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"What happened?", Jungkook asked. "I don't want to talk about it", I lowered my head. 'The whore doesn't want to talk to us. How touching", chuckled Baek. The day I stopped being friends with them, they almost raped me.

, "What did you say?", Jimin growled. I've never seen him this angry before. Actually, I don't even want to anymore.

'You heard right, sweetie. Yoongi is just a common whore who will give her body to anyone. Isn't that so Gi?", Baek smirked. He used me every day. Luckily, there was no sex involved. They're one of the reasons I cut myself.

I buried my head more into Kook's neck. , "Honey, you kill him or I will," he whispered in my ear. Of course I had to cough right after that. How I hate it when I'm sick.

I took the gun from Kook's hand. Kook just grinned. I don't want to kill them, but they deserve it.

I pointed the gun at Baek and fired. The bullet hit him square in the chest.

"Smartass," Kook whispered, taking the gun back. With a sneeze, I turned to face him. 'I didn't do it for your satisfaction. I did it for my sense of security", I said hoarsely and weakly.

'Okay sweetheart. Go get dressed and wait for me in my room", he gave me a kiss on my forehead. "Why?", I didn't understand. ,,I'll take you to the doctor for a check up", I just nodded in response.

Right after that I went to the room. There I ran into the wardrobe and put on a pair of black tight jeans and a big black sweatshirt.

I walked into the room and immediately saw Kook in the doorway. He passed me with a glance and then walked over to me. He grabbed my hands and stared into my eyes.

, "Don't you want a warmer sweatshirt?", I just nodded weakly in response. "Okay. I'll give you one of mine", he said and immediately pulled me by the hand into the wardrobe.

Jungkook handed me some of his sweatshirt. With thanks, I took it and put it on right away. Of course I took mine off. His was so pleasantly soft and warm. It was big, but that didn't bother me.

Together we walked out of the house and got into the black Audina. Jungkook behind the wheel and me in the passenger seat.

, "What did you do with Lucas?", I asked in a weak voice as soon as we got out of the house. 'If you mean the other guy, nothing. He said he would talk, but only when he was around you", he replied with anger in his voice. I guess he's worried about me.

Why would he be worried about me? After all, he only cares about the position and not about me. He'll just use me and then dump me. That's what everybody does. They just use me and then dump me. I'm just a thing to them.

The memory of Baek with Lucas made me uncomfortable. And that was a mistake. I started to choke and breathe harder.

Kook pulled over to the side of the road and picked me up. 'Sh~ it's going to be alright. Calm down," he started to soothe me. It helped.

After a while, I calmed down completely. "Better?" "Y-yes. Thank you," I said with a grunt. Kook nodded and gave me a baby kiss.

,,Can you hold on a little longer?", I nodded dumbly.

I carefully moved into the passenger seat. ,,How much longer are we going to go?", I asked as soon as Kook was about to start the car. 'About 20 minutes. Why?", he gave me his worried look. Is he worried about me?

"He's dragging me to sleep and I'd like to lie down." "Go lie down in the back. Then I'll wake you up", I nodded. Then I went to lie down in the back seat. Jungkook still covered me with the blanket. Where the hell did he get it from.

He got behind the wheel and took off. After driving for a while, I fell into a deep sleep.

Jungkook POV

I was startled when he coughed. It was something like a coughing fit. I quickly stopped and started to calm him down.

When he calmed down, he went to lie down. I covered him up and then he sat behind the wheel.

I checked on him the whole way. I was afraid something was going to happen to him. And if I was the cause of his problem, I'd kill myself. I don't want anything to happen to him. Maybe he can change me.

I walked up to Yoongi in front of the hospital (for mobsters, of course). He was sleeping so hard that I couldn't wake him up.

I gently picked him up in my arms. Somehow I locked the car and entered the hospital.

I headed straight for my personal doctor.

I pushed the door open and walked in. The doctor wasn't there so I sat down on the couch with Yoongi at my feet. And yes, my doctor has a couch.

After about 10 minutes of waiting, he came in.

"Hello Mr. Joen. How can I help you?", he said as soon as he registered my presence. "There's something wrong with my friend. He is shivering, cold, sneezing, coughing and about half an hour ago he had something like a seizure", I explained.

The doctor nodded and wrote it down. 'Put him on the gurney and wait outside', I did so. I put him on the gurney and walked out of the surgery. In the corridor I sat on a chair and waited.

After about an hour of waiting, the door opened and the doctor called me in. Yoongi was still sleeping contentedly.

I sat down across from the doctor. He looked at me and began.

'I have good news and bad news for you. Which do you want to hear first?" , "The bad", I hope I don't explode. ,,Your friend is hypothermic, has the flu and a few other illnesses. They're caused by some shock and also water. I'll prescribe medicine for him right away. He needs to rest for at least a week and a half. He must not exert or stress himself in any way", I nodded. I took the prescription from him waiting to see what he would say.

'The good news is that your friend can get pregnant. He has a female gene in him that promotes pregnancy", I rolled my eyes. I didn't expect to be a father one day. At least I'll have an heir.

I still discussed Yoongi's treatment with the doctor. Afterwards, I picked him up and walked away to my car.

Yoongi woke up right next to the car.

"Jungkook?", I was a little hurt by the address. But what am I going to do about it.

Yoongi POV

I don't know when I woke up, but I felt like someone examined me. I opened my eyes and saw Jungkook carrying me. I must be heavy.

"Jungkook?" ,,Yes sweetheart?", he looked at me. ,,When are we going to see that doctor?", I asked weakly. ,,Honey, we've already been there. You slept through the whole examination", he smiled at me.

"What's wrong with me?", I asked as soon as Jungkook put me on the seat. I'm glad he's taking care of me. But it won't last long. I know. Why should he care?

"Well, there were two things that happened to you. One bad and one good, shockingly good. The bad one is that you're hypothermic, you've got the flu and some other illnesses. And the good is that you have a gene that makes it possible for you to get pregnant. That means you can have babies," I rolled my eyes at him.

I've always wanted to have kids. This is amazing.

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