Chapter 47

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Ava pretended to read a book but was actually watching Sébastien's movements as he walked around the room. His suitcase was neatly put atop the bed and the more it filled up, the more she dreaded saying goodbye.

He'd only be gone for a month or so, but they hadn't really been apart for that long yet and she certainly wasn't looking forward to it. She briefly considered asking him if she could come along, but refrained. He'd already explained that it would be mainly work, and it would leave her to do nothing for a month in a bunch of foreign countries.

She'd rather be doing nothing at home.

But was it really home with him gone? Sadness overcame her and she let out a deep sigh without even realizing it.

"Are you okay?"

Sébastien had turned his full attention away from the drawer he was rummaging through and to Ava.


"You sighed. Really deeply. Is something wrong?"

"Oh." She suddenly realized she'd done so out loud. "No, I'm fine. It's just, I'm going to miss you. A lot."

A grin spread across his face briefly before he turned serious again. His beautiful dark eyes were serious as he said, "I'm going to miss you too, Ave. But I'll call, alright? And before you know it I'm back again."

He said the last part while walking towards her before sitting down next to her chair and grabbing her hand. "And then, we'll make up for everything we missed." He kissed the top of her hand and she didn't know what it was about the gesture, but it was enough to make all blood flow up to her face.

She nodded and took the time to look at his face a little more now that he was so close. Everything from his perfect skin, those dark eyes, his shiny hair, and even the little scar under his eyebrow. The urge to lean in increased and she gave in.

Her hand went around his head while her lips touched his soft ones. It didn't take long before the kiss became deeper, and more feelings became involved. But she knew he didn't have the time. He was already running late, partly thanks to her, but she allowed herself to enjoy him a little longer.

His masculine presence overwhelmed her as his tongue lazily explored her mouth as if it were the first time they kissed. It made her entire face tingle from the emotions it evoked.

Who knew it felt so good to be in love?

Because she loved him, she realized. She'd loved him for a while now but never managed to voice it. She'd have to say it now or wait a whole month knowing this, because there would be no way she would say it over the phone. She just had to gather her courage.

This time, there wasn't really any time to doubt her actions, she'd just have to go for it. She could do it.

"I love you."

Ava stared at him with wide eyes. It took her a second to realize it wasn't her voice that had said it. He'd beaten her to it.

"I love you too," she beamed back at him. He loved her!

Despite the sadness over him leaving remaining in the back of her skull, she was more than overjoyed to hear those words. She loved him, and he loved her. How perfect could it be?

She wrapped her hands around his neck with a laugh, and in return, his large arms almost crushed her too. "I love you," she whispered in his ear, just because she could. In return, laughed too and replied with an "I love you" of his own.

She knew she couldn't keep him any longer. And that she couldn't. If he missed his flight he'd miss meetings which would mess up his entire schedule so she let reluctantly go of him.

"You're going to miss your flight if you don't hurry," she pointed out.

"Shit," he said after checking his watch. With one little peck on her lips, he stood up and moved back to the cabinet from before and took out some clothes. He moved significantly faster than before, she noted. Which meant he was probably running really late.

"Can I come to the airport?" she suddenly blurted out. She knew she couldn't come, but she did want to say goodbye as he left the country.

"Sure," he replied distractedly while exiting the bathroom with a bunch of things. He threw them all haphazardly into the suitcase before zipping it up.

"Ready?" she asked him while getting up. "As ready as I'll ever be, I suppose."

He reached for her hand and took it in his. Together, they walked down the stairs where Lauren and Mr. Olson were waiting for him.

"Have a nice trip, Sébastien," Lauren said with a kind smile.

Next to her, Mr. Olson bowed stiffly while glancing at their intertwined hands. "A pleasant trip, sir. And rest assured, the estate will be in good hands during your absence."

"Thank you," Sébastien replied politely before moving away from them and towards the door. There was already a taxi waiting to take them to the airport. While the driver put the suitcase in the back, Sébastien opened the door for her.

"Thanks," she said before getting in. There was nothing to say about the taxi, except that it looked exactly like all other taxis. Sébastien got in too and eventually the driver as well. The latter started the car and drove off.

She didn't really know what else to say to him, so she reached for his hand instead. He seemed to be in deep thoughts of his own but took a moment to look back at her before looking out the window again.

She wasn't sure how she was going to survive a whole month without him, but she was going to have to. Maybe she'd steal his sleepover idea and invite Everly over for a sleepover? The thought thrilled her and she would have to text Everly about it on her way back from the airport.

She knew they were almost there when a plane flew over and seemed to barely fly high enough to avoid the street lights. The road was also getting busier, and the moment she'd been dreading was nearing.

The driver parked the car and got out to retrieve the suitcase. It was the same airport she'd arrived at almost a year ago and it made her think of the girl she was back then.

She was sure if she saw herself, she'd barely recognize her anymore. And she was sure the Ava from then wouldn't believe who she ended up with.

"Ava," Sébastien called out, pulling her from her thoughts. "I'm going to go now. If anything happens, call me. Alright?"

"I will. You call me when you get there?"

"It'll be in the middle of the night for you," he smiled.

"Doesn't matter, just call me?"

"I will. See you later, Ave," he said before bending down to briefly kiss her. She could only watch him as he walked into the airport and an emptiness filled her. Like a part of her had gone. She sighed and turned around.

She just had to find things to do while he was gone. Texting Everly seemed like a good start.

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