Chapter 34. The Choice

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Eric felt like he was losing his mind. He was so overcome with grief that he completely forgot to ask for names. He never asked the names of the four doctors who came to the house and saved Tanya from bleeding to death, and he never asked the woman who was now taking care of Tanya her name . He felt bad. He looked at the badge she had around her neck but couldn't make out her name.

"What is your name?" Eric asked.

"Maya ... My name is Maya."

"Thanks for taking such good care of my wife Maya. Where is this Dr. Ellis you mentioned?"

She pointed to the station nearby, where the nurses and doctors hung out.  Dr. Ellis was engrossed in whatever he was doing and Maya was correct.  The man did not fit the description of any of the four people that came to the house.  Eric was perturbed.  He stared at the man Maya said was Dr. Ellis.   "That is not the doctor who was in here a few minutes ago."

It was obvious that the woman was getting agitated at Eric.  "Dr. Ellis is the doctor assign to your wife; he is the only one who has been in here."

"What is the name of the doctor who did her surgery? Can you check?"

Maya opened Tanya's chart.  "Hmm ... All her paperwork is not complete but  I see a Dr. Young, signature here. "

'That fucking prove that I am not crazy.  "Dr. Young? Where is he? I need to speak to him." 

"I will page the doctor for you."

Eric passed his hand had over his face. 'I am not losing my fucking mind, that  man out there - Dr. Ellis is not the man  from the house  or  who was in here just now checking on Tanya.'

He replayed the scene in his mind from earlier. He had just gone downstairs to check on his baby son. It was not lost on him that the kid could develop problems from being deprived of oxygen for too long. He bumped into the doctor coming from the room. Eric recognized him immediately as one of the doctors from the house, the one who took care of the baby while the others took care of Tanya. He looked pretty young. He was still dressed in scrubs, with shoulder length hair hanging loosely about his face.

He gently held Eric by the shoulder. "Don't worry; he is going to be fine. He is a bit underweight but he is a strong little guy."

Eric looked pass the doctor to Luke who was standing and watching the baby. They had agreed that he would stay with Tanya and Luke stay with the baby.  Luke  had certainly came through for him. He left the young doctor and headed over to look at his son. Luke looked up as Eric walked over.

"How is Tanya?"  

"She is the same; I am fucking worried about her." 

"I am sorry man; I fucking froze when I saw all that blood ... and the baby not responding. There is sense in the rule that doctors should not treat family. I fucking panic, not sure who to save."

"You are not the only one who panicked.  If those doctors didn't show up when they did, we would be planning a funeral, maybe two."  

"Yea they showed up just in time and some of the shit they did, I have never seen done before.  didn't think a place like St Bart  was so medically advanced."

"How is he?" Eric asked.

"He is a fighter, that's for sure just like you and I can't get over how much he looks like you already."

"You think so?"

"Yes Aya, the image of you. Nothing for Tanya." 

Eric looked at the small  baby with all kinds of wires attached to him. "Can I hold him?" 

Consequences ( Book 3 in the Hijacked Of Innocence Series)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن