7. Reborn.

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"Our loves ones are always nearby, when we hold them in our hearts"

"Our loves ones are always nearby, when we hold them in our hearts"

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Freddy opened his eyes but only to find out that he was in different strange place. Everything was so bright white that you couldn't see anything.

Was he dead, is this what death feels like.

He looked around confused "Where the hell am I? Am I dead?" he said as he looked around.

"Not yet" someone said and Freddy turned his head around to the left to see a older man standing behind him.

"You can say that you are between life and death" the man said and Freddy turned around to get a better look at the man.

The man had short ginger hair and he look a lot like Freddy just older and with little bit gray in his ginger hair and his skin was more bright than normal.

"Your body is dead but your soul is not, and that mean that you can return" the man said and Freddy stepped closer to him "Woah, you look just like me when I was young. But you have your mom's eyes" the man said with a smile as he looked at Freddy's eyes.

"Who the hell are you?" Freddy asked "You don't remember me?" the man asked and Freddy shook his head "Well, I don't expect you to, not after you lost your memories when you were nine" the man said "How do you know about that?" Freddy asked and the man smiled "I have always being watching over you" he said with a smile "Should I know you?" Freddy asked and the man nodded "I'm Logan, your dad" he said and Freddy's eyes widened "And I'm here to help you remember" he said with his Dutch accent.

"If you are my dad, then tell me who I am and where I am from" Freddy said and Logan nodded "Of course" he said with a smile "Your real name is Kodi Turner" Logan said "Wait, Kodi, that Kodi who codename was Redshadow, who was a member of the group name 'The Deadly Warriors'" Freddy said and Logan nodded "Yeah, and an agent of The Commission" he said and Freddy got more memories about his past back and he now remember his training at The Commission causing his eyes to widened and he opened his jaw a little bit.

"No, it can't be true" he said as he shook his head "It is, you were one of the most greatest, skilled and strongest agent and spies that have ever lived" Logan said and Freddy's eyes widened "So you are saying that I used to live in The Commission?" he asked "Yeah, it was your home for the first nine years of your life" Logan said and Freddy looked down.

"What's wrong?" Logan said and Freddy looked at him with an angry look "What do you think, I have just found out that the place I hate the most, was the place I have being trained, it was a place I called home, how do you think that feel?" he asked and Logan step closer to him "I understand you" he said as he was about to put a hand on his cheek but Freddy grabbed it "No you don't" he said before he push the hand away "How can you as my dad, train me like that, train me like some Commission robot, an assassin, an living weapon, a killer" Freddy said before he took a deep breath "It's your fault that I can't trust my body sometimes and that I'm scared of my own mind" he said and you could see the tears in his eyes.

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