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I woke up to the sunlight tickling my face. It's quite unpleasant.

I wanted to sit up, but someone's hand prevented me from doing so. I looked at the owner.

Kookie was sleeping contentedly behind me. He looked like a little kid hugging his stuffed animal. And that stuffed animal was me.

Kookie was asleep so I decided to make him breakfast in bed. He took care of me yesterday, so I'll take care of him today.

I carefully wriggled out of his embrace and made my way to the kitchen after a silent hug. There, I began to take out the necessary items for the pancakes. Yes, I decided I was going to make him pancakes.

I prepared the batter, which I then poured into the pan. I then washed the raspberries, strawberries, blackberries and blueberries. Immediately after that, I put the melting chocolate.

As soon as the pancakes were ready, I put them on a plate, both for me and for Kookie. I poured the chocolate over them and decorated them with fruit.

I put the plates on a tray. I put the cups of cocoa I had made along with them.

I picked up the tray and started walking towards Kook's room.

Slowly and quietly, I opened the door. Kookie was still asleep, which I was glad for.

I walked into the room and set the tray on the nightstand. I then sat down on the bed next to Kookie.

I stroked his cheek with my hand. In response, I gave him a kiss on his forehead. I continued across his cheek to his nostrils and finished on his lips.

He started to kiss me back. I had to smile. He's so sweet.

After a while, we pulled away from each other. I smiled contentedly and he smiled back.

"Good morning twinkle." "Good morning. I made you breakfast," I smiled sweetly. "You didn't have to do that", he sat up and pulled me into a bear hug.

I buried my head in his chest and took in his soothing scent. Why hadn't I seen him in this state before. Now he looks like a little bunny to me.

'He must have. You made a surprise for me yesterday and I decided to thank you like this.", I gave him a kiss on his neck. I don't want to pull away from his chest.

'Yoongie, it was a small thing. I would do anything for you", he started to ruffle my hair.

I pulled away from him. He then stood up from the bed and took the breakfast tray in his hands. I placed that one directly in front of him.

'I did a little something for you too', I sat down opposite him. He just grinned.

Then we took our plates and started to eat breakfast. I hate to brag, but they were delicious. I'm proud of myself.

After finishing breakfast, I took the tray of dishes to the kitchen. There I immediately started washing them.

My back was to the door and I was happily washing the dishes. I didn't notice anything.

Halfway through washing, two strong arms wrapped around my waist. I squealed because I wasn't expecting it.

I smiled and resumed my activity. Immediately after, my future husband's head landed on my shoulder.

As soon as everything was washed, I washed my hands and turned to face Kookie. He just smiled sweetly at me. I returned his smile, of course.

'You are a beautiful bunny', I smiled and put my hand on his exposed chest. There was a lovely warmth coming from it.

"What kind of bunny am I to you?", he wrinkled his eyebrows and fixed me with a look. 'Sorry. It's just that you look like such a golden bunny. If it bothers you, I won't call you that anymore", I sadly lowered my head. I would like to call him that sometimes. I find it golden and it suits him.

Kookie hooked his thumb and forefinger on my chin and lifted it up to look into his eyes.

'Sweetheart, I didn't mean it like that. If it makes you happy, feel free to call me that.", he smiled tenderly at me. I smiled back, but much bigger. I subsequently jumped for joy at it. I howled our like a koala. Kookie put his hands under my butt to keep me from falling off.

"Thank you Kookie," I mumbled into his throat. I then started laying butterfly kisses there. Kookie's satisfied gasp was my response.

,,What would my kitten like to do?", he asked after a moment of silence. "I don't even know. We can go for a walk somewhere", I shrugged and pulled away from Kookie a bit.

, "How about a swimming pool?", he asked and I started nodding and laughing enthusiastically.

,,But I don't have a bathing suit here", I scoffed. 'Then I'll buy you one on the way. Now go get ready and there's medicine on the table for you to take", I nodded.

After my reply, Kookie gently put me down on the floor. Before leaving, I stuck my lips to his as a thank you and started kissing him. He of course returned my kisses.

After a while, we pulled away and I ran to Kookie's room. There, I rummaged through my clothes for a while. I'm just indecisive.

I finally grabbed a pair of black shorts I still had from home. To go with that, I picked up a black short-sleeved t-shirt. It's supposed to be warm today, so I'm not going to cook in something long.

As soon as I had my outfit ready I started fixing my hair. Once finished, I quickly performed my morning hygiene. I then put on a pair of black adidas flip flops that I found here with my name on them.

As soon as everything was perfect on me I walked over to the bedside table where my medication and a glass of water were laid out.

I took the medication and then drank it down.

I looked around once more, and when I judged that everything was perfect, I went to my rabbit.

He was waiting for me with my pack on his back. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He hugged me back.

"Kookie?", I cut through the silence between us, which fell as soon as Kookie locked the cabin and we got into the car.

"Yes sweetheart?", he gave me a look. 'You're not gonna hurt that shoulder. After all, there must still be some of that scar there", I looked at him a little sadly. I don't want him to do anything because of me, or hurt him.

'Don't worry, it won't. Even if it did, it would at least freshen up the wound", I had to smile at that. It's true, after all.

It didn't take long before we headed towards the mall. That's where Kookie is supposed to buy me a swimsuit.

I can't wait to go splashing around in the water.

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