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I woke up after about two hours of sleep to pain but also hunger. I got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen.

'Here it is. Don't stress so much. You're worse than a hysteric," Jimin said as soon as I walked into the kitchen. I just smiled and made my way to the fridge.

'Don't you have those weird cravings again', Jungkookie said as soon as I took out the ingredients that belong to Bulgogi's preparation. I just laughed and shook my head.

'Not anymore. At least for now. I'm going to make Bulgogi", both of them immediately perked up their ears after my sentence. I just laughed and got down to business.

,,I heard you were in pain. I forgot to sell you those medicines. I left them here on the table," Kookie stated, pointing to the table. I looked there and saw a box full of medicine. I hadn't noticed it at all.

'I had even after you both left. I didn't want to think about it so I started playing the piano. Well, after a while he stopped kicking", I smiled and continued cooking.

,,That's to put the piano in his room", Kookie said and right after that two strong arms wrapped around my waist. How come he always walks so quietly.

, "Go ahead, but just tell me if you managed to do what you wanted", I asked, leaning on the line. Kookie repeated my action, but left one hand on my waist.

'We did more than that. If it goes at this pace, it should be ready in a week", Jimin declared with a triumphant smile. He will probably never change.

'Great. Otherwise, are you staying for dinner?", to which Jimin started nodding at me. I just laughed in response and continued cooking. In between, we were still talking.

After half an hour, I had everything ready. I immediately scooped us up and put it on the table. Without waiting, we dug in and I didn't forget about Holly. I put his kibble in his bowl.

"You cook better than Jin", Jimin said as soon as we finished eating and I started washing the dishes right away.

"Thank you, but we'd better keep it to ourselves. I don't need to compete with Jin", we laughed at that. Jin is one of the best cooks, so that's why I don't need any challenges.

'Never mind. I guess I'll go now. I don't want to take up your time", Jimin said after a moment of silence that was circulating between us. I just nodded with a smile and went to hug him. He hugged me back, of course.

'Take care Yoongie. See you tomorrow. And thank you for a great dinner", he yelled at me from the hallway and right after that I heard the front door slam. May they reach home safely.

In the meantime, I ran into the living room and waited for Kookie to come back. I don't feel like sleeping yet, so we'll have to come up with a plan that will both tire me out and not make me feel overwhelmed at the same time.

While I waited, I stroked my belly with my hand. I'm already happily beside myself and it's just in my belly. I don't know how I'm going to survive the three months of waiting for my baby boy.

'What a cancer you are thinking about', said a voice familiar to me. Jungkookie came and walked like a ghost again. I had to clutch my heart and breathe in the shock I had just experienced.

'Oh my God Jungkook. I'm going to have a heart attack with you someday. I swear you will be the cause of my death", I leaned back against the backrest and breathed out the shock. I'm really going to collapse at the sound of it.

'Sorry sweetheart. I thought you heard me slamming the hallway door", he scolded and lay down next to me, his head flat in my lap. Now my stomach was a little heavy, but even though I wouldn't bend down to him, I started to ruffle through his hair.

'As you can see, he didn't hear. Otherwise, what are we going to do. I'm not extra tired," I complained and immediately cocked my head. The youngsters were already playing football again. And Kookie noticed it too, because he frowned at my tummy. It was comical.

'What are you frowning at? You're dead so don't pout", I laughed, whereupon Kookie gave me a murderous look. He has nothing to frown at my stomach.

,,So how about we play him something nice and then we can go to the massage tubs. You'll relax there and maybe the little ones will too. Agreed?", to which I just nodded and waited for Kookie to get up off my lap.

As soon as Kookie stood up, he took me in his arms like a bride and parted to my room. He still carried me everywhere. I can still walk. And the pains aren't that bad, yet.

When we got to the room, he sat me down behind the piano and sat himself down on the smaller seat that was there.

I opened the piano and almost immediately played the first notes of the melody. As on the first attempt, the boy stopped kicking. I could already see how Kookie was going to teach him his "craft". I don't like it but I won't comment on it.

After some time, I finished and looked at the smiling Jungkook. That smile is so beautiful.

, "What would you like bunny?", I smile back and run over to him. Immediately, he also rolled up my shirt and gave me a kiss on it. Meanwhile, I ruffled his hair and let him give me a hug.

, "Shall we go to the massage baths now?", to which I just nodded laughing. Sometimes I find that Kookie acts like a child around me. In fact, that's how I like it.

Without warning, he picked me up in his arms again and carried me to the pool and splash area. I let him undress me, too. No point in convincing him otherwise.

"Yoonie, get ready for me to want a second child," Kookie said after we had been lying in the bathtub for a while. I just mumbled something in agreement and enjoyed the nice feeling.

Kookie had the tub turned on strong, but I only had it on low. I wasn't going to take any chances of anything happening to that mole. Another one of my worries for life.

We stayed in the tub like that for a few hours. We didn't get out of them until around midnight. I didn't even notice how the time flew by. The massage made me quite tired.

We quickly got dressed and went to our room. There we went into the bathroom where we did our hygiene and then went into the closet. From it we picked out something comfortable to sleep in. For Kookie it was boxers and sweatpants, for me it was boxers and a big loose t-shirt.

When we were done, we scurried off to bed. I laid on my back, and well, Kookie laid his head on my chest and his hand on my stomach. We've been sleeping like that for the last month.

Fatigue set in after a while of Kookie stroking my belly.

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