Chapter 11: Exam Preparations

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Kanae arrived at school with Miko and her friends while a gloomy aura was coming out of most of the students in the school.

"Why is it so gloomy here?" Kanae sweat dropped.

"Look who's talking." Miko giggled, trying to piss Kanae off in the morning.

"It's probably because the exams are around the corner." Ei suggested.

"But, it's summer after that. Shouldn't they feel happy instead?" Sara asked.

"Well, you still have to study a lot. Still, students have to answer a lot of homeworks during summer. It's probably not that exciting for most." Miko told them.

"Hey, you three. Are you three going somewhere in summer? Let's go to the summer festival, the four of us. Let's try inviting others too." Miko asked them if they could.

"I might be busy for a week. I'm going to go visit our old house in the countryside. I have to clean there once in a while and keep it in good condition." Kanae said.

"Now that you say that... How about we go together? It won't hurt to visit my grandparents during the break." Miko holds her chin and her eyes narrow with a smile.

"Why do I feel like there's an ulterior motive..." The three of them stared at Miko.

"Either way I'm fine as long as I get to clean our house. No one's been there for three months already." Kanae said.

"Let's talk about this some other time and focus on school for now. Summer break is still a week away and we have our first term exams, so don't get too excited yet." Sara said and the four of them head to class together.

A few days passed and everyone was studying hard for their exams tomorrow, not a single one of them wants to fail for sure. Maybe there are others that doesn't want to fail, but doesn't want to study either.

During the weekends, Miko was walking with Ei and Sara together. They decided to go eat lunch at a Korean restaurant near the apartment complex Miko and Kanae lives in after buying some things at the mall.

"Let's go to Kanae's apartment and surprise him after this. Knowing Kanae, he's asleep until noon after studying late last night." Miko told them.

"Then, it's a plan. The restaurant seems full of customers anyways." Ei said.

The three went inside the restaurant to buy their food and headed over to Kanae's apartment afterwards. They knocked on the door and Sanae who was heading to work opened it.

"Ah, Miko-chan. Good morning or rather good afternoon to you three." Sanae greeted them as they greeted back.

"Good morning, Sanae-san. We'd like to study and eat lunch together with Kanae, so will it be alright with you?" Miko asked.

"Of course, it's alright. It makes me so happy that Kanae has a lot of friends. He's so gloomy sometimes, but he's a very nice boy." Sanae giggled while from inside the house, a familiar and distinguishable laugh was heard.

"That laugh-!" Sara started sweating bullets.

"Come inside, Miko-chan, Ei and Sara." Sanae gestured her hand for the three to come inside.

The three of them entered together and saw Itto, Kaeya and Childe in the living room with some plastic bags of foods and snacks.

"Oh, Kujou, you're here too with Yae and Raiden!" Itto said with an obvious hint of surprise.

"My, my. Seems like we aren't the only visitors of Kanae." Miko said.

"I'll go wake up Kanae before heading to work. I'm afraid he might wake up later." Sanae said and she entered Kanae's room.

"What are you three doing here?" Sara asked them.

"Well, well. No need to act with so much tension. My comrade Kanae agreed to help us review for the exams. So, we decided to at least bring food as a token of appreciation." Childe explained.

"... This really feel irritating-" Sara thought to herself, not wanting to fight anyone in someone else's home.

The door to Kanae's room opened and Kanae walked out of it without any shirt on.

"Ka-Ka-Kanae!" Sara's thoughts were cut short and her face turned red while she covered it.

"Huh? Oh, it's you... Wait, I can't see." Kanae rubbed his eyes before Sanae puts his glasses on.

"Ah, you three." Kanae said while he fixed his glasses.

"Well, I'll be heading off to work now. and I'll leave the apartment in your care, you guys. Love you, Kanae!" Sanae told him.

"Yeah, see you." Kanae said, but something was missing.

"I think something's missing, Kanae..." Sanae grinned.

"... No, I'm not saying it now." Kanae looked away, avoiding his sister in his view.

"Ka. Nae." Sanae called his name while a strong gust of wind blew around the apartment.

"I... I love you too... See you later." Kanae sounded embarassed and Sanae looked very satisfied before she left with Saiguu to work.

Kanae walked past Miko and her friends, without noticing their existence, and sat next to Kaeya.

"I'm not hallucinating because of hunger, am I? I can see Miko, Ei and Sara standing in front of my room earlier." Kanae asked, trying to ignore the sinister aura behind him.

"We would be teasing you right now, but-no, you're not hallucinating." The three had the same thought in mind when Miko grabbed Kanae's shoulders.

They decided to eat the food Miko and her friends brought for Kanae's breakfast and their lunch before studying at the living room together until seven o'clock at night.

Kanae managed to survive teaching his three idiots with the help of Sara. Miko and Ei had some troubles, but Kanae managed to help them. To the rest of them, Kanae and Sara should just be teachers.

Everything went smoothly, nothing out of the ordinary happened except Sara threateningly teaching Itto and Childe when they doesn't understand something Kanae taught them.

"See you on Monday, Kanae! Thanks for the time again today, you guys!" Childe, Itto and Kaeya thanked them before finally heading home.

Sara and Ei talked with the two for a while before leaving since it was late already. Miko stayed for a while though because her apartment was nearby anyways.

"Kanae, you look sleepy." Miko said.

"This is the first time I taught a classmate and I didn't think it would be exhausting. I might just go to sleep any moment now, so you should head home now. I'm going to pull an all nighter tomorrow night, so I need to get lots of sleep." Kanae said while he cleaned the dishes and Miko watched behind him.

"You should rest now, then. I'll clean the dishes for you before leaving." Miko said.

"You should head home now instead of cleaning our dishes." Kanae told her.

"That sounded rude." Miko giggled and she started helping Kanae clean the dishes.

"Sorry." Kanae apologized before it was followed by a moment of silence.

"We're done cleaning now. You should go to sleep now." Miko said while she wiped her hand on a clean dry cloth.

"Mm. Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Good night." Kanae said as he followed Miko to the front door.

"See you, Kanae. Good night. I hope I can be the last person you think about going to sleep." Miko said before she entered her apartment.

"Yeah, okay." Kanae said, unenthusiastically.

Miko entered her apartment with a smile on her face. Before going to sleep, Miko went to the bathroom to take a bath.

"Hehe, Kanae's thinking about me in his sleep." Miko giggled at the thought.

On the other hand, Kanae just changed his clothes and went to sleep until a thought came up to his mind.

"Did I turn on the rice cooker for sister?" Kanae wondered, and his eyes widened while his face sweated bullets.

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