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Everly Sky heart

I woke up early so I would avoid my father in the morning, since I know he probably drank a lot last night and would be hungover.

I made sure to cook him some breakfast and then placed it in the microwave with a note on the fridge letting him know that it was in there for when he woke up.

I didn't get him a drink since I already knew that he would just have a beer with it and then head off to work.

As me and Bella head to school, she starts to blast music in the car and starts singing loudly to it.

I groan even though I know she can't hear me, it's way to damn early for this.

I didn't even wake up an hour and a half ago and she is already as hyper as someone could be.

As you can already tell, I am not a morning person at all. I could probably murder someone if they woke me up on the weekends.

If I'm allowed to sleep in, then you better let me sleep in or I'll be your worst nightmare.

"So you wanna skip c block today, I really don't want to go to Spanish, all she does is yell at you"

She starts to lower the music down, so we could hear each other.

"I don't know if that's a good idea bella, what if we get caught or someone rats us out?"

I do want to skip c block but we could get caught and get in trouble, I don't want Bella to get in trouble again.

Last time she got a warning but they said next time they won't be so nice.

"Eh, who cares. Everyone does it, you really think  someone is going to snitch?"

Yes, yes I do think someone is going to snitch because there are people that are teachers pets who snitch on everyone.

Especially Rachel, god I hate her. I know hate is a strong word but I truly do hate her.

"So we gonna skip?" She pulls into the student parking lot and parks her car in her assigned parking spot. "Fine, but we get caught, I'm running for it"

"Deal" we lock pinkies and kiss our thumb to lock it in. "Now you can't break your promise" bell says as she sticks her tongue out at me before exiting the car.

I chuckle from her childish acts and then exit the car myself. Bella locks her arm around mine and we both head inside of the school.

It's still pretty early so there's not a lot of students here yet. I'm glad for that because it can get very loud in this school.

As we walk down the empty halls of the high school, I see my d block teacher.

"Hello Ms.heart" he gives me a warm but weird smile. I wave at him as he passes us. Bella pulls me closer towards her.

I look at her confused as to why she did that, "he's a creep that looks at you like your a meal" she says in disgust.

"I think he's nice" I shrug my shoulders and we head to her locker, since I already have all my things for my classes today in my bag.

She unlocks her locker and opens it, "so what class you got first?" Bella asks as she grabs her books from her locker and places them in her bag.

"D block" she stops her movements and turns on her heel to face me. "So you have Mr.creepy first thing in the morning?" She questions.

I nod my head and she grabs both my shoulders making my eyes widen from her getting all close to me while being so serious.

"If he tries anything, scream and I'll come running to beat some monkeys ass" I nod my head fast, I'm surprised it didn't come off.

"Good" she cheers as she closes her locker, we both head to our classes and I sit down at the back of the class, opening up my notes and homework.

The class fills up and not soon after everyone has taken there seat, "everyone have your homework out and on your desk for when I come and collect it" Mr.Ronald says.

As he starts to collect everyone's homework, Zion walks into the class scanning all of the students until his eyes land on me.

"Glad for you to join us Mr.Santos, have a seat somewhere" Mr.Ronald nods his head towards the class.

"Ms.heart glad you did your homework this time." He smiles at me as I hand him my finished homework.

His hand grazes mine and I immediately pull my hand back and give him a nervous smile.

The chair next to me pulls back and I look over to see Zion sitting down next to me, staring straight at Mr.Ronald.

Mr.Ronald clears his throat and goes back to collecting everyone's homework. "What are you doing?".

"Sitting down" the man says as he shrugs his shoulders, like it's not a big deal.

"You're going to make people hate me even more" I whisper to him as Mr.Ronald starts on our lesson for today.

"So, who cares what they think" he leans back in his chair and closes his eyes as he places his hoodie over his eyes to block out the light.

"I do" I look around to see some of the popular girls looking over at us and whispering.

I lower my head, my hair shielding my face from everyone that is looking at me.

"Can you please just go sit somewhere else" I plead, I hear him scoff and movement next to me.

I turn my head to look over to see him now sitting with the girls that were whispering.

I take in a big breath and then let it out, I start to copy down some notes and look up at the board to see Mr.Ronald looking at me.

His uncomfortable staring makes me sink into my chair, now I know what Bella meant from him being creepy.

Secretly taking out my phone, I start to text Bella.

Me: Mr.Ronald keeps staring at me, and he's starting to make me uncomfortable:/

Bella:I'm on my way, Dylan is with me:) he'll kick some ass.

Me: no don't bring Dylan, he'll end up killing him. Just find a way to get me out of here, please.

Bella: alright but Dylan is still coming, after all I'm going to need my big brother with me just in case Mr.Creepy wants to start some shit;)

Me: fine, just make an excuse.

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