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"Ready?", Jimin asked me as soon as he noticed me. I nodded in response. "You don't look like you drive a motorbike", I walked up to him. 'Looks can be deceiving. And I'm a perfect example", he smiled and handed me his helmet.

I put it on my head and fastened it. I slung the bag over my shoulders. 

We got on the bike. I wrapped my arms around Jim's waist. Then I told Jimin the name of the school and off we went.

In front of the school, all eyes fell on us. 'Don't mind them. They're jealous of you," Jimin whispered in my ear as we climbed off the bike. I nodded and we walked into the building.

'I have to go to the headquarters. You go to class for now, okay?", I nodded to him again. I then went to the classroom.

,,But, but.....Yoongi is making us a whore here. He gave his body to some rich guy who gave him normal clothes", the whole class started laughing.

I immediately knew who that voice belonged to. It belonged to Jackson, the main bully in our school. And his favorite victim is me.

I wanted to cry. They laughed at me all the time. But after a while, they all went quiet.

Jackson came up to me and started apologizing. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. You're not a whore, I'm really sorry," I rolled my eyes.

I looked behind him and saw Jimin. I smiled at him.

'It's cool', I said and then he walked away.

Jimin stood by the department, where after a while the headmistress came in. Her hands were shaking and she looked like she was going to pass out at any moment. I wondered what Jimin had said to her.

,,Students, this is Mr. Park. He's one of the mobsters and he's come for Jackson and his crew. It's because his family is being bullied. It's about your classmate, specifically Yoongi", the whole class looked at me.

, "Yoongi, come get your high school diploma", I stood up and walked over to her. She then handed me my graduation certificate, which I took without hesitation.

I wanted to go and sit down, but Jimin pulled me to him.

, "Jackson and guild, come and get your graduation certificates", the boys stood up and walked over to the principal. They took their report cards and went to sit down.

'Yoongi, get your bag and come', Jimin whispered in my ear. I went to get my bag and then came back to Jimin.

'You three will go with Yoongi. If anything happens to him, you will pay for it", he said and pulled out his gun. Well he'll probably beat me.

'There are three black cars outside. Namjoon is sitting in one. He has dark brown hair and is quite tall", Jimin whispered in my ear. I nodded and walked out of the classroom. Of course, I figured out what he was implying.

Right behind me walked Jackson, Kai and Sehun.

'You're gonna fucking get this one. Now you have no one here to protect you," Jackson rasped in my ear. I got scared and immediately ran out of the school. They, of course, ran after me.

There were three black cars in front of the building. A tall dark brown guy was standing by one.

I ran up to it and then hid behind it. , "Are you Yoongi?", he asked me. 'Y-yes', I nodded. ,,Those three are bullying you?", like hello. I'm in some kind of interrogation. Then I answered him in the affirmative.

After my answer, some men in suits grabbed the boys and dragged them into cars.

"Have you finished?", Jimin asked. He probably came after us. 'Hey. I'll take Yoongi home", Namjoon said coldly.

"No. Jungkook gave me orders", Jimin pulled me close to him. "Fine. Take care", he got into the car and then left with the others.

,,Jungkook gave me three and a half hours to talk to your parents", my eyes lit up after that sentence.

We got on the motorbike and headed to my parents' place. After about 20 minutes, we stopped in front of my parents' house.

, "Yoongi, I have to be there with you", Jimin said with sadness in his voice. I'm glad that he cares and cares about me. 'That's cool', I smiled.

He smiled back and then we walked to the door. I knocked and waited for them to open.

It wasn't long before my mom opened the door. 'Yoongi', she smiled and pulled me into a hug. "Hi mom", I hugged her back.

After a while we pulled away. Mum looked behind me and thus directly at Jimin. , "Hello sir-", she wanted to continue, but Jimin interrupted her. 'Tell me. I'm Jimin", he smiled at her. She nodded and let us in.

We sat down on the couch and I pulled my high school diploma out of my bag. I handed it to my mom and she took it with a smile. She looked it over and then smiled. "I'm proud of you Yoongie."

We talked for three and a half hours. Dad's at work so he couldn't come. I wanted to see him and talk.

'Yoongi, we have to go,' Jimin said dejectedly. I nodded.

I said goodbye to my mom and then walked out of the house. We got on the motorbike and headed home.

I wanted to meet them at least one more time.

Married to mafia ⓎⓄⓄⓃⓀⓄⓄⓀ/eng.ver.✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora