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Every sky heart

As I roll over in my bed, I stretch my legs and arms out like a starfish and sit up in my bed.

My stomach growls and I decide I should go get something to eat, as I make my way out of my room and downstairs.

I yawn as I rub my eyes, making it into the kitchen and heading straight to the fridge.

Grabbing what's left of the oj, as I chug the last of the oj I hear someone clear their throat behind me.

I turn around and look at Zion who carries groceries in his hand. I see the oj in one of the bags and immediately head toward him grabbing the bag that has oj in it.

Grabbing a glass I pour some in and take a sip letting out a silent moan at the first glass of an unopened container of oj.

Turning over to look at Zion I see he's looking at the wall with his cheeks a light pink.

Is he blushing?

No, theres no way.

"Are you okay" I ask as I place my now empty cup in the sink and turn to face him.

He clears his throat and turns to face me, keeping his eyes on mine. I tilt my head to the side with a questioning look on my face.

Nodding his head, "yes" I nod and start to put away the groceries. I bend down to put the grapes in the bottom shelf of the fridge and hear choking behind me.

I stand up and turn around to see Zion with a bottle of water, choking on it. I quickly run up to him and start to pat his back, rubbing up and down when he starts to calm his coughing.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He clears his throat and puts his water on the counter. "Yep perfectly fine" he says as he steps away from me.

"O..Kay" I let out as I return to finish putting the groceries away. As I place the last item on the top shelf, I stand on my tippy toes and reach up there but still can't reach it, turning my head over my shoulder I ask Zion to help me.

I hear his heavy footsteps make there way over to me until I can feel his body heat radiating off of him. I take in a deep breath when his chest meets my back and pushes me against the counter.

His hand reaches over mine grabbing the jar of sauce out of my hands, but when he places it on top of the top shelf, he doesn't move.

His hand starts to slowly trail up and down my arm as I get goosebumps all over my body from the sensation.

My stomach tightens when I feel his heavy breathing on my ear. "Why are you wearing something like this? Are you trying to get my attention, huh" he whispers into my ear.

I look down realizing I'm still only wearing an over sized t-shirt and panties.  My cheeks heat up and I try to leave but his hand and body traps me against the counter.

"I-I didn't realize, I'll go c-change" I stutter out from how nervous I am from how close he is to me. He stays quiet for a little while before finally speaking, "no reason love, I like you like this... it's cute, but I'd like you better in my shirt" he backs up off me and I finally can breath.

Slowly turning around I keep my gaze on the ground fiddling with my hands. I for sure do not have the courage to look up at him now.

After all I did bend down and try to reach up to the top shelf, my shirt for sure raises up enough for him to see my goodies.

A deep chuckle rips through the room and I look up to see Zion with his head back laughing hard. A smile makes its way onto  my face realizing I caused him to laugh.

He calms down and leans his head back down to look at me, "you're even cuter when you're all red and shy" he breaths out.

He takes a step closer to me and softly grabs my chin, "but as much as I love your red cheeks, there is no reason for you to be nervous and shy around me" I look up in search of him lying but there's nothing.

I smile up at him and how kind he's being, he lets go of my chin and makes his way over to the fridge.

"Now what would you like for dinner" he asks, I furrow my eyebrows at him in confusion and tilt my head to the side.

He looks over at me and a frown makes a way onto his face, "what's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing, it's just no one has ever cooked for me." I confess. His frown deepens and then it rises into a big toothy smile allowing my to see the dimple in the right side of his cheek.

"Then im honored to be the first man to make you something for dinner, even if it is just spaghetti and meatballs" he chuckles.

I giggle and his head snaps toward me, I immediately stop and my eyes widen.

I've never laughed like that, only when I'm with Bella and Dylan.

I immediately turn on my heel and head towards the stairs up to my room yelling "let me know when dinner is ready" while scurrying of to my room.

Slamming the door shut and leaning against it I blow out a big breath and walk over to my desk.

Sitting down in my chair before grabbing my phone realizing I have two messages from Bella.

B: Hey me and Dylan are going to a party tonight wanna come?

B: I promise I won't leave you and Dylan will be by our side the whole night. It'll be fun plus think of it as a early birthday night;)

I sniffle a laugh and send a text back.

M: first of all my birthday isn't until another month and a half and I can't, I have a babysitter remember.

B: climb out the window...

M: and if I fall? Will you be there to catch me.

B: of course I will, I will always be there to catch you.

M: I'll think about it plus he's making dinner so I can't leave right now, I'll text you when I'm ready.

B: ooohh, he's making you dinner, someone's getting special treatment;)

M: it's not like that Bell.

B: yeah sure it isn't.

M: alright shut up, I have to finish some homework so I'll let you know when I'm ready to leave.

B: alright I'll let you know when we get there, I'll bring you a dress and heels.

M: no.

B: yaaasssss🤪

I scoff and throw my phone onto my bed watching it bounce and lean back into my chair, I know she's still going to bring the dress and force me to wear it.

But no one can ever say no to Miss Bella...

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