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Everly Sky heart

As we walk to the back I let out a little giggle and so does Bella, we sit down and I pull out our paper that we're still working on. As I place it on the table I see someone looking at me from the corner of my eye and look over to see the new kid looking at me.

I look away before anyone could notice, I wouldn't want to get bullied even more for looking at the new kid.

"So" I turn to face Bella when she speaks, "so" I say back and we both laugh out loud.

"Okay okay, so do you want to go out this weekend?" She asks me, when we finished out little laughing session.

I think about it for a second, my dads not going to be here this weekend since he's out for a business trip so I'm not going to have to cook for him.

"Yeah sure, I don't see why it's a problem since my dad isn't going to be here this week" I say with a shrug of my shoulders. "Everly, when we graduate me and you are moving far far away from here and going to get 5 cats and 2 dogs" she throws her arms up in the air Imagining it.

"Don't forget a ferret" I raise one of my eyebrows at her, "yeah yeah and a stinky ferret" she says in defeat.

I don't understand why she hates ferrets so much, their so cute, and they are very hyper and playful. It's a great fit for me.

"Ms. Heart and Ms.Ella, are you even going to start your project yet?" I roll my eyes at Mr.Rue calling us out again.

This is another reason why I hate Chemistry. "Yes Mr.Rue" I mumble under my breath, "what was that Ms.Heart" Mr.Rue asks.

"Mr.Rue if you would like us to get back to work then you better leave us alone so we can finish it" Bella says from besides me with a snarl on her face.

Mr.rue nods his head and walks off. I slouch in my chair and turn my head to look over at Bella. "Why am I so quiet?" I ask her, I really want her to be honest with me.

"You're not quiet, at least not with me. With me you could be the loudest person ever" she says, I smile at her for being honest with me.

"Okay now we really need to get this done before Mr.Snarky comes back over here" I giggle from her comment about him.


I hear the bell ring and me and Bella pack everything up and get up to leave. "So my house?" She wiggles her eyebrows at me and I snicker. I nod my head yes and she grabs my hand and starts running out of school.

"Slow down Bell, I can't keep up" I yell to her, she doesn't respond but slows down which I'm thankful for because I would have fallen if she hadn't.

We reach her car and I get in the passengers seat. She gets in the drivers seat, starting up the car. I look out my window to see the new kid get into this black suv.

Huh, he must be one of those rich kids, that explains why he was such a doos.

The car starts moving and I rest my head on the window and close my eyes as we pass all the students rushing to get home or to their part time jobs.

Most of the kids here are rich but the others got here from hard hard work, like me and Bella.

We both work at the same restaurant, I do the cooking and cleaning and she serves and takes everyone's orders.

I at least feel useful there, unlike at school.

"Did you eat today?" Bella asks, "yep" I lie, I know she doesn't believe me but it's worth a try.

I mean I did get lunch today but it ended up all over me and the floor. "You're lying to me" she says sternly and I know from experience not to lie to her any further.

"Yeah" I say defeated, "okay then we're getting some ice cream" I jump up in my seat and look over at her to see she has a smile on her face, she glances over at me to see how excited I am and then turns back to face the road.

"Can we go to Larry's, please" I beg.

The guy that works there is Jake, he's a really nice guy and tries to get her attention. I know she likes him but she's way to stubborn to do anything, and he's just way to damn shy to say anything so he just tries to talk to her.

"Ugh, fine" she groans out, "yes" I throw my hands up in the air like a child.

We pull into Larry's driveway and I immediately unbuckle myself and jump out the car. "Slow down, I wanna take my sweet time before I reach the entrance" I turn to see Bella taking tiny slow steps. I roll my eyes and grab her hand, pulling her to the entrance.

We enter Larry's and find a spot by the window, I like to watch the cars drive by as I eat my ice cream.

"Everly, so nice to see you again" Jake excitedly says, "nice to see you too Jake" I send him a warm smile, he looks over at Bella and I kick Her leg from underneath the table.

She gives me a not so pleased look but turns over to look over at Jake. "I'll have my usual" she looks over at me, "me too but with gummy bears on top this time." Jake smiles at me and then leaves to go get our orders.

"What the hell was that?" I ask Bella, she just shrugs her shoulders as she takes a sip of her water bottle.

"You didn't even try to talk to him" she lets out a dramatic groan and drops her head on the table.

"I don't know how to" she says, Jake comes back with our orders and doesn't say a word. "Why can't he just make the first move, why do I always have too?" He gives me our ice cream and I wink at him and send him a thumbs up.

He clears his throat and bella tenses before slowly lifting her head up off of the table.

"Bella, would you do me the favor of going out with me this this Friday" I can see he is worried and I look over at Bella.


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