The Seer's Secret

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Harry looks at Bruno who looks wide eyed while Mirabel looks shy. "I'll leave you both too it," Harry said and quietly slips out. After a long quiet moment Mirabel said. "I-I understand now; you did it to protect me," she said and hugs herself. "But can we still just take it slow?" She asks. Bruno nodded earnestly. "Of course Mariposa, you don't even have to call me papi or Tio. just Bruno is fine if that's what makes you comfortable. I just want to be there for you that's all I ask," Bruno said.

Mirabel gives a small smile. "Thanks and... maybe when I'm ready I'll ask more about Mamì," she said and Bruno beams. Mirabel gives a small smile and says. "I need to get to class see you at dinner," she says and left. Harry was waiting at the bottom of the stairs where he had the biggest smile on his face ever. "I told you so," Mirabel pushes him. "I'm rubbing off on you too much," she says. "Eh what can I say? Your a good influence," He said with a modest shrug.

The following days were much lighter with much happier feelings now that the tension was resolved.

Harry wishes so badly this beautiful mood could have lasted just a little longer. Sadly it did not. That following Friday during potions there was a knock on the door. Annoyed Snape flicked his wand and opened it as he told everyone to focus on their potions, but of course no one did.

On the other side of the doorframe Harry's jaw dropped. He saw order member Kingsley Shacklebolt standing next to who Harry assumed to be another Auror wearing a trench coat. If Snape was surprised he did not show it and merely said. "To what gives you the right to disrupt my class? If it is this urgent it better be because a student was poisoned to which I will gladly watch," He said. The Auror in the trench coat steps forward  pulling out a piece of paper though students couldn't see what it said from their angles.

"We are here to arrest and detain Mirabel Madrigal," Gasps went out throughout the room and Snape silenced them with a glare. "For what?! I was framed! I demand a lawyer I know my rights! I get a phone call! It was Camilo!" Mirabel exclaims standing up defiantly.

"Who's? Never mind," the auror let it go. Kingsley Shacklebolt steps forward and said in a emotionless voice that bertrayed no inner feelings. "As of yesterday afternoon after the release of Rita Skeeter she has accused you of placing the Imperious Curse on her," Harry could not believe what he was hearing.

Mirabel? Using the Imperious curse? That is utterly ridiculous. Looking at Mirabel she wore a hard expression and said through clenched teeth. "Rita Skeeter is a proven liar who makes up stories to destroy reputations," she said. "While that may be this case still needs to be treated delicately and with caution," Kingsley said. "And quite frankly you have to come with us," the other Auror said. "I am not going anywhere with you," Mirabel states. "Ms Madrigal sit down and be quiet," Snape snaps and turns to the Aurors. "May we please talk about this with the headmaster?" He asks. "And leave that girl alone and a chance for escape? No, we have orders to take her straight to Azkaban until her trial can be scheduled," several students stood up and quickly formed ranks in front of Mirabel protectively.

"You cannot put her in Azkaban she's bloody fifteen!" Seamus exclaims. "And you have no evidence!" Ron exclaims. "And this is a claim coming from a proven liar!" Hermione adds. "You have no right to just take anyone straight to Azkaban especially someone under seventeen," Neville points out. "You lay a hand on her and my father will hear about this," Draco hisses. Turning to the aurors Snape said. "They may be young and stupid and brainless in potions, but they are all correct," He said cooly.

"Well this is the exception. Now all of you step aside or else you will all be arrested for halting an arrest," The Auror threatens. "We will not! Don't you dare," Harry began when Mirabel grabbed his hand. "Stand down Harry," she said and everyone looks at her. "What? Mirabel they cannot," Hermione began. "I'll be fine. This will all be cleared up and I'll be back in no time," Mirabel looks at them and they could all read her. She didn't want them to get hurt because of her. Harry still does not want to stand down, but then Mirabel pushes something into his pockets subtly and said. "I'll come with you, but I request that I be taken to Dumbledore's office first so he may be informed of this," Mirabel requests.

"That may be arranged," Kingsley agrees. "First you give us your wand," The other Auror orders with a outstretched hand. "I don't have it, I accidentally snapped it practicing a spell," Mirabel explains. They believe her and casting a glance behind her the Aurors took Mirabel out of the classroom. "Finish up your potions and put them on my desk. Class dismissed," Snape said and rushes out to follow them.

Everyone was shocked silent when Seamus asks. "They aren't actually going to send her to Azkaban are they?" He asks. Harry feels a sick feeling in his stomach and he looks into his pockets. He saw Mirabel's wand in it along with a note. Discretely he pulls it out and reads it.

"Don't let my family come after me, the second they leave the Encanto he will come for them. Just let me and Dumbledore handle this I'll be back before you know it,"

Harry grips the letter tightly. Umbridge walks past the doorway and flashes the students a sharp grin. "Remember children, everyone must pay for their crimes eventually," Harry snaps. "Than why are you still walking?"

He got a very bloody hand for that.

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