Shopping with the girls, BBQ with friends, and the wedding

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OKay so I felt like I had to share Sleeping WIth Sirens new song Low :")

 sorry guys I would have a slide show thing up but since it's not working I will put the wedding dress to the side and the bridesmaid dress in the external link, again i'm super and extremely sorry!!

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I ran down stairs as quick as I could and smiled at everyone, “Let’s do this!” I giggled as I rushed everyone out of the house, I grabbed my purse with my phone in it, and my keys. I locked up the house and got into my car which Sammi was in. “When did you get here?” She giggled at me, “Just now.” I laughed, than she sighed; “I miss her too Sammi.” She nodded and we left for the bridal shop.

We finally got there Sammi and I were just giggling as we got inside, “Hello how may I help you?” I giggled, “I’m looking for a dress my wedding is soon.” She smiled at me, “Do you have any type of pacific dress?” “I really love the mermaid tail style.” She smiled at me as she went to pick out some dresses. I stood in the dressing room and waited. She brought some of the dresses in she helped me put one of them on, it laced up in the back, I went out and everyone said “cute but it’s not the one.” I heard that about all five dresses.

I sighed and I put on the last dress, I got help putting it was white tight at the top and fluffy at the bottom (A/N: Hehe picture on the side!!)  I walked out as they all gasped as they smiled. “Your so beautiful!!” Sammi screamed as I giggled at her. I looked up to see my dad, “Daaad!” I said as he smiled, “Don’t worry Jacky is at the house.”  I giggled at him, “No telling him, or you will regret it dad.” He chuckled at me, as I twirled around for them. I saw dad tear up and smile at me, “I’m off.” He said as he waved.

I giggled, “I guess I am getting this dress,” I told the sales woman as she smiled at me, she helped me take it off and got dressed, I put on my shoes after I got dressed and started looking at bridesmaid dresses, I saw this beautiful purple dress that is purple and shiny at the top, with silver jewels going toward the slit in the dress where the inside of the dress is blue. I made Sammi try it on as I giggled, she came out as I squealed.

“It’s beautiful!” I yelled as Sammi blushed at me, I ordered Trinity, Sammi, Frenchi and Katelynne size’s for the dress, “Now we find Flower girl dresses for Leila, and Serenity.” They giggled at they smiled at me, we found one that are purple with ruffles on the bottom and a little coat go with it.   “TO the mall~” Katelynne screamed as we walked to the cars and drove to the mall, we bought shoes, than the flower shop ordering purple flowers for the bridesmaids and orange Rose’s…Rosie… I thought as I just stared at the flowers, “Hello? …Jamie?” I looked up tearing up a little.

Sammi made a face at me than looked at the rose’s and I knew than she was thinking the same thing I was. I sighed, and ordered the orange Roses’; I went to get a new IPhone that I got black now. We told them where to send them on the fourth of May. We than went to a bakery and ordered two wedding cakes, I ordered a small wedding cake that was three tiers, I wanted two red flowers on it with the vines around it, and the other one I wanted 5 tier cake, told them to surprise me with the design.

  Sammi and I dropped my dress off at her house than, I finally got home, hearing the guys talking in the back yard. I walked to Jacky who had the swing outside I sat by the swing and smiled at Zachy, I looked up at Jacky and smiled, he kissed me softly as I giggled at him, “how was the tux stuff?” he sighed, “it was good, it was nice spending it with the guys and Zachy.” I giggled at him and smiled, “How was dress shopping.” I smiled at him, “It was great I found the perfect dress, and the perfect bridesmaid dresses.”

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