Chapter 6: Photography Club

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Kanae with Miko and her friends arrived in front of the school building after walking some time from the train station when they started discussing what club they were joining. Miko plans to join the tea time club, Ei is thinking of joining the kendo club and Sara says she might join the kyudo club which is Japanese archery. But when they asked Kanae, he only replied that he was still unsure of what club to join.

So, after classes finished, Kanae didn't go straight back home instead—he looked around the school and found that there actually is a photography club and they just put up their posters today that's why he didn't see any yesterday.

"I might just join the cooking club next door." Kanae thought while he stared at the door of the photography club room then his phone suddenly vibrated inside his pocket.

Kanae checked out who sent the message and it was Sanae.

"I bought a camera online for you after I came acorss a 30% off discount. It's still at the mall and I'll pick it up later on my way home." Sanae messaged with a screenshot of the receipt. The camera almost costed a 180,000 yen even with the 30% discount.

"What the... This is like 30% of our monthly fees... Which means, she just spent 17% of her salary this month just to get me in a club? This is guilt-tripping..." Kanae feels like he just lost all life in his body and his legs felt weak he could barely stand up.

"Brother, there's a guy outside the club room." The door of the photography club room suddenly opened, revealing two blonde haired twins and a senior.

"Hey, are you joining the photography club?" The blonde haired twin whose hair was tied into a long braid approached the frozen Kanae and grabbed his shoulder.

"Huh? What? Oh, join? I, um... I'm still thinking about it, but I'd like to know what do people do here. I haven't really heard a photography club before, so this is kind of new to me." Kanae explained and the three were willing to explain what the photography club is, so they let him in.

"Are there only three of you here?" Kanae asked while he sat down on one of the chairs.

"Pretty much. We're still looking for club members." The senior told Kanae as he sat across him.

"I'm Dainsleif. The club president of the photography club. And these two are Aether and Lumine, the two members of the photography club." Dainsleif introduced the three of them while Lumine brought some tea and snacks for the Kanae to eat, but Kanae only chose to drink the tea.

"Basically, what we do here is just have fun while also taking pictures of places and events." Dainsleif explained, but never did Kanae thought it would not be that short.

"So... we just take pictures and that's all?" Kanae asked for confirmation, not sure if he heard it right.

"Well, yes. It's the photography club, but we also take pictures for the modelling club and school events such as; cultural festivals or school trips. And once or twice every week, we also take pictures of other things inspired by prompts sbout photography." Lumine explained in much more detail than Dainsleif.

"Seems interesting. I'll think about it for today." Kanae said.

And before Kanae left, Dainsleif handed him a club application form to answer if ever Kanae decides to join the photography club.

"Yae Miko and her friends must be busy with their clubs. No, wait. The tea time club doesn't sound that busy to me for some reason." Kanae thought about Miko just drinking a cup of tea while talking with her fellow club members with no problems at all.

Kanae arrived home after school and started thinking about the photography club application form he was given earlier.

"Should I join or should I not? Maybe the tea time club is better since I won't have a busy schedule with it, but... I don't want the camera sister bought go to waste. Just as I had thought, this is guilt tripping and I have no way out of this." Kanae thought while he stared at the application form, thinking about finally writing his name on it to join the club.

The door of the apartment suddenly opened, startling Kanae. It turns out, it was just Sanae arriving home early.

"I'm home~" Sanae called and Kanae immediately ran to her at the front door-only to see her carrying a bag of what he hoped was a joke.

"Welcome home. But, you didn't really have to buy me one since there was a cooking club, anyways." Kanae said.

"It's not about the club, Kanae. It's about your hobby. You still enjoy taking pictures, right? No matter how many times you hide it, I can tell you like it a lot. I saw your introduction paper the other. You wrote that you liked remembering beautiful sceneries. So, why not keep them in somewhere you will surely remember?" Sanae explained which made Kanae's face blush red.

"I guess you're right... Thanks, then. But, this should be the last time you spend this much money on me. I'm happy with a simple highschool life already." Kanae said before he heads to the kitchen to start cooking dinner.

"Hehe, I knew you'd like it eventually." Sanae smirked and Kanae just tried his best to ignore it.

"Wait, why are you here an hour early than usual, though? I haven't cooked dinner yet." Kanae asked.

"Well, a client of mine had to cancel the meeting due to an emergency. His mother had slipped in the bathroom and hit her head, so he had to go to the hospital. I felt bad for him, so I let him meet me anytime after his mother was released. He's the only son, so he had to take care of her." Sanae explained while she started helping Kanae cook dinner for tonight.

"Oh, that's sad." Kanae commented on Sanae's explanation.

"Yeah." Sanae slowly nodded while they continued making dinner to eat later before going to sleep.

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