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Everly Sky heart

You ever been so embarrassed in your whole life that you just want the world to swallow you up and everyone to forget you even existed.

Well that's how I feel right now, I have just tripped and fell on my butt, with my lunch all over me.

It's not fun being the weird girl in school, especially high school, luckily this is my last year at this hell hole.

I grab my tray and start to clean up the mess that I have created. Well I didn't do it on purpose, one of the football players tripped me and caused me to fall.

Everyone watches as I clean it up and some are even laughing and whispering to each other, most likely about me.

After I cleaned up my mess, I throw away my tray and walk to the bathroom. At this point I don't care enough to run. This happens way to much for me to care anymore. 

I head into the girls bathroom and immediately grab the paper towels and start to wipe the food off of me.

There's milk on my skirt, so I dab up the milk and once I've looked descent enough I head out.

I make sure to pull down my skirt a little so the guys don't try to look up it again. I hate the school uniform, I would rather wear my comfy sweatpants and hoodie then this crap.

The bell rings signaling that it's time for my next class. First I have to go to my locker to grab my clothes for gym class. There is no way I'm wearing my skirt during gym class.

I know right, why would you ever wear a skirt to gym class Everly? well some of the cheerleaders do wear there skirts to gym class just to flash the boys while they play football.

My school is the worst, but that's only because it's a private school, which explains the uniforms.

I hear the finale bell and realize that I'm late for class, as I run down the hall I bump into a wall.

"Ouch" I say as I fall to the ground. I look up to see an unfamiliar face. He just looks at me dumbfounded and then continues on his merry way.

"Meany" I mumble under my breath, as I get up and fix my skirt I turn around to see if he's still there and ready to apologize but he's not.

Why was he so rude, he didn't even say sorry. Well I guess it was my fault for running into him.

My knee starts to sting and I look down to see that it's bleeding from when I fell.

"Great" I mumble as I groan out in frustration. I limp to the nurses office, at least I'll have an excuse for being late.

I make my way into her office and she looks at me worried. "What happened Eve" I've been in here enough times for when I get hurt for me and her to get close.

She's a really nice woman. "I fell" I say as I sit down in one of the chairs. "I can see that, your leg is basically covered in blood" she jokes.

I don't look down since I'm not really good with blood or anything. Mrs.rose walks over to the cabinets and grabs some bandages and Hydrogen peroxide.

"No. No no" I say shaking my head and sinking into the chair. "Eve I have to or it's going to get infected" she explains while giving me the 'don't move' look.

"But it's going to hurt" I whine while putting my hands over my eyes like it's going to help at all.

"I'll do it quick" she says, I nod my head and wait for the stinging to occur.

I wince from the burning and stinging when she pours it on my knee, "ow" I whine out while squeezing my eyes so hard that it's starting to look like a galaxy.

"Done" she says with excitement, I slowly take off my hands and then open my eyes to see that she is wrapping my knee in bandages.

I smile when she finishes. "That wasn't so bad was it now" she says while putting her hands on her hips.

"Yes it was indeed, I was about to die" I say dramatically while putting my arm over my forehead, as if I was about to pass out.

She scoffs and then sits down at her desk and starts typing fast on her computer.

I could never type that fast, I would mess up every word, no body would be able to understand anything I wrote.

It would be like trying to read alien language. "Alright, I'm going to write you a pass and the you can head back to class" she says while taking a peace of paper out of her desk and writing on it.

I let out a groan and she just laughs at how dramatic I am. "I don't want to go to gym class" I exhale.

"Well, you need it to pass high school, wouldn't want to stay back the year you graduate now would you" she says while handing me the note.

"No" I mumble, "huh what was that? I didn't quite hear you." She puts her hand out her ear pushing it out.

"I said no" I explain louder. "Exactly".
I get up with the note in my hand and head out the nurses office and to gym class.

As I enter the gym, my teacher immediately comes up to me with a not so pleased look on his face. He crosses his arms over his chest and stops in front of me.

"Well where were you Ms. heart?" He asks, I don't bother saying anything and just hand him the pass. He looks at it and then at me, "go change and sit on the bleachers today" he says before walking off.

I turn around and someone catches my attention. It's the guy who made me fall, he's sitting at the top of the bleachers with his phone in his hand and headphones over his head.

I scoff at him not even caring about making a good first impression for the school.

I know he's new since he's never been in this class before and all the girls are trying to get his attention.

I roll my eyes at him and head to the girls locker room. Thank god no one is in here to see me change.

I would hate for them to see all the bruises on my body. Most of them are from me bumping into things since I can't walk straight when I'm nervous, but the rest of them are from my father.

Ever since my mom left, he's taken his anger out on me. He tells me it's my fault that she left but deep down he knows it's from his anger issues and abuse.

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