My Life as Ronnie Radke's daughter!

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My name is Jamie Radke, Daughter of the famous Ronnie Radke…One little thing, He doesn’t know about me… I am 19,  5 foot 7 Black hair with red highlights, brown eyes, average body…Though I really hate it when people stare at me…My mother just died in a car crash and left in her will where my father lived, and a letter addressed to him. Max Green is like a brother to me always worring and always protecting me even though he and my father don’t get along. Right now I am driving to Vegas, exciting huh? Well I hope everything goes okay…  

Jamie’ s pov

I was 25 miles from Vegas, I am drive my 2011 Camaro my mother bought be for Christmas.  Sighing I kept driving when my mixed Cd stared to Play Iris by Sleeping with Sirens, I started to smile this song always reminded me of my mother… I really wish she hadn’t died… as tears came to my eyes I drove into Vegas. Smiling my Gps started giving me directions, as I finally got to this huge house I picked up the letter my mom had written, my cell phone, ipod… I got out of my car, “Jamie you can do this!” I mumbled to myself. I slowly started walking to the door, as I got to the door it opened, “Can I help you?” I blushed as his sexy British accent. “I-is Ronnie here?” he looked me up and down as he yelled, “Ronnie some fan is here!” I huffed. “I am NOT a fan, I just need to give him something..” As you see a guy that you have seen in many pictures before, “A-are you Ronnie?” I said nervously. He nodded and I handed him the letter. I walked away and started back to my car, looking back a little I saw Ronnie drop the letter and I heard him just sigh..

Ronnie’s pov

I was sitting in the living room with Ryan playing Cod, “Ronnie some fan is here!” pausing the game hearing Ryan get mad as I got up and walked to the door. As I got to the door I saw a girl that looked a lot like Claire, “A-are you Ronnie?” I nodded as she handed me a letter.

Dearest Ronnie,

If you are reading this right now, I am really sorry to hurt you all those years ago. How I just up and left, the girl giving you this letter is your daughter…That is why I had left I was frightened on how you would taken it. Her name is Jamie, and I am sorry to say that IF you ever read this means I died…My daughter is everything, don’t screw up your only chance to get to know her. She is a big fan even though she won’t admit it. She just graduated high school, I have never moved on Ronnie…

With all my Love,



I let the letter drop out of my hands as I sat on the steps to the house, sighing as I watched her go to her car, you heard someone gasp as I looked up I see jacky reading the letter. “Man what are you going to do? Are you going to let her stay?” I stood up, “Man I have to. Her mom told me not to f**k it up. Claire was the one, we went to school together, dated for years, one day she told me it was over and it fucked me up pretty bad.” He nodded As I look back at the girl I watched as she lit up a Cig and I chuckled a little. “Man I have a feeling she took up smoking like I did.”

Jacky looked at me and pushed me so I could go talk to her. Walking up to her seeing her watch me as I came down, “Hey.” Is all she said as she handed me her cig. “Did your mom know you smoke?” she giggled. “Yeah, when I was 17 she made me try one thinking I wouldn’t like it but then it back fired.” He chuckled. “Yeah blame me, you got that gene from my side. Did your mom ever tell you about me?” She laughed, “No! I went to one of FIR concert and noticed I had your eyes, nose, and skinny body, when I got home mom told me about you.” My eyes grew wide. “You went to one of our concerts?” she rolled her eyes at me, “Yup! I gotta say though Jacky is pretty cute!” shaking my head. “ I know this may be a little weird but you wanna live with the band and I?” she looked at me like I was crazy. “Mine as well. After mom died the manager kicked me out. Latterly right after the funeral, so I crashed at peoples houses.” I nodded, “I know how that feels.” She nodded, “By the way, I’m a huge fan.” Giggling as she walked to the door as I sighed walking over to her. “Yeah, so your mom said in the letter.” You watched as she blushed.

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