Jacky is home!! Maxxie is here

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~Jamie (two months later)~

I was bouncing in my seat waiting for my husband to come in any minute, Zachy will be one tomorrow but right now he is in his crib sleeping when I heard the door open. I saw Jacky I shot up and jumped on him; he laughed as he caught me than spun me around as I giggled as he kissed me, “I missed you so much!” he kissed me again as I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck as he put his arms around my waist. I giggled when I heard Zach cry; “I will get it!” Jacky called as we unwrapped our hands from one another as he ran to Zach’s room.

I walked to Zach’s room after him as I watched him pick up Zach, “Hey Zachy I’m home.” He said quietly as I smiled Zach giggled as Jacky smiled at him. “Zachy your turning one tomorrow!” I giggled at him, Jacky smiled at me as he carried Zach to the living room putting him in his play pen. I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see Max! “AH MAXXIE!” I screamed as I hugged him, he chuckled as he walked in; “sorry to just come drop by like this. Just Trinity and I separated. I sighed, “Everyone these days…” he gave us a sad smile. “Yeah but she gave us our baby girl and I don’t know what to do,” I smiled as he grabbed her carrier. “Awe!!” I said as I giggled, “But why? I thought you were doing good?” He sighed

“Same here till I found out she had been doing drugs, I’ve been sober for a while and when I told her that it’s either me or the drugs she picked the drugs. Christiana is with her grandma I get her tomorrow.” I nodded as I Jacky came in. “Hey Max” he said shyly as he sighed, “I heard you guys were over here in Kansas so I decided to drop by.” I nodded, “we can go see dad.” He nodded as Jacky got Zach as we went next door. “Dad open the damned door!” I screamed as I heard someone rushing.

I laughed as I looked at Jacky, “we caught them again.” Max just laughed as dad opened the door, “what why hi?” he said as we all laughed again. “Max came by to say hello with his new baby girl.” Dad smiled at max than he blushed, “I will be right back.” He slammed the door in our face’s than we heard running. I smiled as Max looked at me, “What’s new Mia?” I smiled, “let’s see…I got married almost a year ago, I had Zachary Ronald Vincent. He will be one tomorrow!” he smiled, “well I’m glad I came over then.” We chuckled as dad opened the door again.

“What’s with the laughing?” I raised my eyebrow at dad. “What is with what laughing?” dad looked at me as I just smiled innocently. He rolled his eyes as he said, “We know your not innocent little Vincent!” I glared at my dad, “I am NOT LITTLE!” I yelled as I glared at him, “Your lucky she just yelled at you.” Max said as we walked into the living room and sat down. “let me tell you what she did to me when I called her little.” Max said

Flashback in Max pov

Claire, Jamie and I were hanging out since Jamie didn’t have to work today, “hey Jamie?” I asked as she looked at me, “what brother?” I laughed as she rolled her eyes at me, This time she had blonde hair, skinny and short… “Why are you so short?” Claire looked at me, “you  didn’t just call my daughter short?” I chuckled nodding, “You better run Maxxie!” Jamie said as she got up I shot up running outside as she started to chase after me. “come one Little Mia!” I could tell she was PISSED I laughed some more as she caught up to me and jumped me tackling me to the floor as she hit my chest! “Ow, ow okay I give I give!!” 

~End of Flashback in Max Pov!~
back to Jamie’s POV!!

 I laughed as I smiled at dad, “If you say it again dad I will make sure you can’t have anymore kids, you too Maxxie.” I said innocently they shuddered a little as Jacky chuckled a little at me, as he handed me Zachy as he kissed my head going into the kitchen. I looked at him a little confused as I got up holding Zachy to my hip as I walked into the kitchen. “Everything okay?” he looked at me smiling, “Yeah everything is fine.” He chuckled as I brought Zachy up to my side as I sit on the counter, “you sure?” he kissed me softly, “Yes Jamie everything is perfect.” I giggled as he hugged me being careful of Zach.

I kissed Jacky again as he relaxed a little, “when we go home we can take a nap.” I said as he nodded, I put my forehead against his. “dad we will be over later, we need to put Zachy down for a nap.” He nodded as I hugged Maxxie and dad and Chelsea. We walked back to the house as I put Zachy in his crib in his room as Jacky and I went into our room as we both laid on the bed. Jacky laid on his side looking at me, I looked at him also as he kissed me softly, “I missed you so much, just I feel bad because I told you not to go and you didn’t meet my parents and just ugh..” he told me as he looked down.

I made him look at me again, “it’s fine we both agreed that Zachary wasn’t old enough yet, I don’t mind waiting for a while till I see your parents. As long as I get to meet them some time. He smiled at me as he held me close as I kissed his cheek as I smiled, “Now go to sleep.” I said in a motherly voice as he laughed, “No.” he said while pouting. I giggled at him as I kissed his face all over; “Pleeeease?” I said in a baby voice, he put his thinking face on, “Only if you sleep next to me!” I giggled as he wrapped his arms around me getting me closer to him. I snuggled into him as Zachy started crying; “I will get him.” I said softly at I got up getting Zachy changing him quickly as I brought him into Jacky and I’s room.

I laid him next to Jacky as I laid Zachy next to him as I crawled into bed again, Zachy giggled as he played with Jacky’s finger. I laughed as I snuggled up to them. “our baby is going to be one tomorrow!” I giggled as I kissed Zachy’s cheek. He gave us a smile I love that his teeth have finally grown in; I relaxed as I saw Zachy being lifted and laid on my chest. I looked at Jacky as he kissed me softly as he got close to me as he kissed my cheek as we both fell asleep. I woke to someone rolling on my tummy I looked to see Zachy holding his feet rolling on my tummy. I giggled as Jacky woke up as he saw Zach he laughed as he picked him up kissing his forehead.

I stretched a little as Jacky smiled, “let’s go eat something.” I nodded as I walked to the kitchen got out left over sloppy joes I had the other night with Chelsea. “How was your two months.” I sighed as I looked at him, “Okay, just really quiet and boring without you.” I said softly as he smiled putting Zach in his swing and as I heated up the sloppy joes. “when we go  to the store I need to by some baby food.” He nodded as he started to make a list, I made some homemade French fries as he grabbed the container out of the microwave and made the sandwiches as I put the potatoes in the deep fryer.

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