Chapter 33.5: Highschool Summer Camp (2.5)

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At night, the students built a gigantic bonfire and circled around it, eating snacks as the teachers and staffs tell scary stories.

"I expected a test of courage, but this is better." Kanae thought while he munched on his grilled corn.

"You don't like the s'mores, Kanae?" Kaeya asked.

"I don't like it, but not in a bad way." Kanae answered.

"I'll have it, then." Kaeya said and took Kanae's portion of s'mores.

"What should we do at the beach tomorrow? I've got a couple of ideas." Itto smiled.

"We've got free time at the beach tomorrow until the afternoon. We can do anything you have in mind." Childe said.

"Let us hear what you have in mind, boss!" Genta asked and Itto smiles filled with confidence before discussing his plans with his fellow gang members.

"Are we still doing the Oklahoma mixer around the bonfire? We're not middle schoolers anymore, are we?" Childe asked.

"I hope so." Kanae said and took another cob of corn to eat.

"These stories are boring..." Kanae sighed as his ear started slipping away from their teachers telling scary stories.

"Hey, you four. We have an Oklahoma mixer. We were told to go find a partner." Xiao told the boys.

"... This is why I didn't want an Oklahoma mixer to happen. We'll be the ones to choose who to dance with..." Kanae lost all life in his body.

"I'll go ask Ojou-chan to be my partner, so see you all later!" Childe said and he walked towards Lumine.

"Must be nice being so confident." Kanae thought, watching Childe walk towards Lumine.

Childe's friends watch him approach Lumine before she noticed him.

"Hey, Ojou-chan. Would you like to... be my partner for the Oklahoma mixer?" Childe said while he had a romantic filter for the boys and the other girls.

"I don't have much choices, so... sure." Lumine nodded.

"Not much choices... huh?" The other boys thought.

"Kiritani-kun, be my-" Before Yelan could finish her sentence, a wild Miko appears.

"Let's be partners, Kanae." Miko said and took Kanae by the hand like he was a girl.

"That-!" Yelan bit her lip as Miko gave her a smirk.

"Sorry, Yelan. I'll make it up somehow." Kanae looked at her, filled with guilt.

"Hey, you're acting a bit aggressive around Yelan recently." Kanae lightly smacked Miko's head once they stood behind the other pairs.

"A predator must not let its prey taken from them." Miko said.

"... I think I understand your point. But that sounded so wrong in a way." Kanae said.

"Never mind that, just put your hand on my shoulder and let's hold hands." Miko said as they get ready.

"Come closer, Kanae. We've done something too close before, so there's no need to be shy." Miko said and Kanae did as she said, but Kanae didn't understand what Miko meant and they started dancing around the bonfire.

They started doing the dance around the bonfire. Even though Kanae was doing the steps right, he was trying to understand what Miko meant. It was only when they finished when he realized it.

"Wait, she knew about it? Does that mean...?" Kanae's eyes widen and his face turned red.

"That just confirms it. It wasn't a dream." Miko smiled at Kanae as he walked back to his group.

"I haven't felt so nervous in my life." Childe joined Kanae with Kaeya.

The boys turn his head to Childe and saw him sweating with a blush on his face.

"... He looks like that down bad guy. Wait, what did he even do?" The two just stared at him in disgust.

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