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Everly Sky heart

After I've finished changing, I limp to gym class and sit down in the far corner at the top bleachers.

I pull out the book that I've been reading for the past day and start to finish it.

As I start reading, I feel a tap on my shoulder and look up to see it's my best friend Bella. A smile makes it's way onto my face and I immediately hug her like it's my last time ever being able too.

"I thought you had a doctors appointment" I say as I let go of her and sit back down onto the bleachers.

"I did but then she rescheduled it to Tuesday, which I'm glad for because who is that hottie over there" she points over to the new kid.

"I'm not sure" I shrug my shoulders as I look back down at my book. "Oh no no, your best friend is here and you're not just going to stick your head into one of these books" she says as she takes my book.

"Wait no let me mark the page first Bella" I say, she stands up and holds the book over her head. "That's no fair Bella" I say as I try to jump and grab it.

"Please, let me just mark the page and then I'll put it away" I say. I see her think it over and then she lowers his arm and gives me the book.

I quickly mark the page and shove it into my bag with a huff. "Oh don't you huff at me" she says as she crosses her arms over her chest, something she does when she's being serious or a mom.

"You know you love me" she says as she messes up my hair, "I hate you" I mumble out as I fix my now messed up hair, "I love you too" she says with a smile before kissing my cheek.

"So you going to tell me what happened with you and the hottie" she asks me while nudging my shoulder with hers.

"What do you mean?" I ask curiously, "well he keeps looking at you so sternly.

"Oh I ran into him in the hallway and scrapped my knee and he didn't even say sorry or anything." I explain to her.

Her face goes red from rage and she stands up about to walk over there, "no Bella I'm fine, really it was just an accident and it was my fault for not looking for where I was going." I grab her arm and pull her back to sit down.

"Are you sure, because I'll go show him some manners right here, right now." She rolls up her sleeves like she is about to go in a WWE smash down.

I let out a loud laugh from her being a protective mama bear. "Yes I'm sure" I say as I stop laughing but still hold a big smile on my face.

"Alright but just say the magic word and I'll knock a bitch out" she says, I slap her shoulder "I'm sorry" she rubs her shoulder up and down.

"I didn't even hit you that hard" I roll my eyes from her being so dramatic. "I know, but I wanna show everyone that looks at you, that you're a strong independent woman" she puts her arm over my shoulder.

I hear the bell ring and pick up my bag, putting it over my shoulder and walking down the bleachers.

I trip at the last stairs and someone catches me just before I slammed my face into the floor.

"Would you watch where you go." I hear someone hiss out. I look behind me to see the new hid holding onto my bag. "Sorry" I let out barely above a whisper.

"Hey, leave her alone" I hear Bella yell from behind him. He lets go of my bag and turns to side to face Bella, he doesn't even respond, he just walks off.

"What an asshole" she says while walking over to me and pulling me into her side.

"You alright" she says as she checks to see if I'm hurt, "I'm fine Bella" she nods and we continue walking to our next class which is chemistry.

I hate chemistry class. I've just never been able to understand it very well.

We head to the locker room so I can change out of my gym clothes, I head into the bathroom stall so they don't see my bruises, as I'm putting on my skirt I hear some girls talking.

"Did you hear about the new guy" one of them says, "yeah he's so hot, I can't wait till he's mine" another one says. I quickly finish putting on my clothes since it feels wrong to listen in on their conversation.

I open the stall and they turn there heads to look over at me. I quickly leave before any trouble starts, which would be the last thing I would want.

Bella takes my hand in hers and we both head to chemistry class. We don't sit next to each other since we have assigned seats but we are working on a project so when Mr.rue does all the things he needs to do, me and Bella will go to the back of the class and start on our project.

Well more talking then then doing the actual project, but we always finish our work. It's always late but better turned in late then never.

As we walk into chemistry class I see the kid from gym class sitting at the back of the class surrounded by girls.

"Ms. Heart and Ms.Ella" Mr.rue says out loud, "why are we late?" He asks, and at this moment everyone has turned there head towards us.

I squeeze Bella's hand and she sends me a warm smile, "we where in the girls locker room changing, if you really wanted to know" she says and Mr.Rue's face goes red from embarrassment.

My eyes widen from her speaking so freely. I nudge her shoulder a little and she just shrugs her shoulders at me. I smile at her personality.

"Very well, go get with your partners and finish up your project" Mr.Rue says while pointing to the spot we sit at.

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