Chapter 8: Gym Class

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Kanae stood at the corner of the trackfield with his other classmates in their gym uniform.

"Alright, class! We'll be running a two laps around our trackfield for gym class today. But before that, make sure to warm up for five minutes first. Go find a partner to warm up with to do some stretches or so." Their gym class teacher, Mr. Takegawa said as Kanae's soulless body stood there frozen like a statue.

"I won't even be able to make it halfway..." Kanae unintentionally ignored Miko's call for him to be her partner for warm up.

"Ka. Nae..." Miko whispered into Kanae's ear, sending a tingling feeling that was distributed through his body.

"What was that for?" Kanae covered his ear while it could be heard in his voice that he was annoyed.

"I was asking you if you'd like to be my partner for warm up, but you were ignoring me. You seemed to be spacing out." Miko said.

"Well, since you're the only one I feel slightly comfortable with, sure." Kanae said, not knowing of how careless his words were.

"Uwah... It's been almost a week already and you're saying that, lucky loner." Their classmates who stood nearby glared at Kanae without him even noticing the sudden change in the air.

"Kanae, let's do some stretches as a warm up. Sit down here on the ground and I'll give you a few pushes so you can do butterfly stretches." Miko said.

Kanae did what Miko said and she started pushing him gently. The two of them did different stretches as warm ups, and surprisingly, Kanae's body was very flexible.

"You know, Kanae. You're the most feminine straight guy I know unless you're hiding something from me." Miko said while she helped Kanae stand up from the ground.

"I'm not hiding anything. I'm as straight as... as an uncooked spaghetti." Kanae took small steps away from Miko who followed him with a grin.

"Alright, everyone! Five minutes is done line up here and I'll call groups of students to run around the trackfield!" Mr. Takegawa called for them.

"Kiritani, Kaeya, Itto, Xiao and Kawamura!" Mr. Takegawa called for the three boys who walked up to the front.

"Surely, Kanae can run fast. Most of the small people I see can run really fast." Miko thought, but that was just a thought.

"Ready, set... go!" Mr. Takegawa shouted and the five boys ran as fast as they could.

"Woah, I didn't know Kaeya and Xiao were that athletic..." The rest of the class watched in awe as Kaeya and Xiao dashed past the others within the blink of an eye.

"I won't accept defeat!" Itto shouted from behind and tried his best to catch up to the other two students.

"Haha, try your best then." Kaeya laughed confidently without noticing that Xiao had already gone ahead of him by a few seconds.

"Hmph." Xiao scoffed and ran even faster than he could earlier, surprising everyone.

Meanwhile from a far, a brown haired man with a long ponytail was seen watching from a window with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Go, Xiao!" The student council president- Zhongli shouted in his mind, cheering for Xiao during a lecture.

"Seriously, are you his older sworn brother or his father?" A beautiful woman with ash blonde hair asked.

"Right, Guizhong? He's old man-ness is finally starting to show even though we're still second years." The small, oftenly mistaken as a girl if it wasn't for the uniform student council vice-president-Venti said.

"Haha, yes." The ash blonde lady from earlier nodded with a smile.

"Look. That guy is falling behind by a lot. Xiao is about to catch up to him, but he's... barely made it halfway." Venti pointed at Kanae who ran at last place, very far from the extra-Kawamura to show how pathetic of a main character he is. But worry not, change is coming, just not now.

"Kiritani! Are you alright?!" Mr. Takegawa shouted worriedly when Kanae suddenly fell to his knees while running.

"He fell. I hope he's alright." Venti said with a dead panned expression on his face.

"Hey! Kiritani! Don't leave us!" Mr. Takegawa started overreacting as he ran to Kanae who had fallen to his knees and was barely conscious.

"I hope he isn't dead." Sara said so blankly.

"S-Sara! Isn't that too far?!" Ganyu asked while her eyes shifted from Kanae to Sara in an instant.

"Haha! I won second place-" Itto finally finished and because he was so focused on winning, he failed to notice Kanae on the ground.

"Whoa! Little dude No. 2! Don't die on us!" Itto shouted while he ran to Kanae.

"Aha... My expectations were betrayed, but I hope he's still breathing." Miko said with her smile starting to disappear due to worry.

"I'll give him CPR!" Itto said, but before he could, Sara pulled him away from Kanae.

"He doesn't need to, you brainless idiot! Just bring him to the clinic!" Sara shouted angrily. If it wasn't for Mr. Takegawa, she would have resorted to the art of violence already.

Itto ended up carrying Kanae on his back to the clinic to rest while the other students continued their gym class without Kanae.

Kanae had rested for a while at the clinic until he found the right time to return once gym class has ended. He opened his eyes and saw the school nurse staring at him dead in the eye.

"Scary... Did she cut off a limb while I was taking a nap?" Kanae started sweating bullets as the school nurse's head started falling towards him.

"Whoa! I fell asleep!" The school nurse screamed all of a sudden, almost startling Kanae who just left the room.

"Huh? Where'd the patient go?" She wondered while she looked around the clinic.

"I hope I didn't sleep too long..." Kanae said while he walked through the hallway, seemingly agitated.

When Kanae woke up, he found out he had already slept for two subjects already and it was almost time for dismissal, so it was almost like he slept half of the time he was at school.

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