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I woke up around three in the morning. Yes, as soon as I calmed down and talked, I fell asleep. I fell asleep on Jungkook's chest. It's so worked out, but at the same time so soft and tender.

I couldn't fall asleep so I stood up and went to the balcony. It was nice. Such a beautiful view and fresh air. The illuminated Seoul at night is just beautiful.

After about half an hour on the balcony, two muscular arms wrapped around my waist.

, "Honey, why aren't you sleeping?", Kook asked me with his morning rasp. I was startled. I don't know why, but I leaned against his body.

"I couldn't fall asleep, so I went out on the balcony", I explained. ,,You had bad dreams", nice how caring and concerned he was.

,,No. I had already slept. I have enough energy", I smiled.

He buried his head in my neck and sucked in my scent. ,,Shall we go to the pool?", he mumbled into my neck. I nodded as if in a daze. He has a great effect on me.

I don't understand how in that short time I started to live normally with the mafia. Jungkook was the only one I was afraid of. I'm going swimming with him now. I don't mind him hugging me when I'm lying on his chest, and I don't mind kissing him either.

We walked into the pool room. "But I don't have a swimsuit", I complained. Jungkook smiled and walked over to me. , "Honey, it's no problem", he grabbed the hem of my shirt.

"Honey, lift your arms", I was in a daze. I did as he said. He then pulled the T-shirt over my head. I turned red.

'You're too skinny. That has to change," he said as he ran his hand over my stomach.

His hands stopped at the hem of my sweatpants. He hooked his fingers into the fabric and pulled my sweatpants down. I stood in front of him in just my boxers. Jungkook quickly undressed and stayed in his boxers as well.

He had his abs worked out. I put my hands on his tummy and moved them fascinatedly. I too would like to have a worked out tummy. But I will never have one. I'm too weak for that.

"Do you like it?", Kook asked after a while. With that, I snapped out of my trance. My hands tightened and I turned red. I nodded dumbly.

Jungkook grinned and pulled me closer. , "You can have one of those too", he whispered in my ear.

Then we walked into the pool. The water was nice, but there was one problem. I couldn't reach the bottom. I clung to the edge and refused to let go.

When I was younger, I almost drowned in the sea. I didn't have a good opinion of the water. I prefer to be in pools where I can reach the bottom.

Jungkook pulled me away from the edge. I immediately clung to his body. I was like a koala. "What are you doing sweetheart?", he grinned. I can't reach the bottom. I'm scared", I whimpered into his neck.

"What are you scared of? I'm here, nothing's gonna happen to you", he stroked my back. "I don't like to be in water where I can't reach the bottom. I almost drowned when I was little. Since then I don't like to go into deep water and swimming pools", I clung to him more.

Jungkook pinned me against the corner of the pool. 'You should have told me earlier.' "He didn't seem that deep to me."

His head moved closer to mine. My breath quickened. It wasn't long before he put his lips to mine. Slowly, he began to move them. I returned his kisses without hesitation.

I tangled my fingers in his hair and tugged gently. Kook, meanwhile, demanded entrance into my mouth. Of course I granted him permission.

I wanted this moment to last forever. Just then, someone ran into the room. Kook pulled away from me roughly. He looked hatefully at the door.

"What is it?! Can't you knock?!", he shouted at the person in question. 'Jungkook, I'm sorry. I wouldn't just run in here, but your dad is calling", the boy said dejectedly.

Kook seemed to soften. He took me out of the pool and put me on the ground. He took a towel and started to dry himself.

'Take care of it. If he wants anything, give it to him. And make sure he eats," he gave me a baby kiss and he was gone. I was left with a stranger in the room.

I took a towel and began to dry myself.

, "Yoongi, what would you like to do?", the stranger asked me when we entered the room. 'I don't even know. But I would like to see more of this house", I went into the closet and started to get dressed. ,,Okay, but first you eat", I nodded in agreement and walked out of the closet.

,,What's your name? I haven't seen you here before", I asked him as we made our way to the dining room. ,,Hey I almost forgot. I'm Taehyung. You can call me Tae too", he smiled at me.

"You're like Jimin. You have an innocent mask", I smiled back. "Well, sort of", we laughed.

We got to the cafeteria and there was already Jimin, Namjoon, Jin and someone I didn't know sitting there.

,,Yoongi, didn't you go with Kook?", Jin asked as soon as he registered me. 'Jin, he doesn't know about him yet', Taehyung said. I stared at them uncomprehendingly.

'Oh well. Let's have breakfast Yoongi", Jin looked at me. I sat down next to them and Jin put a plate right under my nose.

After breakfast, the guys and I talked and got to know each other. I found out that the strangers name was Hoseok, but I can call him Hobi. Namjoon is rough on the outside, but he's pretty cool. And many other things.

After about an hour of talking and laughing, we heard the front door slam. It startled me.

Jungkook came barreling into the dining room like a hurricane. He was all red with rage and almost foaming at the mouth. , "What's got you so upset?", Jimin asked with a little fear in his voice.

'Father. That idiot made a condition that my future husband must be able to play the piano. Like he's already skipped it", Kook started to scar.

I don't know what caught me more off guard. Whether I should become his husband or that I'm starting to fear him more. I don't know what to do.

"What about Yoongi. We can't just let him go," Taehyung said. Jungkook ruffled his hair in frustration.

'I-I can play the p-piano', I stammered. All eyes fell on me.

Did I say something wrong?

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