Chapter 12: Exams

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The day of the exams finally arrived and all of the students that have been working hard will see if studying than doing things they usually like was worth it.

Miko, Ei and Sara waited in front of Kanae's front door, waiting for him to come out and for them to head to school together. The door soon opened, they expected Kanae, but it was Sanae.

"Oh, my. Good morning, Miko-chan. Ei. Sara. Did you press the doorbell and perhaps I might have missed it?" Sanae asked.

"No, we were just waiting for Kanae to come out so we can head to school together. No rush, though." Miko said.

"I'm here." Kanae with his head hanging low appeared behind Sanae.

"Well, seems like the you will be heading to school now. Good luck on your exams, you four." Sanae smiled at them while waving goodbye as they did the same.

"Kanae, watch where you're walking. You might fall." Sara pulled Kanae under before he stepped on nothing while walking down the stairs.

"Sorry." Kanae apologized and Sara put him down to continue on their way to school.

"I think I need another cup of coffee." Kanae stared at them with dark circles under his eyes.

"Hey. When was the last time you slept?" Sara grabbed Kanae's head with an irk mark on her forehead.

"... I forgot. As far as I remember, on Saturday night after you left." Kanae said.

"Tell us you're joking." The three stared at Kanae in disbelief.

They arrived at school a bit later than usual after buying something hot for Kanae to drink. But, everything inside the school gave a different aura. The three walked to the classroom only to feel all the tension trapped inside one room.

"Ah, you four have finally arrived..." Childe and Kaeya greeted them at the front door. But, their appearances today is different from usual.

"They haven't slept either, have they?" The four pondered, not realizing almost everyone in the room.

"You look like total crap." Kanae said, without a single hint of hesitation.

"That's rude, my dear friend. But! After all these pain we have to go through, summer break awaits at the end!" Kaeya said, filled with enthusiasm.

"We have homeworks to do during summer break." Kanae said and their spirits finally broke, along with those who overheard it.

"Now, now. We should do a quick review on the notes we wrote before the exam starts." Miko told them.

"Everyone's studying hard..." Kanae looked around, watching at his classmates study in groups or alone.

"Morning, Ganyu. Xiao." Kanae greeted the two who were also cramming their notes.

"Good morning." They greeted back, but still focused on their notes.

"I'm going to take a nap." Kanae said and he sat on his chair to take a nap, without saying anything else.

"Alright, everyone. Let's start the exams." Mr. Sato arrived, Kanae wasn't even able to close his eyes yet.

When the exams finished, it was finally time for them to head home. Kanae's face was on his table so Miko, Ei and Sara who'll head home with him couldn't tell if he was asleep or not.

"Kanae, let's go home." Ei lifted Kanae's head, revealing his pale face.

"I need coffee..." Kanae's words were barely heard by the three.

"No. You're not drinking coffee again. You're going to sleep the moment you walk in your house." Ei said while she pinched Kanae's arm.

"I'm awake now, so stop that. Ow, ow, ow." Kanae finally felt energized in just a few seconds.

Genshin Impact School AU (OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora