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Everly sky heart

I ate in silence after the little argument I had with my father. At this point everyone has finished eating and my father and Mr.Santos have left the room with who I'm assuming is Mrs.Santos.

I finally look at Zion to see he is looking down at his phone, he has a pissed off look on his face. Something must have happened.

I cross my arms over my chest and lean back into my chair, "you know about this" I question. He doesn't look up but keeps texting whoever is on the phone.

"Hey I'm talking to you" I whisper shout, so my father can't hear. He finally looks up with annoyed look on his face and I tilt my head to the side.

"Did you or did you not know" he places his phone on the table and crosses his arms over his chest.

"What if I did, not like you could have done anything about it" he shrugs his shoulders.

I roll my eyes at him and his jaw clenches at it. He leans forward, his his eyes scanning my face until they land on my lips, staying there for a second.

I squirm in my seat and he looks back up at my eyes and smirks, "don't worry, I won't report anything you and your friends do, unless you're being a bad girl" he says, leaning back into his chair.

My father and his parents walk back into the kitchen, "let's go Zion, it's time to go." Mr.Santos speaks out.

Zion stands up and walks over to the door way but before he leaves he turns to me, "oh and I'll be picking you up in the morning, not that guy from class or other girl, so be ready" he says before exiting the kitchen.

I groan and immediately stand up, walking over to my father who is in the living room, "why is he watching me? I don't need a babysitter I'm 17 and even if you don't trust me. Just have Dylan or Bella watch me."

He turns his head over to me and stands up. I take a few steps back from him but he just comes closer.

A stinging sensation lands on my cheek as my head whips to the right, "you ever embarrass me like that in front of my boss or anyone again, and I'll do much worse then I have ever done before. Am I clear?" Spit droplets land on my face as he speaks.

I nod my head yes and he waves his hand in the air, dismissing me from all of this.

I walk out the room not saying a word, at this point I know not to say a word, not to cry in front of him, not to fight against him.

Because I know if I even tried, that he would beat me till I couldn't walk.

I look into my mirror, trailing my fingers across the handprint that is slowly forming a bruise.

"Great" I mumble to myself, I don't even have makeup to cover this up with.

Quickly grabbing my phone and sending a text to Bella, I wait for her to respond.

Me:Bella I need you to come over in the morning so you can cover my face up.

Bella: why? You never want to put make up on.

Me: he did it again and it's forming a bruise that I won't be able to cover up with anything else.

Bella: That cocksucker, I'll be over at 6:30 and then we can head to school.

Me: Alright.

I shut my phone off and throw it on the bed, I take this stupid dress off and throw it onto the floor, I grab a over sized t-shirt and throw that on.

It's way to hot to put some pants on so I'll just sleep in my panties tonight.

I get into bed next to Mr.Cuddles and hug him to my chest. My eyes start to close as I fall asleep.


A blaring beeping noise wakes me up and I roll over, hitting my alarm clock so it shuts up.

Groaning I sit up in bed and scratch my head before getting up and getting ready.

As I throw my uniform on and brush my hair I hear the door bell ring, my eyes widen from shock and I immediately run down the stairs, making sure to be quiet.

I open the front door, revealing Bella who stands there with a tired face. She walks in and straight to my room.

I follow after her and shut my door after I've made it inside. "You should have just texted me, you know how my dad is." She rolls her eyes and sits down on my bed.

Dumping all the makeup on my bed, "so I was thinking casual today, since I'm tired and all from Dylan keeping me up all damn night with his stupid presentation for today." She groans.

"No I'm not doing any of that, I just want something to cover it up bell"

She nods and looks at my bruise and ball her fists up in anger. "How dare he puts his hands on you again." She growls.

"I'm fine Bella, we need to hurry so we can get to school." I whisper, as I sit on my bed she pulls out a makeup brush and starts to dab my face with well whatever you put on to cover up your face.

After waiting a while, she finally finishes and packs up her stuff. She looks at me and gives me a smile at her work.

"I wish I was a natural beauty like you." She whines. I place my hands on her shoulders and look her dead in the eyes. "Stop that, you are beautiful Bella"

She hugs me and I hug her back, "alright we have to get to school now" I nod my head agreeing with her and grab all my things before we head off to school.

We have a half a day at school today so I will be able to take a afternoon nap today.

I love half a days, because then we only have 20 minutes in each class. Which is why I'm super happy right now.

Bella pulls into the school parking lot and that's when it hits me, I was supposed to get picked up by Zion this morning.

"What's wrong Eve?"

"Zion was supposed to pick me up this morning, what if he tells my father?" Panic starts to consume my body and it gets harder to breath every passing second.

"Calm down Everly, everything will be fine, I'll just tell your father that I picked you up this morning"

She rubs my back and I slowly start to calm down.

When I fully have calmed down I take a big deep breath and exit the car.

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