"Sorry guys. Enjoy your dinner." She said before running for the front door

Not long after she had landed, another pair of windows is broke again and this time it was someone else who entered their households.

"What the f*ck is going on?!" One of the family members yelled

"Sorry, had to. Enjoy your meal." The female said before running off leaving them with their food covered in shards of sharp glass

As the two female are running down the stairwell, Akio, the only one who is smart enough to not jump across opted to grapple himself down onto the streets. Just as the male had jumped down the building, the door to the stairwell bursts open with great force revealing a brunette breathing heavily as she had just ran from a long distances. She looked around and found evidence that shots had been fired here. She looked until her eyes caught the motionless body of her partner.


She went over to the man and luckily she found no blood on his body. Only a few needles sticking out from his suit and face. She pluck it off to examine it closely. As she sniffs it, it gave out a familiar scent.


Whew! Prop prop! Screech.....!

Just as she had said that, sirens blared and men yelling from down below. She instantly recognised it as the police. Judging from the sirens, there are five cars and a lorry. Probably Swat she presumed. She grabbed the male and lifts him over her shoulder and carries him to safety.

'How can this night gets any worse?'


"Where the f*ck are we going?"

It was midnight and two men are currently inside a car driving in the middle of nowhere. The yellow haired male didn't seemed to mind having to drive in the dark whilst listening to the whining of his partner for this covert mission.

"Quit your whining Meng." He blankly said

"How do I quit when you're the one who dragged me into this mess. At least tell me what the hell are we going!" Meng yelled

"We're on a hunt for a man." Zenitsu handed a file over. "His name is Rui Ayaki, a retired physicist."

"What does this dude has to do with our mission?"

"He was last employed by Dr. Kibutsuji himself and got fired a few years later. Coincidentally the time that he got fired was around the same time the former Agent Red Sun, was reportedly got killed."

"Former Agent? Are we picking up after a dead man's trail?"

"Not just that, but also for the former agent himself." Zenitsu calmly said

"I thought you said he was killed, like isn't he dead by now?" Meng gave him a side look

"The report did mentioned that the body was not recovered. They speculate that the blast of the explosion had disintegrate him whole. But if that's the case, then how come the scientist he was investigating survived?"

"Maybe because he isn't in the same room as him?" Meng speculates

"He is and the fact that his whole face got burned is evident that he's in the same room."

As soon as he had said that, Zenitsu steps on the brake and stopped right in front of a house in the middle of the woods. Meng looked at him with a "Are you serious?" face and Zenitsu simply steps out of the car.

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