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Zion dice santos

I quickly lay her in bed after collecting myself at the stairs. I've never gotten weak in the knees by any girl.

"Goodnight cupcake" I kiss her forehead and tuck her into the blankets. "Stay" she whispers as she grabs my hand.

Is this going to happen every night because if so I don't mind one damn bit. "Okay" I whisper as I climb in next to her and almost immediately, Everly cuddles up to my side.

"In the morning, don't wake me up, okay?" I whisper to her half asleep body. "Mhm" she mumbles and I kiss her forehead one last time before I fall asleep with her in my arms.

I feel very content with her here, like nothing bad could ever happen, but oh how I was wrong.

Everly Sky heart

I wake up to my phone ringing, groaning I roll over to grab my phone and quickly answer it.



I completely freeze from his voice. I sit up not even caring that zion was on me, wait zion was on me. I don't care because right now is not the time.

"Yes" I answer a couple of seconds later.

"I'm calling to tell you that I'm coming home early since the project is almost done and that when I get home the house is to be spotless and dinner cooked for some guests tonight."

"Okay, when are you coming home?" I ask.

"May 7th" my birthday.

"Alright, everything will be clean and I'll make some pasta" before I know it I hear him mumble an okay and then the line goes dead.

My birthday was only a week and a half away and now I have to spend it slaving over a stove and cleaning for my fathers trashy friends that just cat call me whenever I enter the same room as them.

Quickly getting out of bed I hear Zion groan behind me and then watch as his arm reaches out and searches for something but when he doesn't find it he jolts up in bed nearly giving me a heart attack.

"You alright there bud?" I ask as I raise an eyebrow at him. His tired eyes look at me and smiles, "yeah I was looking for you but when I couldn't feel you I thought you left me" he says the last part a bit quiet.

He must just be lonely, I get like that sometimes so I cuddle with all my stuffed animals to make me feel better, plus I don't want the rest of them to feel lonely either.

"Everly" I hear that over cheerful voice call from behind the door before she barges in and freezes.

She looks between me and Zion and a mysterious look plasters on her face. "Please tell me you at least used protection?" She crosses her arms over her chest and I tilt my head to the side.

"We didn't have sex dumbass" Zion says before hoping out of my bed. "Don't call her that" I warn.

"Sorry princess. toadface" he looks to Bella saying the last part with no emotion clearly trying to get on her nerves.

"God you guys act like siblings" I shake my head at them. "Yeah and you and my brother act like an old married couple." She smirks back and my face heats up.

"If anything I would be her old hubby not that disgrace of a boy" Zion's arms wrap around my stomach and I immediately shove him away.

"What the heck" I yell, "you didn't mind last night when you were basically on top o-." He's quickly interrupted by my hero.

"Alright, I'm hungry and want some orange juice so I'm going to get some" to be honest I thought my head was going to snap off from how fast my head snapped to Bella as she headed downstairs.

I ran after her and straight to the kitchen to see her already at the fridge, damn she's fast. "I told you not to drink her orange juice toadface" Zion roars from behind me causing me to jump.

I watch as Bella drinks out of the carton, please don't drink it all.

"It's Everly's" he says before walking past me and straight to Bella before snatching it while she was in the middle of drinking it.

"Jerk-face" she sends him a glare and he sends one right back. I watch them argue and bite at my lip trying to contain my laughter from how they argue.

Bella throws a spoon at Zion and it bounces off his head, I couldn't hold in my laughter anymore and burst out a fit, they both look at me and glare but I don't care since Zion looked priceless after the spoon bounced off his head.

"Not funny Everly" I stop from how cold his voice turned. "Sorry" I whisper with a small smile still on my face but it quickly drops when I realize this is going to end soon.

"Everly what's wrong?" Bella puts her hand on my shoulder, "nothing" she gives me the look stating that she doesn't believe me.

I huff and look her in the eyes, "my father is coming back earlier and it happens to be on my birthday" I whisper the last part with disappointment laced in my voice.

"What" Bella screams in my ear causing Zion to run up to us in panic, if I wasn't so down right now I would have laughed at how panicked he looked.

"What's wrong?" He questions looking between the pissed off bella and then me. "Nothi-."

"Everly's sperm donor is coming back and it happens to be on her fucking birthday, that son of a bitch is going to hit her like he does every year" she yells out at Zion.

I could basically feel the anger raiding off of Zion, I watched as his fists clenched and unclenched. "I'll be fine, I always am" I assure Bella. "Yeah fucking right, last time you came to school and you could bearly fucking walk without wincing. You really think I couldn't see the bruises" she yells as she storms over to her phone.

"What are you doing?" I question as she starts to type aggressively on it, I kinda feel bad for her phone it didn't do anything to her and now it might break.

"I'm texting me dad, you're staying with us until you're birthday and then that fucker can't do shit about it"

"No, Bella don't. I told you I am fine" my voice comes out firm and angry so she knows I'm dead serious.

"No Everly, I'm not caving this time, it's final. I've already sent it" she places her phone down on the counter and I stare at it in shock.

What's going to happen now?

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