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Everly Sky heart

As I wait for Bella and her brother, Dylan who is a year older then her. I start to pack my things a little early.

Mr.Ronald notices and speaks up in front of the whole class, making everyone look at me.

"So eager to leave my class Ms.heart?" He raises one of his eyebrows with a smirk on his face, making me cringe in disgust.

Before I could say anything Dylan walks into the room, "Mr.Ronald, I'm here to pick up Eve" he walks over to me picking up my bag and throwing it over his shoulder while grabbing my hand.

Heat rises all the way up my throat to my cheeks, and I can only imagine how bright they are. "Is she being dismissed?" He questions.

"Nope, but Mrs.rose told me to come pick her up. You can go ahead and give her a call" he nods and proceeds to give Mrs.rose a call.

I look up at Dylan to see him wiggle his eyebrows at me and then give me a confident smile which makes me smile, knowing he's got everything under control.

I look around the room to see everyone staring at Dylan like he's a goddess.

He stayed back a year from his absences but other then that he's a great student and everyone loves him.

Zion catches my attention, he's staring straight at me with this jealous look in his eyes.

His jaw and fists clenched and unclench as he stars at Dylan's hand in between mine.

"What" I mouth to him but he doesn't say anything and just faces forward in his seat.

I roll my eyes at him being cold again, I guess that's just his personality. Mr.Ronald hangs up the phone and then says we can leave.

Dylan's pulls me out of the room and I see Bella waiting in the hallway, a smile makes its way on my face but I try to hide it since Mr.Ronald is still watching us.

Before I leave I glance over to Zion, he's still looking at Dylan. Not even acknowledging me.

What's his deal with just glaring at people. Especially men, wait is he gay?

Oh my, what if he has a thing for Dylan. That would suck because Dylan isn't gay.

I'd feel really bad if he tried to ask Dylan out or something and then get rejected right after.

I'd hate for that to happen to me. I mean I haven't ever asked someone out before but from watching people get rejected in the school hallways, I can tell it hurts them.

Being rejected by someone you really like, even after you worked up the courage to ask them too.

"So what we going to do now?" Dylan's asks glancing at the both of us. I shrug my shoulders since I have no clue what to do, I've never really skipped class like this before so I wouldn't know.

"Wanna go to the carnival today, it's finally opened?" Bella asks excited. Shaking my head no, Dylan nudges me slightly, "oh come on Orange, have some fun. Let lose" he's always calling me orange.

Ever since that time in 6th grade when I squeezed an orange and it squirted in my eye, he's been calling me orange.

I don't mind since oranges are really good but people look at me and him weird when he calls me it.

"Fine, but how we going to sneak out?" I ask as I look around the empty school hall.

"Well, security is usually patrolling the 3rd floor and side of the school right about now so we should be fine if we leave right now, but we gotta hurry or we'll get caught" Dylan explains while pushing us forward to hurry up.

We make our way to the front door, pulling my hood over my head so no one sees me on the cameras, I make my way out the front door with Dylan and Bella on my right side.

I check behind me to see if anyone is there but then I see Zion standing at the door with his arms crossed over his chest with an amused look on his face.

But yet, he looks disappointed at the same time. "Hurry up Everly" Dylan's pulls my hand as we arrive at the car.

I climb in the back seat and so does bella, "what? Am I to gorgeous for you girls to sit next to?" Bella let's out a dramatic laugh while punching him in the shoulder.

"Yeah right" Bella laughs out, Dylan scoff's before starting up the car and leaving the school premises.

"Turn the music on" Bella demands, "alright, but my car, my music." Dylan grins in the rear view mirror.

A loud dramatic groan makes it's way throughout the car and I turn over to see Bella pretending to be dead when he puts on some rock music.

I roll my eyes at how dramatic she can be at times but I still love her for it. "Oh Eve, you going to show everyone your belly dance moves?" Bella raises her eyebrows with a smirk.

"What, Everly you can belly dance?" Dylan's shocked voice asks. "Nope" I turn my head to look out the window.

"Of course she can, she's so hot when she does it. I was surprised when she showed me." Bella explains.

"It's not a big deal. It's just fun to do" I shrug my shoulders at the idea of it. "Guess you'll have to show me sometime." I see Dylan wiggle his eyebrows in the mirror at me.

Bella slaps his shoulders and he winces in pain, "stop flirting with my best friend, Dylan" Bella rolls her eyes and he and I just laugh.

Dylan is more like a brother to me then anything else. Half the time me and him are sometimes arguing about stupid things, like siblings do.

We're just like a big family, which I love the idea of, because I don't really have anyone to call family. I mean I have my father but I don't consider him family.

He just works half the time and gets drunk the other half. I'm just glad he's going away for a business trip tomorrow.

"We're here" Dylan puts the car into park before shutting it off. Bella cheers beside me and then pulls me out of the car.

I can already tell that my feet are going to be exhausted by the end of the day.

After all we were only supposed to skip c block, not the whole day of school.

At least I'll have some fun today before I get back home.

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