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The next morning was the same as all the mornings before. Morning sickness followed by half an hour over the toilet bowl. Simply the "most beautiful" morning anyone could imagine.

"Yoonie. We're going on a tour. I don't like it," Kookie said as soon as I got back into bed with him. I just nodded reluctantly. I don't want to though so at least he could help me somehow.

I snuggled into his chest. I then started playing with Kookie's hand. I'm bored and don't want to get up or anything. I'm just lazy. Whatever.

'We'll go in the morning now. The sooner we go there the better. So get dressed", Kookie said after a moment of silence. I just groaned discontentedly and stayed lying down.

'Yoonie, come on', with that Kookie stood up and took me in his arms like a bride. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed more against him. I let him carry me up to the closet.

There he laid me on a chair and brought me clean clothes in like black jeans and a black Kookie sweatshirt. Of course it was big on me.

When we were done, we scurried to the car. Of course Kookie opened the door and helped me out of everything. Normally he made me feel like a kid again. Why didn't I know him before.

As soon as Jungkookie got behind the wheel, we took off. I immediately put my hand on top of his on the gear stick. We both smiled at my gesture and continued our journey in comfortable silence.

We reached the hospital after about half an hour's journey. We quickly ran into the boudoir and headed for Kook's and now my personal doctor. I really don't want to go there.

, "Is it me or are you somehow very tired today", Kookie declared as soon as we waited for the doctor to arrive. I think I'm kind of tired today too.

"I've noticed that too. I don't know why but I feel like rolling over here and falling asleep", I smiled and rested my head on Kookie's shoulder.

'Sorry you had to wait. They kept me in session", the doctor said as soon as he walked into the room. Kookie shook his hand but I didn't move. I was too tired for that.

'So, since you are here with your husband, I conclude that it is about him. As I can see, it's not a disease but something else. And by the way he is leaning on you, I infer pregnancy", the doctor finished and smiled at me. I returned his smile weakly and nodded.

'Good. Lie down on the gurney and roll up your sweatshirt", the doctor said and motioned for me to move. I tiredly stood up and made my way over to the recliner. I'll probably fall asleep on it.

As soon as I lay down on the gurney, I rolled up my sweatshirt, revealing my already somewhat round tummy. Kookie stood right next to me and grabbed my hand. He began stroking it soothingly over my knuckles.

The doctor put gel on my belly which made me shiver. He immediately put the head on it, which gave him a picture. (I apologize for naming it that. I don't know the exact name but you can probably imagine)

"The fetus looks great. It's developing brilliantly. I must say you are doing great", the doctor smiled at me and turned the screen in our direction.

There was hardly anything to see, just a little ball that would be mine and Kookie's child in the future. Just the thought of it can make my heart skip a beat.

, "I'll take a picture and then I'll tell you something about your pregnancy", with that the doctor handed me a napkin and immediately took a picture. I quickly wiped my tummy, threw them away, pulled off my sweatshirt and then looked at Kookie.

He just looked at me with a weak smile and somewhat glassy eyes. Did that make him that happy? Well I'm not complaining.

The doctor handed me the photo and made his way to his desk. I immediately took off after him, with Kookie right behind me. We sat down straight in front of him and waited for his words.

"For being a male and having this gene, you will have a risky pregnancy. That means you'll have to watch out for everything. You mustn't be self-conscious, you must have a good diet, and you mustn't exert yourself too much. For you, the fetus will grow faster, which means that you will give birth in about 6-7 months. The sex could be found out as early as 3 months. Now you will have to mainly rest. You will definitely be quite tired. I'll give you some medicine to calm the morning sickness and also vitamins for the fetus", with that the doctor still gave me a prescription.

With that, he shook hands with Kookie and we headed for the car. On the way, I had to look at the picture. God, I can't wait to hold this little one in my arms.

As soon as we got in the car, I saw Kookie shed a few naughty tears. Without hesitation, I straddled his legs and sat on top of him. I placed my hands on his cheeks and began to wipe away his tears. Kookie wrapped his arms around my waist by which he pulled me closer to him.

"You can't imagine how happy I am. I'm going to have a baby with the person I've loved since I was a baby," he declared and then pulled me into a warming embrace. I returned it without hesitation.

'For I am happy too, but now I am also tired and weak. I would be happy if we went home already", we both laughed at that. Kookie just nodded so I sat in the passenger seat.

"I'll take you home. You'll go straight to eat something light and then go straight to sleep. Meanwhile, I'll go to the pharmacy to get the medicine", to which I just nodded with a slight smile.

We then set off for home. I kept myself from falling asleep the whole way. I've probably never been this tired. So it was going to get interesting.

As soon as we got home, I gave Kookie a kiss goodbye. I then got out of the car and made my way into the house.

My feet took me straight to the kitchen where I made myself a quick bite to eat. I hadn't eaten yet today, and that's exactly what it turned out to be. Of course it had to be a mixture of everything.

When I was done, I scurried up to our room. There, I threw on just Kookie's big t-shirt and kept my boxers on. I jumped straight into bed, burrowed into the covers and closed my tired eyes.

It wasn't long before I took off into dreamland with thoughts of my yet unborn child.

Married to mafia ⓎⓄⓄⓃⓀⓄⓄⓀ/eng.ver.✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon