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Together with Kookie's sponsors, we talked some more. They were really nice and friendly. We obviously hit it off well.

Then the guys went off to see the rest of the people who were either partying, eating or dancing. I have to say that everyone seemed happy, even though there are most likely a lot of mobsters.

, "What made you smile so beautifully?", he whispered in my ear and then patted my flat tummy. I smiled and tasted his hand, which was slightly larger.

'Just that everyone here is happy, including me. It's so perfect," I declared, turning my head in his direction. Immediately after that, we were glued to each other's lips.

'It's about time we went dancing for the first time. It's rude for a married couple not to participate in the dance", he declared and stood next to the couch. He then extended his hand to me, which I accepted without hesitation.

As soon as we stepped onto the dance floor, the music stopped and the people on the floor grouped around us. We immediately got into a dancing position and started dancing. (I hope my explanation can be understood. If not I apologize).

That's how we spent the rest of the day. We laughed, we talked, we ate and we danced. I got to know more people and found out that even though they are mobsters, they know how to be kind and considerate.

I finally felt loved. I finally felt like someone cared about me. Normally, I start to regret that I was afraid of mafiosi. Actually, there's almost nothing terrible about them.

When it was a little around 8:00pm, the party started to wind down. The guests said their goodbyes and went home. Immediately after them, I also said goodbye to my parents, who were safely driven away by Jimin. I am grateful to him for that.

Jungkookie also said a polite goodbye to my parents. I must say he wasn't as cold to them as he was at the beginning. I guess he took my feelings to heart.

Before my parents left, Kookie handed them some papers. I guess it's that bulletproof alibi. By doing this, he's showing me how much he cares about me.

Right after my parents left, Kookie's dad left too. He just said hello, gave me a piercing look, and sighed. He was pretty creepy and obviously he was telling me something with that look, but I don't know what. Truthfully, I don't care. I've got Kookie now, and that's all I need.

"Kookie. Are we going home now?", I asked when we were alone in the room. He turned to me and nodded sympathetically. I returned his smile, of course.

We then parted hand in hand from the spot. Of course we went out the back entrance so no one would see us.

There was already a black car waiting for us. We immediately got into it. Me in the passenger seat and Kookie behind the wheel. He then started the car and we headed off in the direction of home.

We didn't go the same way we came here. Apparently we were going to the new house that Kookie had promised me. Apparently he can keep his word. And that's incredibly valuable to me.

, "Kookie?", I said after some time the way we endured in silence. Kookie gave me a quick glance and nodded for me to continue my thought.

,,I want to sleep", I complained and looked up at him with tired eyes. I don't know how I could have auctioned it off for so long. I would have preferred to go to sleep at least until the next lunch.

'Go ahead and take a nap. We'll be going for about two more hours. You can go to the back if you want," I just nodded and started climbing backwards. Kookie slowed down a bit so I wouldn't hurt myself anywhere.

'There should be a blanket somewhere in the back. If you want to throw it over you", as soon as he said that, I saw a black fluffy blanket next to me. That one warmed me up at least, because it was getting cold in those clothes.

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