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I groan and slap around for my phone but it stops without me touching it and I open one eye to see where it is, only for Zion to be on it.

"What are you doing?" I ask, "my phone died and I'm charging it so I decided to go on your phone instead. I found some hot and cute pictures by the way" I jump up and try to snatch the phone away but he moves it out of my reach before I could.

"Give it" I demand and he raises an eyebrow.

"You are real confident with texting, I wonder how it would be if I sexted you" he glanced at my phone and I can just tell he's reading me and Bella's conversations throughout the years.

"Yeah not gonna happen buddy" I roll my eyes as I sit with my legs underneath me.

"Buddy" he pouts which makes me sniffle a laugh.

"Yeah?" I tilt my head as I cross my hands over my chest.

"I was thinking something more like, baby or my love, handsome fellow or...daddy" he smirks at the last words and I just stare at him for being so stupid.

"I won't call you daddy unless you're the baby daddy so you're out of luck" I give him a smile and get up from bed to get ready for school.

It's getting hot outside again signaling that summer is on its way. I'm glad that school is almost over because I've been wanting to get out of this stupid city forever.

I mean don't get me wrong, New York is a fine city to live in but it has is cons. Plus I've always wanted to live in Russia.

"You know I've always wanted to live in Russia" I blurt out of no where. "What?" He asks probably confused by my outburst.

"Yeah, I've always loved Russia and even learned a few words so when I move there I'll be able to communicate with people" I walk into the bathroom and start to brush my teeth.

"You're leaving me?" He yells, heavy footsteps make their way towards the bathroom till I can see him in the mirror.

"Well you don't expect me to live here forever do you?" I mumble with the toothbrush in my mouth.

"Well I was at least hoping you'd want to stay here with me." His eyes show sadness and anger.

I spit out the toothpaste and place my toothbrush on the counter before turning and looking at him. "You could come with me you know" he searches my face looking to see if I'm lying but I'm not so he has nothing to worry about.

Plus I would love for him to come with me, I wouldn't be fully alone when I move there.

"Really" he's trying to hide his smile but it isn't working because I can see it. I nod my head yes, he walks up to me and lifts me up onto the counter.

"I would love too cupcake" I sigh and mentally roll my eyes at him calling me cupcake.

"I really wish you'd stop calling me that"

"Never" he kisses me on the lips and I immediately melt into it but he pulls away.

"Time for school" his hands taps the side of my thighs and I groan in remembrance that I have to go to school.


"You don't have to do this, just say the words and I'll bring us right back so we can watch our show" when he means our show he means my show that I got him addicted too.

He's absolutely obsessed with Grey's anatomy now.

"I'll be fine" I assure him but it's mostly for myself. It's just school, I'll have Dylan, Bella, and Zion by my side.

A knock comes from the side of my window and me and zion turn our heads to see Bella looking into the car.

"Hurry up love birds or we'll be late" she tries to open the door but Zion locks it from the drivers side making Bella yell curse words at him, some I haven't even heard of.

After a couple of minutes of Bella yelling at him, he finally unlocks it and we get out only for Bella to kick him in the shin.

Zion's face looks absolutely pissed and I could feel the anger radiating off of him. Bella notices too and looks over at me.

"Hey come on" I grab His hand and start to pull him away from Bella before he does something he'll regret.

Resting my head on his bicep, I slowly feel his body start to relax until he's fully calm. "You okay?" I look up at him as we enter the school barely even noticing everyone staring since I'm so lost in his green eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you?" He asks, his arm snaking around my waist pulling me more into him. I finally snap my eyes to what's around me and notice everyone looking at me.

The girls look at me with so much Hatred and the guy just look at me like I a whore who begging for it. I feel so naked under their eyes.

I tighten my grip on Zions arm and he brings me closer to his side, if that's even possible. "What the fuck you all looking at, none of you ever date anyone before?" Bella yells from my side and they all run else where.

"Thanks bell"

"No problem babe" Zions grip on my waist tightens. "Don't call her that." Zion calmly says, placing his chin on my head.

"Just remember who had her first and will still have when she's in the grave" Bella points to herself.

I let out a small scream when I'm thrown over Zions shoulder. "Put me down, people are looking" I whisper shout to Zion but he doesn't seem to care since he continues carrying me till we're at our first class.

He places me into my seat and sits next to me. "What was that for?" I ask.

He shrugs.

I think for a moment until it hits me, "oh my god, you're jealous" I slap his arms causing him to rub at it.

He tusks his tongue, "I don't get jealous" the teacher walks in and sits in his chair.

"Alright so you wouldn't mind me going to sit on that guys lap, right" I wiggle my eyebrows at him and he sits straight in his chair.

"You wouldn't"

"Wanna bet?" I get up from my chair but get pulled down by him, he places me on his lap and I smirk to myself in victory.

"Don't even think about it" he whispers in my ear.

I wasn't actually but I had to prove a point.

"I would never" I lean back into him and turn my head to his kiss cheek but he turns his head so I end up kissing his lips instead.

I start to feel something hard poke me in my butt.

"We're in class Zion" I look around but no one seems to be looking over at us.

"And yet I'm hard as a rock with you sitting directly on my cock" he nudges his nose into my neck...

This man is going to kill me one day.

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