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Everly Sky heart

I search the bed for Zion but all I feel is coldness. I sit up in bed and rub the tiredness out of my eyes. I look over but don't see Zion.

I get up out of bed and slowly head downstairs since my legs still hurt from what happened.

I know Zion can see that I'm not okay but I'm already seen as the abused girl, I don't want to be seen as the girl that got raped now.

That's going to be with me for the rest of my life and there's nothing I can do to change it. I know people say that if you got raped while a virgin then you're still a virgin but it doesn't feel like it, at all.

"Everly" Zion runs up to me before grabbing my hips gently like he will break me if he touched me the wrong way.

"What are you doing up, you should be in bed resting" his eyes held so much worry that I thought I was going to cry for a second.

"I'm fine Zion, it's not like I'm dying" I roll my eyes at him being so scared for me. I don't blame him, I know he's just looking out for me but it's getting a bit annoying.

"Why are you so stubborn" I shrug and then see something behind his back and go to reach for it but he backs away.

"What's that"I furrow my eyebrows at him acting all weird now.

"Oh I got you something" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"You? Got me something?" I ask a little suspicious. He rolls his eyes and I snicker a laugh while trying to peek at what he has behind his back.

"Can I see?" I ask getting a little excited. I bounce on my tippy toes and watch Zion retract his hands from behind his back to see he's holding mr.cuddles.

"Aww you went to get him?" I ask as I snatch mr.cuddles out of his hands. "Of course I did, I know how you love Him so much but you better also sleep with me too" his face going to all seriousness.

"Eye, eye captain" he chuckles and I look down at Mr.cuddles. I've missed him so much but I'm also curious on how Zion got into the house without my father or his friends seeing.

"Did my father see you" I notice how Zions whole face drops but he quickly puts on a smile and shakes his head no, he's acting way to suspicious.

"Why are you acting so weird?" I slit my eyes at him. "I'm not, just tired." Before I could say anything else I'm picked up by someone and thrown over their shoulder.

I Yelp in surprise and look down to see their butt and immediately know it's Dylan since he's got a bubble butt.

I evilly smirk as I raise my hand and smack his butt Causing him to yell in surprise. "Ow Everly" he walks into the kitchen.

"Put me down" I demand with a bit of a harsh town since I don't like being picked up. "You know I don't like being picked up" he huffs and then places me down on the kitchen counter.

I cross my arms over my chest and give him a death stare. He just laughs till Zion clears his throat and Dylan's face goes white. He puts his hand up in surrender and slowly starts to walk backwards away from me as Zion makes his way over to me.

"You okay cupcake?" He asks placing his hands on my hips. I wrap my hands around his neck and my legs around his waist.

"Yeah I'm fine" I assure him, I want him to believe that I'm okay but I know he knows that I'm not.

To be honest I don't even know if I'll ever be okay again, but I'm willing to try for him, Dylan, and Bella.

I'm willing to do anything for them even if it risks my life.

"Want to go to my house?" He asks out of the blue which causes Dylan to poke his head beside us causing me to giggle as I look at his face.

"Absolutely not, ma'am" Dylan puts his finger up as he wiggles it. Zion looks at him with an eyebrow raised, amusement written all over as he stares at Dylan.

"Did you just call me ma'am?" He asks resting his head on my lap. "Yes I did and get away from her" he pries Zion away from me and I can see that this pisses Zion off.

"She's not yours, stop being so clingy. I want a turn" Dylan whines as he runs up to me and brings me into a bear hug.

I laugh but hug him back till I look over at Zion who looks like he's about to explode. "She is mine so get away from what's mine before I kill you" my eyes widen at what he said and Dylan tenses against me.

"Okay...okay, she's yours" I roll my eyes at them acting like two year olds fighting over some toy that's not either if there's.

"Oh shut up, I'm a human being not an object which means..." I point my finger at Zion, "I don't belong to anyone" I slit my eyes at him and he gulps.

I smile to myself in victory as he approaches me. "I'm sorry cupcake, let's do this the proper way shall we?" I look at him confused on what he means.

"Everly sky heart will you do me the favor of being my girlfriend" holy shit I thought he was about to propose for a second.

My skeleton nearly jumped out my skin.

"So" his face turns into worry after I take a few second to respond. I do feel safe with him and he does care for me, he even got me Mr.cuddles back for me so what's the worst that could happen.

"Of course" the biggest smile forms on his face, I yelp in surprise when he picks me up and spins me around.

"Now you are mine and there's nothing you can do about it" I flick him on the forehead, "ow, what was that for?" He asks as he rubs his forehead against my shoulder.

"I'm not an object Zion" I huff out.

"Of course you're not cupcake, you're something even better" I tilt my head to the side confused on what he means.

"You're my girlfriend" he gives me a soft kiss on the cheek clearly trying not to freak me out after what happened.

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