Chapter 23: Sports Festival (2)

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A few games after the relay race, it was finally time for the cavalry battle. Classes started dividing into groups of four where thrre would carry one person that'll take bandanas from other team to gain points, and keep their bandanas from being taken away to retain their points.

Kanae ended up being on the same team as Ganyu and Beidou with Ningguang at the top to keep and take the bandanas.

"I feel like a low life for having someone use my hand as a stepping tool..." Kanae sighed.

"The cavalry battle will be starting in a few seconds, so participants, please be ready!" The commentator said.

"We're losing a lot of points from Year 1 Class 2, so we'll focus on taking their bandanas first, but be on the look out for Year 2 Class 2 and the other classes below us." Ningguang told the three who replied with a nod.

"Year 2 Class 2 is just a few points away from us. One steal from another team could result in us losing our place if we don't get enough." Ganyu said.

"Yeah! That's why we need to do our best and be alert for hoarders." Beidou exclaimed.

"Let the cavalry battle begin in, 3... 2... 1... Go!" The commentator shouted.

The teams in each class ran towards the leading team, Year 2 Class 2 to steal their bandanas and gain as many points as they until the end of the game.

"Lisa-senpai's team from Year 2 Class 2 is heading towards Xiao's team that knows nothing of the danger coming towards them!" Ganyu shouted.

"Don't panick! We'll steal their bandana to shift their focus onto us." Beidou told her and (not really again) she created a shield of electro while they sped up towards Jean's team.

"I'm ready to steal!" Ningguang said.

"Ningguang and her team is heading towards us!" Diluc from Lisa's team soon noticed Ningguang's team heading towards them.

"Our target is now them!" Lisa said and they started heading towards them.

Quickly, Xiao noticed them and told his team to chase after Lisa's team as they chase after Ningguang's team.

"Make way for the head honcho of the Arataki Gang and his team!" Itto shouted, alerting Lisa's team.

"Idiot, we were supposed to sneak up on them." Kaeya laughed.

"We're caught in a pincer-!" Diluc realized they were surrounded by two teams from Year 1 Class 1.

"Hello, brother!" Kaeya waved at Diluc with a smile, to piss of Diluc.

Ningguang immediately took the bandana from Lisa's head and they passed by in an instant.

"That's one bandana down!" Beidou cheered.

"That doesn't mean we're already winning, Beidou dear. Year 1 Class 2 is our main opponent." Ningguang said as she pointed towards Yanfei being carried by Yelan, Shenhe and Heizou.

"Kiritani-kun. Beidou, get ready to get hit by Shikanoin-kun and Shenhe. We're going after their team." Ningguang said as they saw Yelan and Ningguang lock eyes.

"It's a battlefield out here..." Kanae lightly laughed and their teams charged at each other.

Ningguang's team soon collided with Yanfei's team, both were unable to steal bandanas after Venti's team from Year 2 Class 2 stole theirs.

"Salt and betrayal..." Zhongli watch Itto get his bandana stolen.

"Wha-? Hey, Shinobu! Genta! Mamoru! Akira! What happened to the Arataki Gang?! I thought we were brothers-and-sister-in-arms?!" Itto cried after Shinobu and her team just took their bandana from Xiao.

"Sorry, boss. A point is a point." Shinobu said without any hint of guilt in her voice as they left Xiao's team.

"Keep moving old man! Have your knees started to ache?" Venti told Zhongli as Dainsleif and their other teammate could only sigh at the two.

"Whoa! They're coming at us! They're coming at us! They're coming for their bandanas!" Venti panicked when he saw Ningguang and Yanfei's teams charge at them at rapid speeds.

"They're glaring at us..." Their side character teammate started trembling when they saw their eyes.

"Now's not the time to panick, Kimura!" Dainsleif said.

"Eh?" Venti was left dumbfounded when a swift wind blew past them.

"The bandanas... were taken, you reeks of apple juice!" Zhongli shouted at Venti.

"Hehe, that one is for Kanae and his team." Miko giggled as she wore the bandana she and her team just took.

"Amazing! Students from Year 1 this year are very promising for the sports festival Their points are only away by a small margin, but Class 2 is still ahead of Class 1!" The commentator said.

"Let's take Arataki's bandana from Kuki's team and that'll secure our spot in Top 1." Ningguang pointed at Shinobu's team that seemed unaware of them.

"Sounds agreeable!" Beidou said and she led the charge towards Shinobu's team.

"A-A beast!" One of the members, Akira saw in the corner of his eye their team approaching.

"They've got no bandanas! We can only run away!" Genta shouted, so they ran away from Ningguang's team.

""The One and Oni", Arataki "Numero Uno" Itto is here to take our bandana back!" Itto shouted while also charging towards Shinobu's team.

"Oh, none of you don't!" Lisa said and her team was catching up.

"We're caught up by three teams with nothing to lose... We've got nowhere to run, but-we can give it to Year 2 Class 2, so we won't lose first place." Shinobu thought about it while she scanned her surroundings.

"Run towards, Year 2's team behind us!" Shinobu commanded her teammates, and they did.

Lisa immediately took the bandana from them, but their bandana was soon stolen again by another team from Year 1 Class 2.

"Mr. Albedo! That was a great plan!" Sucrose praised Albedo after she was able to take the bandana from Lisa.

"My two cuties, Lumine and Aether betrayed me... How shameful..." Lisa yawned.

"You let them steal it!" Lisa's teammates, Eula, Jean and Diluc stared at her, looking so relaxed.

The cavalry battle soon ended with Year 1 Class 2 remaining as the winner for this game again. After the games, the students were at the track field, cleaning up for all the mess that happened when Kanae was approached by Yelan.

"I didn't get the chance to tell you this earlier. But you are one commendable opponent, Kiritani-kun. Mind if we could jog together some time in weekend mornings?" Yelan asked.

"I don't actually mind, but I rarely wake up early during the weekends." Kanae replied.

"I see. Then, you can tell me when we can run together in the morning as an exercise. Would it be possible for me to get your LINE ID?" Yelan asked, taking out her phone.

"Yeah, here." Kanae said as he handed Yelan his phone.

"Thank you, Kiritani-kun. See you again some time, then." Yelan said and she left with a smile on her face after handing back Kanae's phone when she added his LINE ID.

"Mr. Sato said we can go home now, Mr. Popular." Miko called for Kanae behind him.

"I see. I'll return my broom and get my bag." Kanae said and returned his broom to where it was.

"Kanae might have won that relay race earlier." Sara said.

"Right? It's such a waste that he tripped. But, he still did his best, so I'm happy." Miko giggled.

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