I miss you.” He said softly as I said, “ I know someone that really misses you, here Zachy you talk to daddy!” I held my phone to Zachy’s ear after turning down the volume Zachy made noises into the phone as I could hear Zachy talking to him. I smiled at my phone as I put it back to my ear, “I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!” I said giggling into the phone as I heard my dad yell in the backround, “Jamie don’t steal my line!” I laughed,

“It wasn’t me!” I giggled as Jacky laughed, “I have to get ready, but I love you with all my heart!” I giggled as I said, “I love you with all my heart too Jacky!” we hung up as I went back to our booth, I saw the waitress put my food in a box I smiled at her as I sat down, “Your phone blowing too?” Chelsea asked me as I nodded. “Dad yelled at me saying I stole his line!” I said putting Zach into his carrier for a while, “what did you say.” I started giggling, “I said, I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!” Chelsea giggled as did Katelynne and Kellin. “Well let’s get you guys to the house.” I said as they nodded, I drove Zach and I to our house.

Chelsea picked up her bags from my car as I got mine than got Zach and went inside; I put Zach in his swing as I put the bags in my room quickly as I walked back into the living room putting on the newer version of The Lorax! I LOVE the old version and the new one! I made popcorn and laid on the couch as the swing was already next to the couch so I didn’t have to worry. I fell asleep slowly to the movie as Zach had been asleep also.

I woke to my phone ringing, and Zach crying, I picked him up and started to rock him as I ansewered my phone, “Hey.” Jacky sighed, “Rough night again?” I sighed, “I fell asleep to the lorax…” He chuckled as he smiled, “I love you so get into bed.” He said as I went upstairs with a now calm Zachy as I put him in his crib quickly I ran to my room and changed into my tank top and  a pair of Jacky’s boxers as I got Zachy again I laid him on the bed with me as I called Jacky again. “Hey love!” “Hey~” “Put me on speaker phone.” He said as I did, Jacky began doing the guitar part of Listen Up. Zach Imediatlly fell asleep, “Okay babe he is asleep.” I heard him put down his guitar, “How you been?”

“tired with out you here to help me.” He chuckled, “Well I’m tired just playing.” I giggled as my dad gasped in fake hurt. I knew I was on speaker phone, “Dad you better chill you azz down! Don’t be hurt because HE love ME and ZACHY more.” He laughed as I hung up and face timed them. “Hey guys!” I said as Zachy woke to see the screen he giggled at the screen trying to touch Zachy but cried when he couldn’t actually touch him. I put his pacifier in. “He does this a lot.” I nodded, “Every time you talk he looks around for you to see if you are there.” Jacky sighed in sadness but I blew him a kiss.. he smiled, “babe go to bed you look tired.” He told me as I nodded, “you too babe.” He smiled as I blew him another kiss, “Love you Vincent.” I said as he chuckled at me, “Love you too Vincent J.” I laughed as I blew him one last kiss before we both hung up,

Month pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease go faster~

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