"It's...Nadiya. She has sent me-ee a me..message." She stuttered.

"What?! Nadiya has sent you a message?" Khadijah asked.

"Yes. Just now."

"Well is she alright?" Hajiya A'ee asked and when all she got as a response was tears, she collected the phone to check what's written in there.

"Assalamu Alaykum Mama. I know Khadijah must've told you all everything and you're worried sick. Right now, I'm safe and they aren't following me. Mama they look like those men who once spied on me and I'm sure dad sent this particular ones again. I know you're all worried about me but please, don't be. I'll be fine In Sha Allah. And mom, please don't cry, I'll come back home soon.

Hajiya A'ee after reading it, let out a tear and dropped the phone. Even though it's an assuring message, she couldn't help but feel more worried. This message clearly shows how scared Nadiya is but she's trying to show that everything is fine. It's been a while and she's still not back. It's scary. Very scary.

That made the rest to check their phones and saw a message and a location sent from Nadiya and they announced it.

"I'll go to IGP Dauda now." Alhaji said to no one in particular and left the parlour.

"Aunt please stop crying. Nadiya will be back soon and she has assured us all. Let's keep praying and wait for her return." Khadijah assured while holding her crying aunt's hands. Hajiya Hadiya nodded and wiped her tears before flashing her a smile.

Abubakr has just got out of Barr. Zayad's office and he has informed him that he wants to have a meeting with them all and Abubakr being the course representative, he is to inform everyone. So he told his course mates in their group chat, while those who aren't online, he called them all except Umar, whose phone is switched off. So he promised himself to call again later and started walking towards the gate.

Then he saw two girls leaving the school gate in a rush and some guys trailing behind them. He looked closely and realised one of the girl is Nadiya, the girl he once tutored, Zaliha's friend. The situation looked really suspicious, so he keeps walking closer to see what's going on. They're now taking a desolated field which he raised a brow at. Why will they take a desolated area when there's good road with people around? He called Nadiya's name but she looks too worried to even concentrate. The four men have followed the exact place too. He followed a shortcut and saw that the other girl has followed another way while Nadiya, the other. He called Nadiya again, carefully so the men won't hear but again, she didn't hear, too busy typing from her phone. He saw they've approached her and took her away. Oh no, they're trying to kidnap her! He gasped and rushed towards them immediately. But they were walking really fast and have now reached a car and got in. He quickly snapped the car and the plate number and sighed. He checked for at least a bicycle, if not a car or a motorcycle, but there isn't any.

He sighed again and starts feeling horrible that he couldn't do anything about the situation. He glances at his phone and saw the pic he took of the car and the plate number, at least, there's hope since he's taken the picture of the plate number.

He wondered who he could tell about this, he knows nobody from her family. Zaliha? But she's just a friend. But they're very close. What if she freaked out and got worried? Yes, Umar. He talks about her almost everyday. He should know about this. He called him, when he was told that the phone is switched off, he remembered.

"I'll just tell Zaliha, she's her close friend and she must know her family." he uttered to himself and began calling her. He was told her phone is not reachable. So he sent her a message, telling her about all that happened just now and sent her the picture of the car and the plate number. He will tell Umar also, he must know. He also send him a message and the picture. After doing that, he rushed to the police station.

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