Fights, Spending the night with AA, and Fun time with Andy and Matt!

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I saw Sally lying in our bed, “What the hell, get out!” I screamed at her as she looked at me, glaring at me. I heard dad run in and see Sally, “I thought you left?” she giggled, “No silly!” I huffed, “GET OUT!” I screamed pulling her by her hair; she started screaming as I pulled her to the front as everyone watched me do so.

I dropped her hair as I started walking back to the bunks, “That is why when I get angry, you listen.” I snapped as everyone had made bug eyes at me as I looked down as I walked into the bunks. I sat on the bed and started to cry, I heard someone come in, as the bed dipped by me as I looked up, and saw Dad. I hid behind my hair as he started to rub my back.

I sniffled as I looked at him shaking a little, “I’m sorry dad, I’m so sorry!” I sob as he hugged me as he smoothed my hair. “It’s okay, you definitely got my temper.” I looked at him, with my make up running down my face; he kissed my forehead and left the bunk area. I walked into the bathroom grabbing my make-up remover cloth and opened the package and took my make up off.

I was Jacky come up behind me in the mirror and I give him a half smiled as he hugged me. I looked at him turning in his arms snuggling into him; “I’ve only been mad like that once…It was after I graduated when I got kicked out of the apartment.”  I felt him nodded as we listened to sally scream and cry.

Derek, Ron, and Ryan come into the bathroom as I looked at them, “hi.” I said embarrassed as they all smiled at me, “Hey, Sally is being overdramatic about it, she started demanding that he take her on the tour to make up for it.” I groaned, “I already told dad she could come with me as long as she didn’t talk to me or bother me.”

They all chuckled as I smiled a little as we walked back to the bunks and talk for a while I got up and changed into batman PJ pants with a BMTH tee shirt. I change quickly as the guys talk, I heard the sobs stop, I walked back into the bunk area and laid in Jacky’s bunk and relaxed, “What are your guys plan tonight?” I asked them as they looked at me. “Nothing we were going to go out, but you gave us entertainment.”

They chuckled as I nodded, “Glad to be of service,” They smiled at me as Jacky had crawled into bed with me with a pair of shorts on, I lay my head on his chest as  I look at the guys, “what’s the plan for tomorrow?” “Nothing we don’t play tomorrow.” Derek told me I sighed, “It’s going to be a long day tomorrow.” I sighed as, Dad and Sally came through the bunks, “We are going to Sally’s to get her clothing.” I rolled my eyes, and looked at Sally.

She whimpered a little, “Get over yourself,” is all I said as I closed the curtain, “Are you going to let her talk to me like that?” Ronnie sighed, “Let me talk to her again.” I opened the curtain again and glared at her, “Bitch, you’re lucky I let you come on this tour with us, if it was up to me I would kick you off.” I snapped as she and my dad eyes got wide and dad glared at me, “Quit talking to her like that.” He snapped, “GO shove it!” I screamed and slammed the curtain closed and sighed…

Jacky kissed me softly as I smiled in the kiss, “NO sex please! It was bad enough when you guys did it in the bathroom!” Ryan yelled as I started to giggle, “Sorry Ry, I love you bro!” he chuckle along with the rest of the guys, “It’s fine, just no sex.” I giggled more and texted Derek,

My Life as Ronnie Radke's daughter!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat