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Everly Sky heart

8 1/2 months.

That's how long it's been since I've stayed in Rome. It's a beautiful place don't get me wrong but when you barely know anyone here, it can get a little lonely.

Though I'm not completely alone, my college professors allow me to do my school work at home so it's not so bad here after all.

My roommate thinks I should get out more, and explore but it's like I can feel him everywhere. My vision blurs, and I quickly blink away the tears.

"No more crying." I hear my roommate Charlie say. I smile up at him and he smiles back. "Move on baby, you literally have a baby on the way soon." He rolls his eyes at me in a playful way.

"I know. I know." I huff and go to get up off the couch, Charlie is quick to help me. "I am more than capable of getting up off the couch, you know." I give him a blank stare but he just chuckles in return.

"I know but how else am I going to make sure that the baby is okay and healthy if you fall or get hurt while trying to get up?" He asks with a pointed look at me.

"I'll be fine, and I'm sure she's fine." I shove him away from me, and make my way to the kitchen to grab some pickles.

I've been craving them like crazy so I make Charlie go to the store every time we run out. Otherwise I get really cranky and he knows not to forget after the last time.

Now that I look back on it, it's quite funny.

I ended up throwing all my shoes at him for not wanting to go to the store at three in the morning because I was craving them.

"Hey I have to head to the bank later to cash out my check so I won't be back till late." I tell him so he's not worried when I don't come home till late.

"Alright, be safe." He warns me, causing me to let a snicker while biting my pickle. "Always am." I sent him a wink.

"Have you asked Blake yet?" I ask him with a raise of my eyebrow. "No, I won't ever have the balls to ask him out." I roll my eyes at him being a chicken again.

"I have more balls than you and I don't even have any." I let out a laugh, Charlie sends me a glare, but ends up laughing with me.

After our fit of laughter my phone dings and I go to check to see who it is.

D: hey.

I smile at the text message from Dylan and text him back immediately.

E: hey butt head :P

D: Why didn't you tell me?

E: what? Stop being so weird Dylan🙄

D: It's Bella, Everly. Do you know how much I've missed you? Do you know how worried I was?

I didn't respond, how was I supposed to respond? Did Dylan tell her? No he wouldn't after all this time, he wouldn't have, so she must have found out on her own someway.

Does...does he know?

My phone dings again, but I put it on silent mode and throw my phone on the couch. I can't do this, not when I'm so close to my due date.

"Hey, you okay?" I hear Charlie ask from behind me. "Yeah." I turn around to face him, giving him a big smile so he doesn't worry.

"Well I'm heading to the store, want to come?" He asked me. I agree since it will take my mind off things plus I do want to get more pickles.

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