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Everly Sky heart

After I hung out a little at Bella's house, I knew I had to get home since it was getting late.

My father would be home in a hour or so, so here I am wondering the streets as I walk back home during this cold windy night.

I've always hated the cold, I've just been sensitive to it ever Sense I was a baby.

The doctors said that it would go away but it never did, instead I got these rashes from whenever it was way to cold for my thighs or belly.

So I always have a hand warmer with me so I could put it on my belly or thighs.

It actually works pretty well for a hand warmer. I swing my bag in my hand back and forth.

My body jumps when I hear a loud honk next to me, "hey baby, need a ride?" I hear a man say, I don't look at him and just keep walking.

"Hey I'm talking to you." He spits with venom. I still keep walking.

It's when I hear his car stop and his door open and shut that my heartbeat starts racing. I look over at him to see he's walking over to me fast.

I don't think for another second and sprint as fast as I can down the Sidewalk. I hear his heavy footsteps close behind me and I just hope that he'll give up and leave me alone.

But from the way he keeps chasing me I can tell he's not going to give up. I turn the corner onto maple street and bump into someone.

I hear them groan but I don't care right now since I'm being chased by a creepy guy.

"Watch where your going" oh I recognize that voice. I look up to see the new kid looking down at me with anger written all over his face.

"Look I know your probably sick of me always falling and bumping into you but please help me, this man is chasing me and won't stop and i-im really scared" I blurt out all in one breath.

His whole expression changes and looks behind me before grabbing me, pulling me behind him with his arms still around me protectively.

I hear the guys footsteps get louder and louder and I hide my face in the new guys jacket.

His grip on me tightens when the footsteps come to a stop and I can only imagine that he's only a few feet away from us.

I hear the guy chuckle deeply, "listen here boy just hand me over the girl and no one has to get hurt" he says.

The new guy doesn't do anything, except tighten his grip on me and pull me closer to him.

At this point he's starting to hurt me and I can tell he's going to leave a bruise.

"Give me her now and you don't have to get hurt kid" The guy says. "Not gonna happen" the new guy says calmly.

I hear heavy footsteps make there way closer to us and I can only imagine how close he is to us at this point.

"Everly go hide, I'll find you." The new kid looks back at me. I nod my head and hide behind the dumpster.

"So you want the hard wa-." Punching Sounds make there way through the air and I cover my ears with my hands to block out all the grunting from them fighting.

Cans crashing and a crunching sound is made through the air and I can only hope that it was just a branch breaking.

Then the sound stops, it's so quiet I can here my own heartbeat. Footsteps make there way over to me and I hide my head in between my knees.

A hand touches my shoulder and I jump back trying to get away from them, "Everly it's just me" I hear that familiar voice say.

I bring my head out of my knees and look up to see the new guy looking down at me. He's got a bloody nose and a split lip that's bleeding, but other then that he looks fine.

"What are you doing out here this late at night anyway" he asks. Trying to get back before my father gets home.

Oh no I need to get home. "What time is it?" I blurt out. "10:24" he responds with.

Shit I need to get home, "I need to get home." I stand up and he grabs my arm, I take my arm out of his grasp and he looks down at his hand and then at me. "I'll drive you" he states, "No I'm fine" he's already done so much for me, I wouldn't want to burden him anymore.

"It wasn't a request, I was telling you." He calmly says. Who the hell does he think he is telling me what to do. If I wanna walk home then I'm going to walk home, I'm not going to get in the car with a guy who beat a boy to death.

"Thanks, but I'm not getting in a car with you" I walk away and see the guy laying on the ground, he doesn't seem to be moving or even breathing. "did you kill him?" I ask out of breath.

Omg what if he killed him, that means I'm a witness to a murder, I could go to jail. My father will kill me.

I start pacing back and forth until I'm grabbed by the shoulders, "calm down I didn't kill him" the new guy says.

I look into his eyes to see if he is lying or not and he seems to be telling the truth. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and then look back at the guy laying on the ground.

What if he got to me? What would have happened? Would he have killed me? Or do something worse.

I turn to face the new kid to thank him and he's looking at the body with a dangerous look in his eyes. "Thank you" I say bringing him out of his daze.

He just nods and let's go of my shoulders while taking a step back. "What's your name?" I ask.

I don't want to be calling him new kid the whole time so I might as well get what his name is. I mean he knows mine so I might as well get his name.

I wonder how he knows my name? Did someone tell him?

"Zion" he answers.


"That's a pretty name" for the first time ever, he smiled, a true genuine smile.

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