Bonus Chapter (going back to after the wedding still in Hawaii)

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Bonus Chapter of Jamie’s and Jacky’s wedding in Hawaii The day after the wedding and the day before they go home!!


I woke excited, and happy my emotions all over the place, I smiled as I got up putting on my robe, as Jacky pulled me back into bed, I giggled at him. “yes dear husband?” I giggled more as he smiled tiredly, “MMM go back to sleep love we had a long night.” I smiled at him as I whispered in his ear, “I know sexy.” He moaned as I giggled getting up grabbing a towel as I went into the bathroom turning on the water, I took my robe off as I stepped into the hot water. After I washed my hair, and my body I got out dried off than put lotion on. I put on a purple dress, “Babe!” I yelled as I seen him walk into the bedroom, “Yeah love?” “Could you tie this?” he nodded, as he tied it he kissed my neck and smiled at me, “Your dad and Chelsea are going to have Zach for the day.” He said as I nodded, “Alright.” I giggled as he went into the bathroom. I left my hair so it could naturally curl.

I walked out on the balcony as I felt the wind blow my hair a little, as I could see just a beautiful site in front of me. A while later I felt arms wrap around me, I looked to see Jacky shirtless looking out at the beautiful scenery in front of us. “I wish we could just stay here forever.” I whispered as I felt him smiled against my shoulder. He turned me; kissing me softly I smiled in the kiss as we parted he kissed me one last time before he dragged me back into the room. “Let’s go for a walk.” He said as I nodded, I put my white hat on with my purple flip flops. Jacky handed me my sun glasses as I put them on the counter as I grabbed the key for the hotel room as Jacky and I left holding hands. We walked down to the beach walking the shore line, I stopped sitting in the sand, Jacky sat next to me as I got my phone out.

Jacky leaned next to me as I took the picture, we looked at it as we smiled at it, I turned the camera to the front as I kissed Jacky taking a picture. He smiled at me as he took my camera flipping it again, “go near the water babe.” I giggled nodding as I bent down so I’m on my tippy toes touching the water. With my hand as it goes to the shore. Jacky came over as he showed me the picture, I giggled as I smiled, I saw a girl walk by as I smiled, “Uhm could you take a picture of us?” I asked shyly as the girl smiled at me, I went back to the shore as Jacky leaned his forehead on mine as he held my hands. I saw the girl walking to us, “Here you go.” She giggled as I smiled, “thank you so much.” She smiled as she left. I looked at the picture as I teared up a little,

“Jacky look at this.” I showed him as his jaw dropped, “That is amazing.” He said as I nodded. I was looking through my contacts to see the woman had put her number in:

Sarah Truly’s photography; ***-***_**** I smiled as I looked at Jacky, “you want to?” He nodded, as I called, “Hello this is Sarah.” “Hey Sarah, you’re the woman who took our photo at the beach.” “Oh yes!” she giggled, “I was wondering if you had any free time this morning.” She laughed, “Mornings are always my free time.” I smiled, “Well do you mind taking my husband and I’s pictures?” I asked, “of course!” I giggled, “Thank you so much!” I smiled as she gave me her address. “Let’s get Zachy!” I said as he laughed, “alright, alright let’s go.” He said as I smiled at him. I kissed his cheek as we went back to the hotel and got Zachy, and went back to our room we picked out outfits (In external Link) and walked to the address Sarah had given me.

After the pictures were done, we spent time with Zachy before Dad and came and got him as I got dressed in skinnies and Jacky’s Poison shirt. He smiled at me as we went out for lunch, “I we have to leave tomorrow.” I sighed as he just smiled at me, kissing my head. “But married.” He said as I giggled. “True enough.” I kissed his cheek as we got to a small Café. He ordered a bud light, as I got a tea, I looked at the menu, when the woman came back with our drinks I got an Hawaiian burger. He ordered the same after we ate we. We shopped a bit when we dropped the bags of at our hotel.

I changed into my black bikini with Jacky’s poison shirt over it, I tied it in the back as he hugged me from behind, “I love you Jamie.” I smiled at him as I turned and kissed him. “Let’s go swimming,” I mumbled against his lips as he smiled, “of course love.”  He said softly as he took my hand as we walked out. When we got to the beach I took off Jacky’s shirt as he did also, we walked into the water I smiled at him as I splashed him with water giggling, as he splashed me with water back I laughed as we kept splashing one another.

We kept playing in the water till the sun was setting; we got out as I dried off with the Towel Jacky brought. I put his shirt back on as we went back to the hotel, I showered than put on my blue one shoulder Lace Overlay Dress with black heels, “jacky?” I asked as he got out of the shower wrapping a towel around his waist as I smiled at him. “straighten my hair or curl it?” “straighten.” He said as he kissed my cheek going to our room. I straightened my hair as I took Jacky’s blue bandana folding it than had Jacky put it on me. He smirked, “my ways are rubbing off on you.” He said as I just smiled. “I know.” I said kissing him softly as I giggled.

I hugged him as he was dressed in casual dress up, I giggled as I just smiled, We went out as we walked into a restaurant I heard a slow song come on and people getting up to dance, “want to dance?” I asked as he chuckled, “yes love.” He said back as we got up and started slow dancing. “I love having time like this to ourselves.” He said as I smiled at me. “I do too, it’s fun and relaxing.” I smiled as he leaned his forehead onto mine; I smiled as my tummy rumbled, “baby let’s go eat.” I whispered as he smiled at me, “of course.” I giggled as we ate and went back to our hotel, I quickly went into the bathroom as I put on some really sexy linguae, than we had a little fun ;))  

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