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Everly Sky heart

As soon as I exited Bella's car, Dylan runs up to me and throws his arm over my shoulders.

"Hey orange, you guys are later than usual" his eyebrows raise in curiosity.

"Yeah Erm, I woke up late" I come up with a lame excuse. Dylan doesn't know about my abusive father, only Bella.

If Dylan knew, there would be no stoping him on hurting my father. I don't want my father to get hurt, he's my blood and I love him.

He's still my father at the end of the day, I just want him to stop with the abuse and drinking.

"Really, you never wake up late" shrugging my shoulders I send Bella a help look and she instantly knows what to do.

"Alrighty, well we have to get to gym class so back off Dylan." Bella grabs my hand and leads me into the school.

Walking to the girls locker room, Bella gets a text and let's go of my hand. I head to my locker and grab my gym clothes which are just shorts and a t-shirt.

I walk over to the bathroom stalls and get in a empty one, taking off my school uniform, I put my shorts and t-shirt on.

Putting my hair up in a messy bun since today is Friday and we will be outside, most likely playing soccer.

Im really good at soccer, I used to play it with my dad and Dylan at the park when I was younger.

Though when my mom left everything changed and he stopped playing with me, instead he took his anger out on me.

"Everly hurry up, we're going to be late." Bella knocks on the stall I'm in. "Im coming, I'm coming" I let out with annoyance in my voice.

I really don't want to see Zion. What if he already has told my father? No I would have gotten a call or text from him if he did.

Opening the bathroom stall I walk out and Bella looks me up and down, "damn girl, you look hot with your hair up" a blush creeps it's way up my face as she says that.

And yes I'm bisexual, which is why that made me blush.

I found out when I was in 4th grade, when a girl kissed me and I liked it. Though I never saw her after that since she moved away.

"Stop blushing and let's go" she grabs my hand and yanks me to the exit, as we make our way to the gym I see Stacey and her goons walk in with short shorts on, showing half their butt.

I ignore them and head into the gym, seeing everyone on the bleachers or around the gym. Bella leads me up the bleachers and we sit in the middle, "alright everyone, we're playing soccer like usually so go grab the soccer balls and then head outside"

Me and bell get back up and walk over to the closet filled with all the equipment. Grabbing me and Bella a soccer ball, I spin it around in my hand as I make my way outside, it's chilly but a nice chilly, not to hot but not to cold either.

After all fall is approaching, which means it's almost my birthday. Since my mother left on my birthday, I know I'm going to just get beat for it.

Which is why I hate my birthday, just reminds me when she left me, all alone with him. Why couldn't she have taken me with her?

"Everly, are you okay" thrown out of my thoughts when Bella puts her hand on my shoulder and looks me in the eyes.

Putting a smile on my face I nod my head yes, "yeah, just zoned out, that's all." She smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes and I know she knows something is up.

She's my best friend after all, of course she's going to know somethings up. I'll just blame it on my period, after all I am getting it soon, so the cramps are already starting to settle in, I can feel them.

"Alright everyone, get with your partners and practice some passing. after that we start the game." He nods over at me and I nod back. He knows I'm going to rock all there butts

As I start to pass the ball over to Bella, I'm grabbed by the arm and yanked to the side, before i start to yell I look up to see Zion with a pissed of expression on his face.

"Where the fuck were you, huh?" He aggressively whispers to me. I flinch back from his sudden out burst and try to take a step back but he pulls me forward, causing me to stumble and land into his chest.

He doesn't seem to care by it but I sure as hell do, I haven't had any physical touch with a guy other then my father and Dylan.

"I-I got a ride f-from Bella" I stumble over my words from his fuming rage written all over his face. I know he's mad but is he seriously this mad over him not driving me to school?

"I told you I was going to pick you up, god do you never listen to what you're told?" At this point his hand is digging into my arm and it's starting to hurt me.

"You're hurting me Zion" trying to break free from his grasp, I look up to him and his eyes soften as he looks down at his hand gripping my arm and he instantly let's go of me.

Stumbling back from him letting me go so fast, I back up and when he opens his mouth to say something the coach blows his whistle.

"Everyone line up, I'll tell you what team you're on." Before Zion gets to say anything to me, I jog back over to Bella. I can tell she instantly knows something is wrong.

"What's wrong Everly?, tell me." She demands. I let out a long breath and before I could say anything couch is calling my name. "Everly, on blue team" I sigh and head over to the blue team which is on the right side while red team is on the left side.

As everyone gets in there positions, I get ready too, I wait for the signal for coach to blow his whistle.



"Go" his whistle blows through the air and I sprint to the ball.

Only I didn't know that Zion was actually truly mad about him not getting to drive me to school this morning.

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