Chapter 1 - Birmingham

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1919 - London

Danielle stepped off the train, suitcase in hand. She felt a strong brush of wind pushing her long light brown hair back over her shoulders. The platform was busy, full of soldiers, nurses, women, and children. People were crying, some were screaming, and almost everyone was embracing loved ones who, against all odds, had returned home.

Including Danielle, who, since the age of 21, had been working as a nurse for the British Army. Now 25, Danielle had spent the majority of her adult life in France. Though most wartime nurses worked on English soil, a select few worked across the channel behind the front lines trying to save as many lives as possible, and honouring fallen soldiers when not. Though not directly involved in conflict, Danielle had been exposed to a plethora of horrors: injuries, amputations, death, and even the occasional attack. Yet somehow, Danielle had survived. 

Her father, however, had not. And so, as Danielle made eye contact with her mother through the crowd, it was evident that there was a part of her family that was missing. Danielle quickly embraced her youngest sibling, Jasper.

"Danny, I'm so happy you're home!" Jasper exclaimed. 

"I'm happy to be home" Danielle stated, embarrassing her two other siblings. "I have missed you all dearly" she stated.

"Mum, it is good to see you" said Danielle, a little more seriously.

"Oh my darling girl" her mother exclaimed, embarrassing her quickly, "I'm so happy you're safe" she stated.

Danielle looked at her siblings, and then at her mother. Though they had never lived frugal or indulgent lives, it was clear to Danielle that her father's war pension was not enough to support her mother and her three siblings. Danielle noticed their worn and somewhat ratted clothing. Danielle knew that this made sense. With no one else around to take care of her three siblings, her mother's only source of income was her father's war pension.

Danielle made a mental note that she would need to find a job as soon as possible.

Later that night - Manchester

Danielle woke up in the middle of the night panting, and covered in cold sweat. It was clear to her that she had a nightmare again. Danielle had hoped to leave those behind in France. Luckily, she had not woken her little sister, who she shared her childhood bedroom with.

Getting out of bed, Danielle walked downstairs to find her mother, passed out of the sofa. Not from alcohol, or any other substance, but simply from exhaustion, and the despair of losing her father.

Danielle started to make herself a cup of tea, when her mother awoke. Coming into the kitchen to see what the noise was, her mother found Danielle.

"Would you like some tea, mum?" Danielle asked.

"Yes, thank you Danielle" she responded.

"Why are you not sleeping in your own bed mum?" Danielle prodded.

"I can't, not since.." and Danielle knew not to change the subject further.

"Mom, there is something I need to tell you. I am going to find a job as soon as I can. That way I should be able to help support you all, the kids need to stay in school" Danielle said. Education was important to Danielle. Before the war started and Danielle began training as a nurse, Danielle had trained as a teacher. "But, I'm not going to be doing it here. I need to have a life of my own. And we both know that there are no jobs in Manchester, and there is no room in this house for me to stay" Danielle continued, "I'm going to find work in Birmingham. That way I can send money back and still be close to you all"

For the last five years, it was as if Danielle's life had stopped. The war controlled every aspect of her life, and the lives of so many people. And now, with the hope of moving to a new city, and finding a new job, Danielle felt as though she was in control, and like a record spins around and around on a gramophone, Danielle was ready to restart her life.

Little did she know what, or more specifically, who, was waiting for her in Birmingham.

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